The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 965: The school grass's first love who took a check and went abroad (3)

  Chapter 965 The first love of the school grass who took the check and went abroad (3)

   Not to mention, she cut it with such a click, the efficiency is really not lower than the electric one.

  The main reason is that she has great strength and does not need to rest in the middle until the whole sheep is sheared.

  The Hunters couldn't help but stare wide-eyed: This rebellious thorn-headed sheep was successfully cut off its thick wool by the petite lady in front of it?

On the other hand, Xu Yin looked at her watch after she finished shearing, and she seemed not very satisfied with her speed: "It takes about an hour to shear a sheep, which is a bit inefficient. But it doesn't matter, I have experience once, I believe Next time I will cut faster, as long as I practice more, my hand speed will increase. Practice makes perfect."

  Hunter couple: "..."

  The old shearer was almost autistic: I cut a rebellious sheep in an hour that I couldn't catch normally. Is this also called inefficiency? So what is he?

Mrs. Hunter did not hide her admiration for Xu Yin at all, and said with a hearty smile: "Son, you are really strong! This job is very suitable for you! I am in charge, old George's assistant—the second in our ranch Shearer, it's you!"

Mrs.    agreed, and Mr. Hunter naturally had no objection.

   Besides, with such great strength, what does it matter if it is a man or a woman? If you can do the job of shearing sheep, you will be fine.

  In this way, Xu Yin stayed in Hunter's small ranch smoothly with her eternal supernatural power, and became the only shearer in the ranch.

Although these days, the employment of private ranchers is far less formal than that of later generations. They don’t need to sign serious contracts, and they don’t have the rules and welfare guarantees of later generations. However, there are salary slips for salary. Mrs. Hunter copied Xu Yin’s passport When reading the name on the screen, it was a bit awkward to pronounce, so Xu Yin said, "Call me Xiao En."

   Shaun the lamb.

   It also sounds close to her real name.

  Since then, she has an English name of Sean.

  The workers working on the ranch, except for the cook, are all men of the highest grade and three roughest. Mrs. Hunter specially arranged Xu Yin's dormitory near the main house.

  It was a small single room converted from a wine cellar. It was a bit small, and could only fit a one-meter small wooden bed, a chest of drawers, and a set of small tables and chairs for one person.

  But before the cellar was dug, there was a wine cellar here, and the sun protection and moisture resistance were well done, and it was quite comfortable to live in, especially near the main house. If you shout something, you can hear it from the main house.

  Xu Yin lived in Hunter's small ranch.

   This is also because the information in this era is underdeveloped. You can make a difference in information by studying abroad, otherwise you will be approached by the school every minute.

After staying in the ranch, she followed Old George to shear sheep during the day, and with her as a strong assistant, Old George no longer had to worry about being unable to finish his work. If any sheep were disobedient and refused to shear only for food, Xu Yin would come forward .

  In the beginning, Xu Yin was like a big devil in the eyes of this group of sheep.

   No sheep escaped her clutches!

   Didn’t see their big brother—the perverse prickly sheep who had bitten through the sheepfold several times, ran away from home with a little success, and escaped the fate of shearing once last year, was she caught and sheared?

   Until now, I still have nothing to love.

  Most of the sheep were so frightened that they stood there trembling when they saw Xu Yin.

  The big devil can do whatever they want.

  Eldest brother can't escape her claws, they are so weak, they still try to escape?

   Stretching the head out and retracting the head is also a cut, so why bother?

   "So good!"

  Xu Yin brought the best hay to the sheep that cooperated with her obediently, and rewarded them with a sip of the water she drank herself—clear spring water soaked in the spirit mist.

  She thinks these sheep are so obedient that they don’t need to be chased. When it’s their turn to be sheared, they line up obediently to go to the shearing room, and they can lie down however they want.

Xu Yin cuts their hair manually. After she mastered the trick, the scissors became faster and faster. Before cutting, they sharpened the blades, and they cut without stopping, which was as fast as old George's electric clippers. up.

  The key point is that she is very gentle with these obedient sheep. After shearing, she will massage them to help them adapt to the body temperature without hair, so as not to get sick, and it can also promote blood circulation and accelerate hair growth.

  As for the few rebellious and rebellious sheep in human adolescence who are disobedient, do not cooperate no matter how hard they drive, and resist and refuse to shear, they will not be treated so well—

   What they were fed was the worst grass in the haystack, and what they drank was of course ordinary water. If they didn’t cooperate with the shearing, they would be caught in the shearing room, suppressed by force by Xu Yin, and then cut by old George.

Old George is not as gentle and patient as she is when shearing. The electric clippers are hot and they still continue to cut. Anyway, Xu Yin, a strong man, holds the sheep, so the knife edge gets stuck, so he stops to add some oil to lubricate it, and then continues to cut. Leave after cutting. massage? What a beautiful thing to think about!

  The number of times was too many, and those rebellious sheep did not dare to stick their hooves and did not cooperate with the shearing.

  The main reason is that sticking out is useless, and there is no way to escape the fate of wool being sheared. Instead of being ironed and sheared, it is better to cooperate obediently.

  With the addition of delicious hay and delicious water, you can also enjoy a gentle massage, how comfortable it is! The Yangsheng winner is no different.

  Therefore, more and more sheep, when it was their turn to be sheared, obediently approached Xu Yin and lay flat to be sheared.

   But she only has one person and one pair of hands. No matter how efficient she is, she can't get a massage. She has to queue up, and the sheep that are sheared first will enjoy it first.

  In this way, there is no need for people to chase them, these sheep are scrambling to get to the shearing room before it is too late.

  Hunter and his wife were dumbfounded: When did his sheep become so obedient? Not to mention the shearing cooperation, but rushing to the shearing room? After entering, go to the ground, Ren Xu Yin and old George cut it casually. Don't stick your hooves or howl, be a good group.

   Sheep: How could Old George be cut casually? It was Old George who was shameless. Seeing them approaching the new shearers, while they were lying on the ground, he took the clippers and came over to start them. He couldn't run away.

  In any case, because of the cooperation of the sheep, Xu Yin and Old George were shearing faster and faster.

  Mr. Hunter rubbed his chin and suddenly thought: "Do you want to participate in the shearing competition?"

  Cook Town holds a sheep shearing competition every year. The participants are generally excellent shearers from various ranches. Whoever shears the most and clean sheep within a limited time will be the current sheep shearing champion.

  Old George waved his hand: "Forget it, I participated in it when I was young, but I didn't win any prizes at that time. Now I'm old, and my energy is not as good as that of young people. I don't have a chance to participate, so I won't bother."

  Xu Yin asked curiously: "Is there any reward for the champion?"

  She lived on the ranch for a while, and gradually fell in love with this place.

  Looking up is the blue sky and white clouds, looking down is the vast grassland, and there are towering mountains in the distance. They all want to buy a piece of land here and make a home.

   But she is poor.

  Although there is a sum of money in hand, foreigners want to buy land and property in the country, and the tax is much higher than that of the locals. Therefore, she is eager to earn some extra money to enrich her financial pool.

  Mr. Hunter laughed when he heard the words: "It seems that Sean is still a little money fanatic!"

  Xu Yin: Smile, laugh, who is not a little money fan?

  (end of this chapter)

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