The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 970: The school grass's first love who took a check and went abroad (8)

  Chapter 970 The school grass's first love who took a check and went abroad (8)

   Along the way, Xu Yin listened to the two little friends chattering about the characteristics of the south.

  Actually, neither of them has been there, it’s just hearsay.

  At noon, the car they were riding in drove into the road gas station in Kelin Town. The driver got off the car to eat, and gave the passengers half an hour of free time. After half an hour, the car departed on time.

  The three of Xu Yin went to the bathroom, and when they came back, they found a shade tree beside the car and sat down to share their food.

   "Sean, your goat milk steamed buns are delicious! They are fluffy and soft, without any smell of mutton, but instead have a strong milky fragrance."

  Ira has a soft spot for the goat milk steamed buns brought by Xu Yin.

  Wilai heard the words, took a bite of one, and thought it tasted good: "The wheat steamed buns sold in the town are not as good as yours."

  Xu Yin smiled and said, "Eat more if it tastes good."

   "Try what my mother made." Willai shared a salmon roe cheese roll with her.

  Xu Yin took a sip, and her eyes lit up: I want to learn how to make this cheese roll from the mayor's wife, it's really delicious!

"Xiao En, this is my grandpa's roasted lamb jerky in honey sauce." Yila shared some jerky lamb with Xu Yin, "I think it's delicious, but my grandpa said that your roasted lamb is even more delicious. Imagine how delicious that would be!"

  Xu Yin said with a smile: "When I come back, I'll ask Mr. William to buy a sheep. Please try my craft."

   "Since you are in charge of roasting, I will buy the sheep, even though my grandfather may not accept my money." Ira stuck out her tongue playfully.

   "I'll provide the ingredients." Willai said, "The lettuce replanted by my family can be eaten immediately, and the roast lamb wrapped in it is very satisfying."

  The three of them ate lunch under the shade of the tree, and shared the drinks they brought with each other. Seeing the driver coming out of the rest area, they quickly packed their schoolbags and got on the bus.

   After getting on the bus, they found that the seats of the three of them were occupied.

   The seats were occupied by three strong men, one of whom had a beard and looked very unfriendly.

  Ira held Xu Yin's arm tightly in fear, and muttered in a low voice: "What should I do? They don't seem to be good at it. Or, let's squeeze on the fuel tank cap next to the driver?"

  Wilei looked at his arms and legs, and found that his thighs were not as thick as the opponent's muscular arms: "..."


  At this time, the driver came up and glanced at the rear, as he was used to this phenomenon.

Passengers who get on the way get on the bus first and pay for their tickets, and they are all standing tickets, but there are also some people who rely on their own strength to grab other people's seats. As long as there is no fight, the driver chooses to turn a blind eye and close his eyes. It's not in his interest.

  Wai Lai hurriedly asked the driver for help: "Sir, they took our seat!"

  The bearded couple laughed mockingly:

   "How old are you? Still suing?"

   "Boy! Weigh yourself before you speak."

   "Look at your hemp body that is about to fall when the wind blows. Believe it or not, if I stand here and let you hit me, you can break yourself."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

  The three of them laughed arrogantly.

  Willey flushed with anger.

  The driver sat in the driver's seat without saying a word, started the car, and was about to close the door.

"Hold on."

  Xu Yin's cold voice sounded in the carriage.

  She helped the straw hat that covered half of her face, reached out to grab the collar of the bearded man, lifted him from the seat, and threw him out of the car door like throwing garbage.

  In society, I, Sister Yin, don't talk too much.

   If you can do it, you will never talk nonsense.

  Getting off the car, a bearded beard stunned by a big horse.

   It was as quiet as a chicken in the carriage.

  Xu Yin looked at the other two seat occupants and raised her chin: "Go down by yourself or should I help you?"


  Their bosses were all thrown out of the car by one move, so what chance do they have of winning?

   Both of them didn't dare to lift their heads, they got out of the car in despair, and helped the boss on the ground.

  The driver didn't dare to take any more passengers, closed the door and drove out of the gas station.

  The other passengers didn't dare to show their atmosphere, they quietly looked at Xu Yin from the corner of their eyes, thinking in their hearts:

  How can such a thin woman have so much strength? How did her slender arms lift a 200-pound burly man with one hand and throw him off the car? It's incredible!

   "Sean, is this Chinese Kung Fu? It's amazing!"

  Ira clasped her hands and put them on her chest as if praying, blinking her eyes, her face flushed with excitement.

  Other passengers suddenly realized: Oh! It turned out to be Huaxia Kungfu, no wonder it is so powerful!

  Wile put his right hand on his chest: "Sean, I swear in the name of God, from now on you will be the idol I admire most!"

  Xu Yin raised her forehead: "..."

  You don’t have to.

  During the next drive, the topic of the three of them no longer revolved around the southern style, and Wei Lai and Yila were obviously more interested in Huaxia Kungfu.

  Especially Wei Lai, who pestered Xu Yin and asked all the way:

  Can he still learn at his age? Can she be as strong as she is, able to lift and throw a strong man weighing more than 200 kilograms with one hand?

  Xu Yin supported her forehead, her temples throbbed faintly.

   Fortunately, the next itinerary went smoothly, and we arrived in Queenstown as expected.

  Oliva and Lucas received a letter from Mr. Hunter, and left the gold digging site ahead of time, and came to the coach station in Queenstown to pick up Xu Yin and the others.

After receiving it, Oliva scratched his head and said: "There have been a lot of tourists coming to Kawarau Canyon recently, and the hotels in the town are full. We rented two tents and plan to live directly in the canyon. Signing up for bungee jumping tomorrow is also a good idea." Convenient. The tent is big enough, but will you two girls be afraid of sleeping in the wild?"

Wei Lai laughed: "Oliva, you don't know how powerful Sean is! She knows Chinese Kungfu! When she was in the car, she threw the burly man who snatched our seat out of the car with one hand. Who would dare mess with her?"

  Oliva and Lucas looked at each other: Oh, I forgot that Sean is a strong man who can lift two hundred catties of sheep with one hand.

   Then there is no problem.

  Since they decided to go camping in the canyon, the five of them rented two motorcycles and rode directly to the canyon, and camped in the small square at the entrance of the canyon.

  Oliva and Lucas knew that Xu Yin could ride a motorcycle. After all, when she came to Hunter Ranch to apply for a job, she came here on a motorcycle.

   But Wei Lai didn't know it. He saw Xu Yin's driving skills on the road. Now, he not only wanted to learn Huaxia Kung Fu, but also wanted to learn drifting.

  Xu Yin couldn't hold him back, and promised to teach him how to ride a motorcycle after returning home, which made his pouting stop.

   What I ate that night was dry food again.

  Xu Yin chewed the goat's milk cake and sighed in her heart: No matter how delicious the goat's milk cake is, eating three meals in a row will make you tired. It's a pity that there are so many people together, and there is still a tent with Yila, even if he wants to make a small stove for himself, he has no chance. I can only wait for tomorrow to finish jumping and go to Queenstown to find food.

  Wei Lai and her thought about it together: "I heard that the Angus beef in Queenstown is delicious, let's try it tomorrow!"

   Everyone agrees.

  (end of this chapter)

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