The Car Sticker Shop Was Sued, And I Built Cars Backhanded

138. Huge Market! The Horror Of Zulong Shocked Everyone!

"Cybionic human manufacturing technology?"

Su Xuan's eyes flashed with surprise again.

He also didn't expect that a biochemical human manufacturing technology would be developed this time.


This is a robot that looks indistinguishable from a real person.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is a robot, covered with a layer of biochemical skin, it is the first generation of biochemical human.

"Now there is the Nuwa artificial intelligence system, and the combination of the two can just create a first-generation biochemical human!"

Su Xuan immediately became very interested in biochemical robots.

However, this thing cannot be produced on a large scale at present...

If it is created, I am afraid that many people will really lose their jobs.

Even if Shanhai is now a company under the State Council, the people above will probably come to talk to him.

This is a major event that affects people's lives!

If everyone's jobs are taken away, then the mountains and seas must be washed away!

The biochemical robot can be produced first, but even if it is sold to the outside world, the price will be very high.

In this case, under the cost comparison, it must be more cost-effective to use labor.

However, biochemical robots actually have some other great uses!

For example, some relatively dangerous jobs, if people do it, their lives are in danger.

In this case, biochemical robots can be used to complete dangerous work.

There is also a cyborg who is so lifelike that it can almost be confused with the real one.

In the area of ​​adult products, there is also a market for biochemical robots...

There is a very obedient and beautiful or handsome biochemical robot, which is bound to be liked by many people.

After all, biochemical robots can be designed in terms of appearance.

All of them have the faces of handsome men and beautiful women, plus a perfect figure.

For many people, a biochemical robot is an excellent companion!!

"Not bad! Really good!!!"

Su Xuan is very satisfied with the reward of this silver treasure chest, it seems that this metaphysics is still effective.

"What's wrong?!"

Han Qingqian raised his head and looked at Su Xuan suspiciously, obviously feeling his excitement at this moment.

It was the same last time, and it suddenly made her mouth swell and tense.

"It's okay! You're doing great! Keep going! Keep going!"

Su Xuan smiled and patted her head, then picked her up again.

"Now it's time to open the golden treasure chest!"

Su Xuan accelerated a few times immediately, and then opened the golden treasure chest!

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for obtaining an electromagnetic jet propulsion vehicle!!!"

A burst of dazzling golden light flickered, and a small spaceship-like pattern appeared in the golden light.

"Electromagnetic jet?"

Su Xuan was a little puzzled when he saw this aircraft. Could it be a similar electromagnetic propulsion device?

But this is a golden treasure chest, and the things that are opened must be good things.

This aircraft, which looks a bit like a spaceship and is very cool, must not be simple!

Since it is called an aircraft, then this thing must be something that can fly.

Su Xuan immediately accepted the relevant technical materials of the electromagnetic jet aircraft.

"Damn it! It turned out to be such an aircraft!!~~!"

After Su Xuan received all the technical information, he knew everything about this aircraft at once.

This is a small plane, sort of like a small flight pod.

The total length is only 1.5 meters, and the width is 80 centimeters. It is very compact, about the size of an electric car!

This aircraft can accommodate up to two people, and the operation is very simple, basically no different from driving a small eDonkey!

Because when it stops, it can also stop in the air smoothly, and it does not require operating skills like an airplane.

There are only forward and reverse gears, and the operation is simple and convenient.

And it still uses pure electricity, and the battery life can reach hundreds of kilometers!

If you use femto light energy conductor material, the battery life can be infinitely improved.

In this case, it is a very convenient means of transportation.

"The aircraft is indeed a very good thing, but if it is classified as a golden treasure chest, it is still a bit meaningless."

Su Xuan muttered, dissatisfied and satisfied with this golden treasure chest.

This electromagnetic jet aircraft is probably a reward from a trade in the golden treasure chest.

Although I am not satisfied with the preciousness of this golden treasure chest, I still like this aircraft very much.

But he believes that if this aircraft comes out, it will inevitably cause a huge sensation.

An aircraft that can be used by everyone without any operating skills is bound to be popular all over the world.

"Looks like it's time to set up a new company!"

With the manufacturing technology of this aircraft, Su Xuan naturally won't let it rot in his hands.

Who said that if Shanhai is a car company, it has to make cars?

We can also build electric small planes!!!

No one knows that a new company is about to appear, and the aircraft it launches will take the whole world by storm!

In a blink of an eye, the new car launch conference of Zulong is approaching.

Shanhai Company suddenly announced that it will hold a press conference for the new car Zulong in seven days.

In the past few days, the auto industry has also become lively because of the news of Zulong.

Everyone is discussing Shanhai's new car.

Since the appearance of the hardcore evaluation video of Zulong last time, everyone has guessed.

Now Shanhai himself admits that the new car is named Zulong.

Doesn't that mean that the vehicle in the last evaluation video is not Zulong's?


It has to be mountains and seas!!!

Only Shanhai Company can build such an awesome car.

"Too strong! Zulong should be the safest car in the world!"

"Awesome! Bulletproof and explosion-proof! The tires are also so strong that no one can destroy them except bombing them with missiles!"

"Awesome! This is a pure electric car, and it can be built so safely!"

"Pure electric is good! The battery is so well protected, and there is no fuel tank, so don't worry about the fuel tank being blown up!"

"With a car like this, it's okay to rush directly into the hail of bullets, and you don't have to be afraid at all!"

"Please, are you going to the battlefield? Who the hell would drive a car to fight!"

"For those wealthy people, even if these functions are not used, they can still bring a sense of security!"

"How much is the price of your ancestor dragon? I don't think it will be cheap, at least it will start at a few million!"

"I heard that Zhang Ming, the boss of Douyin, is already on the Internet!"

"Not only the boss of Douyin, but also many bigwigs who attended the Entrepreneur Summit last time also ordered cars!"


Shanhai's new car Zulong instantly appeared on the hot search and became the most popular car.

And those car reviewers are even more crazy. Before the car is on the market, it starts to catch Zulong's popularity.

With pictures and videos, they can make several videos.

Every car reviewer is guessing about Zulong's performance parameters and various functions.

Even such a speculative video can still attract many fans to watch.

Those rich people are not so excited, but ordinary people who can't afford it are very concerned about luxury cars.

This time Zulong's new car launch conference was held at Shanhai Company. On the day before the launch event, all the car critics and media influencers came to Annan City.

On the second day, thousands of people came to Shanhai Company to participate in the new car launch event.

Parked on the stage are two very domineering and stable Zulong new cars, attracting the attention of everyone in the audience.

"..."Hiss~ The new car is really beautiful! It's so majestic!"

"Indeed! Watching the car up close is really shocking, the aura is too strong!"

"Made! It is indeed a car designed for the bosses, we can only look at it!"

"At first I thought Rolls-Royce and Maybach were very tall, but now I see Zulong and feel that Rolls-Royce and Maybach are just like that!"

"The price of this car has to start at 1,000 yuan! After all, it is much more powerful than the Rolls-Royce Phantom!"


Looking at the two Zulongs placed on the stage, the audience's discussion never stopped.

The number of viewers in the live broadcast rooms of major online celebrity car critics has also reached several million.

Until the press conference started, after Su Xuan appeared, the number of viewers exceeded tens of millions.

"Su Xuan actually came out again!"

Everyone didn't expect that Su Xuan, who hadn't shown up at the new car conference for a long time, also came.

It seems that Shanhai's new car Zulong must not be simple this time!

Otherwise, Su Xuan wouldn't be hosting the new car conference in person!

"Hi everyone! I'm Su Xuan!"

Su Xuan greeted everyone, "It's been a long time since I saw you, today I want to talk to you about our Shanhai new car Zulong!"

"Although Zulong is a pure electric car, it is also the first ultra-luxury pure electric top-end car!"

Su Xuan (Li Qian's) had a confident smile on his face, "At the same time, Zulong is the safest and most comfortable car in the world!"


Everyone in the audience suddenly burst into an uproar.

Su Xuan's words are too confident!

But when you think about the videos you have seen before, it is not so strange.

Its comfort is not yet known, but even the hundreds of thousands of Ji Meng and Bai Ze are so comfortable.

As the top super luxury car of Shanhai, Zulong must surpass Jimeng and Baize!

In terms of security, the video was cut from the beginning to the end, and everyone still doesn't know what the result is.

"You may not believe what I said, but after watching this video, what do you think again?"

Su Xuan smiled lightly and did not explain anything.

However, a video was also played on the big screen behind him at this time.

"Da da da………………

Two soldiers from Hualong State were shooting wildly with their Ak47s, and Zulong's entire vehicle was shot over and over again. (Don’t complain about me, I also know that we don’t use ak. But ak is famous! All the books are ak, and many people don’t know much about rifles and submachine guns. Ak is the most famous. I Just follow the ak! When I wrote it, ak automatically popped up in my mind~~~)

However, the following test results shocked everyone!.

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