The Car Sticker Shop Was Sued, And I Built Cars Backhanded

17. Let The Bullets Fly For A While! (Ask For Flowers And Data!)

The Jincheng Auto Show Shanhai exhibition area is very crowded with people.

After all, Bai Ze already had a lot of popularity on the Internet before.

It's just that at that time, everyone thought that this new car belonged to Mercedes-Benz.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Shanhai's new car.

This reversal caught everyone by surprise, and their faces were hot.

And Shanhai Company actually built a car in less than a month, which really surprised everyone.

"Good-looking is good-looking, and I don't know how much this car costs?"

"Why, don't you still want to buy this new car?"

"If the price is cheap, you can also consider it!"

"I'll go! You dare to buy this kind of car, are you dying? What if it spontaneously ignites?"

"Yes! Yes! The car built in such a short period of time must have a huge safety hazard!"


Everyone at the scene was discussing, but everyone was not very optimistic about Bai Ze.

Because of prejudice, their first idea is that the quality of Shanhai's cars is absolutely not good.

Under the belittling of these people, even the viewers in the live broadcast room were driven to think.

Some people who originally liked Bai Ze's appearance also hesitated immediately.

"I admit that a good-looking car is good-looking, but unfortunately the quality cannot be guaranteed!"

At this moment, a big fat man wearing glasses said loudly in the crowd: "When we consumers buy a car, the most important thing is the quality!"

His words immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Brother Nan! It's Brother Nan!"

The moment they saw this person, everyone immediately recognized the fat man.

This big fat man wearing glasses is the well-known car critic Nan Ge!

Brother Nan just came to the Jincheng Auto Show today...

And yesterday, he was still at the Rongcheng Auto Show.

Because after the first day, there was no enthusiasm, and there were car critics who were bigger than him.

That's why Brother Nan came to Jincheng Auto Show to try his luck.

I didn't expect to let him touch it!

Shanhai Company even announced a new car at the Jincheng Auto Show!

Everyone thought that Shanhai Company came to the exhibition with a van or a pickup truck.

Unexpectedly, they really built a new energy SUV.

Moreover, it is still the SUV that is very popular on the Internet!

This made Brother Nan very excited, and he can come over to catch the heat!

Among the car critics present, he was the biggest brand.

But when Brother Nan was about to come to the Shanhai Auto Show, he received a call from Lixiang Company.

Then, Brother Nan received a generous reward.

Lixiang's request is very simple, just catch Bai Ze and use all his strength to blackmail him.

Brother Nan naturally has no objection to such a request.

Anyway, the professionalism of a car reviewer is recharging...

As long as you give me money, I'll tout your car, or help you hack other people's cars.

Brother Nan has done this kind of thing a lot, including other car reviewers.

It's just that some people look better when they eat, and some people don't look good when they eat.

And Brother Nan is one of the ugliest car critics.

"What's the use of a beautifully designed car? A flashy car has only one body."

Brother Nan shook his head and said, "Everyone knows that a car pays more attention to performance, quality and safety. This is the essence of a car!"

"It's useless to add more bells and whistles. Consumers have sharp eyes, and no one will buy a car that is not safe and of poor quality."

What Brother Nan said was ugly, but everyone nodded in agreement.

"From design to production, a car has gone through countless processes, and it took a lot of time and effort to build it."

"People have to test for a long time before they are finally put into production."

Brother Nan smiled and said to everyone: "In less than a month, what kind of car do you think will be built?"

Hearing Brother Nan's words, everyone present laughed.

Obviously, Brother Nan is saying that the cars built by Shanhai in less than a month are very unreliable.

However, everyone agrees with it.

"Needless to say, it must be an industrial waste!"

"Who dares to ride in this kind of spicy car! Don't even give it to me!"

"I work for a car company. It takes at least a month for our company to design a car, let alone other jobs!"

"It's a pity, it's such a good-looking appearance for nothing, but it's an industrial chicken!"


The media at the scene couldn't speak directly, but the fans in Brother Nan's studio turned on the bombardment mode.

"Who says the longer a car is built, the better it gets?"

Lin Chaojun said angrily: "Although we have a very short time to build cars, it is because we have the technology!"

Of course my family knows their situation!

Lin Chaojun is of course very clear about Bai Ze's strength, this is definitely a top new energy vehicle.

As a result, in Brother Nan's mouth, it became a flashy industrial garbage.

This made Lin Chaojun very angry!

Not to mention anything else, with Baize's battery life of 1,000 kilometers, it can kill all new energy vehicles in seconds.

However, the boss asked him not to disclose Bai Ze's battery life for the time being.

According to the boss's intention, let the bullet fly for a while to achieve the best effect!

With the start of the live broadcast, now Shanhai Baize is getting more and more attention.

Lin Chaojun knew that the car critics and media at the Rongcheng Auto Show were all rushing over here.

When they come over, all the data of Bai Ze will be released.

At that time, it will definitely shock everyone and completely open up Bai Ze's popularity!

"Do you have the technology?"

Brother Nan laughed out loud, "You, a car company established less than a month ago, actually claim to have technology? How funny!"

Hearing Brother Nan's words, everyone also laughed.

Asking for flowers, asking for data, asking for evaluations……………………………………

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