The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 989: The first love of the school grass who took the check and went abroad (27)

  Chapter 989 The first love of the school grass who took the check and went abroad (27)

   After traveling to this small world for a year and a half, the system released the task belatedly, and Xu Yin was also drunk.

  The dog system should not fall asleep, right? Just woke up now?

   But the rewards given are really tempting, like random skills, so far, which one is not against the sky?

   Among other things, how many troubles and difficulties has the skill [Permanent Divine Power] helped her solve?

   Of course she also wants to go to Small World on vacation.

  The spiritual mist collected last time has been worn out in several small worlds recently, and it has been used up and down.

  Of course, it would be better to send her directly to a spring or pool full of aura, after all, water is easier to collect than mist.

  So, the carrot hanging in front of her nose is so sweet and juicy, what reason does she have to refuse?

   Isn’t it just buying land and expanding the farm?


   Next time I have a chance, I will buy a ranch, and make it 200 hectares!

   "Great! I knew Sean that you would definitely buy it, and now you have the ability."


  Well, Ms. Ability may have it, but money is really lacking.

  What should I do if I lack money?

  Xu Yin had no choice but to take the time to go to Christchurch, disguised herself, and sold a box of gold bars.

  The black market price is really bad!

  If it is formally exchanged through bank channels, the same amount can be exchanged for twice as much New Zealand dollars.

  Just going to the bank has to provide proof of identity. She is a foreign student, where can she get so many gold bars? What if it is tracked down?

   Fortunately, in addition to food and herbs, the most important thing she lacks is gold. If you lose a little, you will lose a little. Safety is the most important thing.

  The mayor heard that she bought the farm of the McLee family, so he came to her to ask for confirmation.

   It's not that she's surprised that she still has so much working capital in her hand, and those who can be tricked by an intermediary to study abroad must have a good family background; what surprised him is—

   "Sean, now that the farm is in such a downturn, you still buy it? Are you not afraid of falling into your hands?"

  Xu Yin was afraid, but the system hung a carrot in front of her nose to seduce her.

  Anyway, the system only asks to expand the scale of farms and pastures. It doesn’t say that rewards must be made in order to be rewarded. The land in hand is 50 hectares. At worst, the pressure will not be too great for planting medicinal materials in the future.

But she couldn't say that in front of the mayor, so she came up with an excuse: "Uncle McLeary wants to change careers, and he can't find anyone to take over his farm for a while. I think I still have some money in my hand. If you don’t plan to go back to China, just help him, maybe after a while, the farm’s profitability will improve again.”

  The mayor heard her say that and praised her for her kindness.

  Xu Yin hurriedly explained: "Uncle Macleay gave me a discount, so I reluctantly bought it. When the profit was good before, I didn't have enough money to buy it."

   "That's because you have a kind heart. If you change someone else, you don't have a lot of money, so why would you want to help others?"

  Xu Yin sent him out sweating.

  Continue to boast, she is ashamed.

  Macley moved his family to Hawke's Bay after the farm was transferred.

  After Xu Yin took over, he inspected the workers on his farm, and combined with McLeary's evaluation, he dismissed two procrastinators, and the rest continued to hire them as part-time workers at their previous salary.

  During this time, she ran back and forth between the two farms, and she didn't go to the mountains for a long time.

   Until the food company took away 1,500 tons of grain in batches, the remaining 300 tons were bought by Xu Yin, and used the warehouses of her two farms as a cover to enter the system warehouse.

  The key to the farm warehouse is temporarily kept by her, and a batch of seeds will be put in it in the spring of the next year, and then let the workers take it for sowing.

   After finishing this work, she has time to go up the mountain.

  The transplanted fruit tree seedlings all survived.

  A plot of land was opened next to the holiday hut, and the hut was surrounded by a wooden fence. After Bei Dao returned from selling grain, she went to the mountain once and planted a few strawberries. The strawberries are almost ripe now.

  She picked a big strawberry that was a bit green except for the stalk, and it was almost red, and tasted it. The soft and juicy sweet strawberry burst in her mouth, and she wanted to praise herself—the taste was beyond words!

  The few cold-water fish with seeds released in the lake did not know when they laid eggs, and the eggs developed into fry, and the fry grew into small fish.

  Follow their mother and swim leisurely in the lake.

   In half a year, we will be able to harvest a batch of fresh and tender cold-water fish.

  She intends to use Lake Ghana as a stocking fish pond to replenish the system warehouse with fresh fish.

At present, there are three kinds of aquatic products in the lake: whitebait, green shrimp, and cold water fish. During the off season, I will drive a truck to the surrounding towns to see what other local freshwater aquatic products are available. I will collect some of them and stock them in Ghana. lake.

  She does not intend to engage in breeding and selling aquatic products, she is purely replenishing herself. Therefore, the quantity does not need to be large, but the richer the variety, the better.

  She is thinking about it now, the dog system is determined to take her through the world of novels she complained about, and protesting is useless, why not try to lie flat and enjoy it?

   While completing the mission, stock up on more delicacies from the small world, and treat yourself as a reward for your non-stop mission journey.

   Accompanied by delicious food, the journey is not in a hurry.

  The days are so busy and full, tired and happy, slowly moving forward, neither snapping shots nor stopping.

  After the busy season, the mutton restaurant in the town is also on the right track.

  As the types of food sold in the store became more and more abundant, the name of the mutton restaurant could not be covered. The mayor re-customized a signboard, and now it is called "Huawei Pavilion", which means "Chinese characteristic snack food restaurant".

There are two facades upstairs and downstairs. The upstairs is a dine-in restaurant for tourists to enjoy roasted whole lamb. There are two downstairs, one kitchen is used for roasting whole lamb and fried noodles, and the other is equipped with shelves for serving Customers buy a variety of packaged pasta snacks, such as bread, biscuits, twists, sesame seed cakes, mahjong cakes, etc.

  The best-selling noodle dish is twisted noodles, whether it is the original flavor or the salty flavor of sesame honey or seaweed, it sells very well.

   It may be that the twist is still delicious when it is cold, and it is not even worse than when it is hot. It is fragrant and crispy after a bite. Not only tourists like to eat, but also residents of the town often visit.

  The next most popular is the Mahjong cake, a small cake with honey and no preservatives, one bite at a time, soft and sweet, and is also very popular among tourists.

Others, such as baked buns, mutton pot helmets, leek boxes, and oil pies, are not suitable for eating cold, so the number of pots sold in a day is constant. Tourists generally buy them now and eat them first. Unlike Mahua, they feel delicious after tasting. Pack several copies to take away, so sales will go up.

   The wheat flour in Cook Town really consumes a lot in a month.

  The mayor looked at the thriving "Huawei Restaurant", and felt a lot more relieved.

   Sean's idea is really good.

  Speaking of Sean, he looked around wonderingly, and finally came to Hunter's ranch: "Hunter, where did Sean go? I haven't seen her for several days."

   "She said to go to Hawke's Bay to see McLeary, and send him the rest of the food payment by the way."

   "She went there on a motorcycle?"

   "No, I drove a van. The weather is getting colder and the road is so long. How can a motorcycle bear it?"

The mayor nodded, thinking that Hawke’s Bay is not too far away, at least it’s much closer than North Island, and he should be back in three to five days. I didn’t expect Xu Yin to come back until the Angus beef cattle were ready for slaughter. , By the way, bring back a basket of fresh seafood.

  (end of this chapter)

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