The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 999: The school grass's first love who took a check and went abroad (37)

  Chapter 999 The first love of the school grass who took a check and went abroad (37)

  Xu Yin observed for two days. These five people have good workplace abilities, some are good at negotiating, and some are meticulous in work. Seeing that they have an orderly division of labor, Xu Yin let them play freely.

  She is going to fly to New Zealand next time. Since the investment project has been carried out vigorously, it is necessary to reach a cooperation with Valf as soon as possible, otherwise there will be a shortage of funds.

   You can no longer sell gold bars.

Xu Qishan has been dreaming for the past few days. His daughter came back to see him, donated a large sum of money to the town, and invested in building a factory in Hongmuchang Town. People were hired, bids were invited, and construction began in full swing.

  Now listening to her say that she is going to take him and her adopted son to New Zealand to play, her already dreamy head is even more dizzy.

"Are you going to New Zealand for business? What are Linlin and I doing with you? Waste of air ticket money. I heard that you need to apply for passports and visas when you go abroad. These are all expensive. Now that you have invested in a factory, you need money everywhere. It can't be so messy."

  Xu Lin nodded vigorously: "Yes! Money should be spent wisely!"

Xu Yin pinched his nose amusedly, and persuaded her father: "Don't you want to go to New Zealand to see my business? While the factory is still under construction and there is nothing else to do for now, you take Linlin to accompany me to live in New Zealand for a while." Isn't it good for a while? When the factory area here is built, I have to ask Dad to take care of it for me, and you won't have time to go out by then."

  Xu Yin said while changing into the newly bought clothes and shoes for her younger brother, and also put a small hat on him to prevent the sun from burning her bald head.

  I also wore an imported electronic watch for my younger brother. At first glance, it looks the same as the cartoon watches sold on the market. In fact, it has an additional positioning function to prevent getting lost.

"Our Linlin really looks like a little gentleman." After dressing his younger brother properly, Xu Yin patted his little head and said, "Dad, if you really don't want to go, I want to take Linlin abroad to broaden his horizons and learn a lot. It will help him later in life."

  Xu Qishan was really entangled, he was unwilling, he was afraid that his daughter would spend money blindly.

   "This little money is nothing. If you don't go, Dad, I won't have the energy to collect the rent on the farm, and I will lose a lot of money."

   "What? If you don't go, you will lose money?" Xu Qishan was completely free of entanglements, "Go! Go! I'll pack my bags and go!"

  Xu Yin watched him limping to the next door, and blinked at Baba, who was looking at her younger brother.

   Taking Dad Xu abroad also has another purpose—take him to heal his legs.

  If his leg injury lasted for a while, she could use acupuncture to help him straighten his bones, but in the past so many years, he has been walking around with a limp, and his bones and joints have long been deformed. If he wants to be treated, he will have to be hospitalized.

  She remembers that there is a public hospital in Christchurch that specializes in orthopedics. After returning home, she will consult her. If Dad Xu’s condition can be treated, let him treat it there. Xu Lin is very well-behaved. She usually takes care of it by herself. If she travels far away, she asks Mrs. Hunter to look after it for a few days.

  Before going to New Zealand, Xu Yin had to go back to Taiwan to return the Gu family's household registration book.

  So, when I took Dad Xu and my younger brother to apply for passports and visas, I also gave them a pass to and from Taiwan. The family of three went to Taiwan together, played with them for a few days, and then flew directly from Taiwan to Christchurch.

   Arranged properly, ready to go.

   Xu Qijiang and Xu Qihe came here.

   "Yinyin, I heard that you are leaving? Why don't you stay a few more days? Your second uncle and I haven't had a good chat with you yet."

   "Yes, Yinyin, I haven't seen you for so many years, why are you unfamiliar with my aunt?"

"Yinyin, your cousins ​​and sisters miss you. When you come back, you have been busy in and out, so I am too embarrassed to disturb you. I want to get together when you are free. Why? Are you leaving in a few days?"

  Xu Yin raised her eyebrows upon hearing this.

   The early two came to the door without profit.

   When she didn't know, the three families stopped communicating once the old lady passed away.

   To be correct, it is not related to the third room, and the first room and the second room are still walking with each other.

Probably because Xu Qishan, a poor man with a cripple, would come to the door to greet the autumn wind. On the way, he encountered nephews and nieces who didn’t even say hello, not only the peers, but also the juniors. After he was lame, looking at him was like looking at the air, and his relationship was worse than that of ordinary villagers who were not blood relatives.

  So, Xu Yin didn't visit them after she came back.

She originally just came to settle down, but seeing that the cheap father still misses the original girl very much, the legs are also to save enough money to visit the **** Taiwan Island, not to mention working hard at the construction site from morning to night, and the three meals are very economical, resulting in starvation Got dizzy and fell.

  So I temporarily changed my mind and planned to support a cheap father.

   But these two were not included in her support plan.

   "Shuanzi, hurry to your cousin's place!"

  Aunt Xu pushed her youngest son, and glanced at Xu Lin beside Xu Yin out of the corner of her eye.

  You little bastard! He even wore new clothes.

   Looking again, it’s not just new clothes, the shoes and socks on the feet are also new, the hat on the head doesn’t look cheap from a street stall, and there is even a cartoon watch on the wrist. I haven't seen him for a few days, the little **** is much fairer, her face is powdery and fleshy, and she is going crazy with jealousy.

  He said in his heart that the youngest daughter, the third child, was also an incomprehensible girl. She was so kind to an outsider, but she didn't show any kindness to her cousins.

  At this moment, she regrets that she prevented Shuan Zi from being adopted by the third child back then. If she had agreed to it at the beginning, wouldn't the things that the little **** possessed belong to her son.

   Aunt Xu also pushed her little daughter: "Cui Cui, didn't you keep talking about chatting with your sister Yinyin on the way here? Go!"

  Xu Yin didn't give them a chance to "reminisce about the old days". She raised her wrist to look at the time, and said with a smile, "What a coincidence, we're in a hurry. Let's talk again when we have a chance. Dad, Linlin, let's go!"

  Xu Qishan felt relieved, and replied with a smile: "Yes, yes, yes! If you don't leave, if you miss the bus, you won't be able to catch the ferry."

   "Ferry?" Uncle Xu asked quickly, "Third brother, where are you going?"

   "Hey, Yinyin is filial, insisting on taking us to Taiwan Island for a few days. Oh, let's not talk about it. If we drag it on, we won't be able to catch the ferry. Let's talk later!"

  Xu Qishan picked up the suitcase and waved to the two brothers, feeling indescribably relaxed.

   This may be because of his lameness... No, it should be the happiest day since his ex-wife ran away.

   "Third son, why don't you take the embolus with you? This kid has no other skills, and his mouth is very sweet. With him, he will not be afraid of loneliness on the road." Aunt Xu reluctantly dragged her youngest son to catch up.

"No, Shuanzi doesn't have a pass to and from Taiwan." Xu Qishan waved his hand, "Besides, after we play in Taiwan Island for a few days, we will fly directly to New Zealand there, what will you ask Shuanzi to do then? "


By plane?

  Go to New Zealand?

  The third (third uncle) what kind of **** luck is this? Going to Taiwan and Island is not enough, do you want to go abroad?

  Who would have expected that the youngest daughter would be so promising.

  (end of this chapter)

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