The Car Sticker Shop Was Sued, And I Built Cars Backhanded

56. Damn It! Order Car! I'm Ordering A Car Now! ! !

Originally, it was no match for Shan Hai, but now their starting price is 30,000 lower than yours.

How do you fight with others?

Everyone felt that Li Xiang was going to end this time.

As soon as Ji Meng's price was announced, it immediately aroused heated discussions among everyone.

There are even a lot of people who are gloating about their misfortune, looking out of joy and thinking about bad luck.

In the past, many people jokingly said that Li Xiang would not go bankrupt, and the joke that everyone in the country was responsible seemed to be coming true.

Now Lixiang's L9 is being attacked by Shanhai again, I'm afraid it will soon be unable to hold on.

"Damn it! It's 30,000 yuan cheaper than I thought! Mountains and seas are really awesome!"

"You should be thankful for Li Xiang. Without Li Xiang, Shanhai might not be at this price."

"Thank you Lixiang! If it weren't for it, Shanhai Company might not have appeared, and we wouldn't be able to buy such a good car!"

"Let's go all the way! Don't worry, we will remember you! The history of mountains and seas, there will be one of yours!"

"Li thinks it's going to be completely cold this time, even if Jesus comes, it won't be able to save it!"

"Although 400,000 yuan is quite cheap, it only has a battery life of 880 kilometers. I would rather add 30,000 yuan and have a battery life of 1080 kilometers!"

"I think 800 kilometers is enough, at least much better than my Stella!"

"Brothers, I think everyone should not rush to buy it. After all, the hot-pressed swivel tire has not been tested. Who knows if it is really so awesome!"

"That's right! This tire is immature, so don't rush to buy it. It's never too late to observe and then buy!"

"I almost believed in your ghosts! Advise us not to buy, and place an order secretly when the time comes, right?"

"I'm going! It's too treacherous! Fortunately, I thought what they said just now made sense, so I almost fell for it!"

"This year's netizens are too smart, don't fool around!"

For the price of Ji Meng, many people are not surprised, but also a little surprised.

At least in terms of the starting price, it was tens of thousands cheaper than what the "five six seven" had expected.

This press conference also made many people who originally wanted to buy other cars plan to consider Ji Meng.

After all, at this price, Jimeng's product strength is really invincible.

The short board of new energy vehicle battery life has been solved by Shanhai...

Not only that, but even the half-cut buff of battery life in the northern winter will not be affected.

May I ask such an SUV, how many cars can compete with Ji Meng?

Lixiang claims to be the most luxurious car within five million, that's bragging!

And Shanhai really has the strength to compete with top luxury cars!

"Shan Hai Company!!!"

After Shanhai Company announced the price of Ji Meng, Li Xiang's eyes turned red.

Although he already had a premonition in his heart, after seeing the price of Shanhai, the last trace of luck was extinguished.

Shanhai's new car once again benchmarked against Lixiang's L9, and a sales battle between the two parties will start again.

"Su Xuan!!! Damn you!!!"

Li Xiang roared and swept away all the items on the table.

There was another crackling sound throughout the office.

All employees have long been familiar with it.

Ever since Shanhai's Bai Ze went public, they could hear Li Xiang's roar and the sound of throwing things from time to time.

Everyone knows that Shanhai held a new car conference this morning.

Shanhai's new car Jimeng overlaps with Lixiang's L9 in terms of positioning.

Judging from the previous Bai Ze, it must be nothing more than trickery.

No, Li Xiang went crazy in the office again.

"Hey, I don't know how long I can work!"

This is an idea that all employees of Lixiang company have come up from time to time recently.

Now Li Xiang is being done so badly by Shan Hai, he is losing a lot of money every month!

If a listed company continues to lose money like this, it will not be long before the limit is dropped and delisted.

Even recently, Lixiang has started layoffs.

With so few sales, production will naturally decrease.

If you don't make money, where will you get the money to support so many employees?

Some employees have already begun to find new outlets for themselves.

Li Xiang now feels like the sun is fading away.

"Su Xuan, you are too much of a bully!!!"

Li Xiang was so angry that his lungs were about to explode, he wished he could eat Su Xuan's flesh and blood. "

Su Xuan struck the snake seven inches with one hand, completely pushing Li Xiang into the abyss.

It is conceivable that the sales of L9 will inevitably plummet again next.

Originally, after Bai Ze went public, not only L7 and L8 were cut in half, but even L, which is not of the same level, was affected.

And now that Jimeng is on the market, L9 must have no way out.

Unless he can lower the price of L9, and even more!

Otherwise, it will not be able to compete with Ji Meng, which is even better than it.

Just thinking about what's the use even if you choose to reduce the price!

Can Shanhai Company let Li Xiang go?

I'm afraid that as soon as the price is lowered here, Shanhai may adjust the price there.

In that case, the price reduction is completely meaningless.

Now Li Xiang was almost cornered.

Li thought that there was really no way out this time...

But he can only be incompetent and helpless, without a little bit of calendar.

Su Xuan did not use any shady means, all relying on formal business competition.

Who makes Lixiang's products less competitive than other people's mountains and seas?

If it is in the beautiful country, Li Xiang promises to send Su Xuan to meet God with one bullet!

It's so bullying!

This is driving him to a dead end, and he will not be given a chance every day!

It's a pity that this is Hualong Kingdom, so he is doomed not to use that extreme method.

But now that the wings of mountains and seas are full, other methods simply can't do it!

"I will contact Su Xuan later, I want to talk to him again."

Li Xiang was also very helpless, he could only hold back his anger and was ready to contact Su Xuan again and give in to him.

"Yes, sir!"

It didn't take long for Shanhai's new car conference to end.

At this time, there are five Jimengs of different colors in Shanhai's new car showroom.

"Hiss! Watching Ji Meng up close is really shocking!"

"Too tall! I thought Bai Ze was handsome enough, but I didn't expect Ji Su to be even more handsome!"

“At first, I still wanted to buy Trumpchi, but now I decided to buy Jimeng, at worst, save money for two years to buy it!’

"Hey, it's a pity I can only look at it, I can't afford it!"

"Damn! This space is really amazing! The whole family, three generations, are very comfortable sitting in it!"

"This car is really awesome! It would be great if I could drive it around!"

And around every car, it was completely surrounded.

Most of them are the media, and only a hundred people are netizens who were drawn by Shanhai.

“Everyone line up in order to visit!”

The Shanhai staff on the side maintained order at the scene.

"Hey! That gentleman!"

The staff pointed to an internet celebrity who wanted to jump in the queue and said, "Please line up in order, otherwise I will have to ask you out!"

"I have two million fans, so it's not too much to experience it first?"

The Internet celebrity who was warned by the staff said a little angrily.

"Hehe, is two million fans enough?"

The staff member said flatly, "Don't you know that Xiao Gan has more than 20 million fans, and even he can't get in this gate?"


The Internet celebrity stopped talking immediately.

Because what he said was true!

Xiao Gan, Brother Nan, Brother Zhu and other car critics, did any fans crush him?


They were going to participate in Shanhai's new car conference today, but they were blocked at the gate and couldn't get in!

He had no doubts, if he dared to continue to jump in line, he would definitely be invited out by the security guards.

Immediately, some online celebrity car critics with their own fans at the scene immediately became honest.

After visiting and experiencing the new car, those big Internet celebrity car reviewers applied to Shanhai Company to borrow a car for evaluation.

It is not that Shanhai Company does not test new cars for online celebrity car reviewers.

However, no matter who has how many fans, they have to follow Shan Hai's rules.

"Brothers, the large SUV in front of you is the new car Jimeng just released by Shanhai!"

Bald Tiger, a top car critic with tens of millions of fans, stood in front of an SUV and took a video.

"Many people say that Ji Meng is Bai Ze who changed his shell. You can say that, but you can't say that!"

The bald tiger said with a smile: "From the appearance and interior, the difference between Ji Meng and Bai Ze is really not that big."

"However, this time, Shanhai Company has made a new upgrade to Jimeng. I heard from Shanhai's staff that this time Jimeng's chassis has been adjusted, and the driving experience is still somewhat different from that of Baize."

"It's useless to say more, let's experience the driving experience of this new car first!"

The bald tiger sat in the driver's seat after speaking.

"Hey! Just sitting on this seat feels completely different!"

The bald tiger pondered for a while and said: "If Bai Ze is younger and more athletic, Ji Meng is more stable!

"This car is really suitable for men in their 40s and 50s to drive!"

Soon, Brother Hu was driving the car on the road.

"In one word, men should be more stable!"

Brother Hu said to the camera: "Not only is it stable in the senses, but I can also feel that it is too stable when I drive it!"

"With such a big car, you can't feel the feeling of driving a boat at all. But its handling is very cool, it's really awesome!"

After testing in the city for a while, the bald tiger went to the high-speed experience again.

"Although it is very stable, the power is also not small!"

The bald tiger exclaimed, "Such a big car weighs three tons, and its zero-hundred-hour acceleration is still not weaker than that of Bai Ze!"

“It's so cool!!!”

"In the super power mode, it only takes 4.5 seconds for the national hundred to accelerate!!!"

The more the bald tiger spoke, the more excited he became, and the switch under his feet unconsciously stepped on it deeper and deeper.

"Damn it! I drove all the way to a hundred and sixty yards, and I didn't even feel it!"

The bald tiger, who has always been relatively stable, now has a look of excitement on his face.

"If the test conditions permit, Brother Hu, I will definitely let everyone fly to 200 yards to see!"

The bald tiger is no joke.

If it is on a professional test section, he will definitely dare to drive at a speed of 200 yards!

"By the way, Ah Qiang, how much noise was the test just now?"

At this moment, the bald tiger asked his assistant, A Qiang...

"Brother Hu, the sound is 45 decibels!"

Assistant Aqiang took out the tester and said.

"I'll go, the speed of 150 is only 45 decibels, the quietness is really against the sky!"

The speed of a normal SUV is at least seventy to eighty decibels.

And the noise of Ji Meng is only 45 decibels, surpassing almost all cars.

"The sound insulation effect of this car

What you did was really great, surpassing Bai Ze!"

Brother Hu sighed and said: "This car is really amazing! The only drawback is that it's too cheap!"

"If it sells for more than one million, it is estimated that many bosses will buy one as a car!"

Brother Hu smiled again and said: "Such a good car, I decided to order a Jimeng from Shanhai Company!"

"By the way! I almost forgot! The most important test today is its kinetic energy conversion charging and hot-pressed slalom tires!"

Brother Hu patted his forehead and said: "Shanhai Company has also conducted a tire blowout test like us [today I will test ten times for everyone to see if this black technology tire is so amazing!"

After being filmed by Bald Tiger and other car critics, the first batch of Ji Meng's evaluation videos gradually appeared on the Internet.

"Brothers, I'm on a 20-kilometer downhill road at high speed, and I'll test Shanhai's reverse charging technology for you right now!"

In the video, a well-known car reviewer is testing Chimon's reverse charging function.

"Damn it! It can really charge!"

"As I showed you just now, it is 65% of the battery, but now the battery has been charged to 67%!!!"

"After running for more than 20 kilometers, not only did not consume a little electricity, but I got 2% more electricity!"

"Combined with the 25 kilometers that have been run, it is actually equivalent to 5% more battery life.

"With this black technology reverse charging technology, Ji Meng's battery life has indeed surpassed that of Baize!"

This car reviewer is showing everyone that the power on the central control is indeed more than before.

"Bosses, I am now risking my life to test the safety performance of its tires for everyone!"

A mushroom-headed car reviewer is driving the Chimon to test its tire safety performance.

On a closed road, there was an iron nail board on the ground ahead.

"Bosses, I'm going to run through that iron nail board at a speed of 100 yards, please pray for me, bosses!"

After speaking, the mushroom-headed car critic stepped on the switch and rushed over.

Under the acceleration of 0-100 in 4.5 seconds, the car quickly reached more than 100 yards and rushed towards the nail plate.


The car rushed over the iron nails and boards quickly, making a slight sound.

However, Ji Meng is still driving very smoothly, and there is no puncture.

The Mushroom head car reviewer parked the car, and then pointed to a few traces of iron nails on the tires and said: "Bosses [there is obviously a row of iron nails on the tires.

However, the car didn't have a flat tire, and I didn't feel anything wrong with the tires!

It seems that Mr. Su is right, this tire will never blow out!"

"Such an SUV with superior performance and powerful functions is only the price of x3, will you buy it?


Since Ji Meng's attention is very large 2.5, once these evaluation videos were released, they immediately attracted the attention of the emperor.

Especially after watching the evaluation video, many people were amazed.

"Fuck! Ji Meng is too awesome, isn't it? Reverse charging and force the car to continue!"

"I haven't paid attention to cars for a long time, and there is such a powerful car on the market!"

"For such a big car, it only takes 4.5 seconds to accelerate from 100 kilometers to 100 kilometers! It's almost catching up with some sports cars!"

"Is this a hot-pressed spinning tire? It really won't blow out! After driving more than a dozen nails, the tire is still usable!"

"Mad! I really want to slap myself, why did I buy x3 last year!"

"Why did you recommend this video to me? Bai Ze, which I just mentioned last month, is instantly unpopular!"

"Bai Ze is also very good! I think it is enough, at least it is much cheaper than Ji Meng, the only regret is that there is no hot-pressed rotary tire~"


After the release of these evaluation videos, Shanhai's new car Ji Meng immediately became a hot search.

In particular, its echo charging technology and hot-pressed swivel tires are even more eye-catching.

Have you ever seen a car that didn't consume 1% of its battery after driving dozens of kilometers?

Have you ever seen a tire that can't be blown out even with a dozen nails?

And the appearance of Ji Meng made everyone see the real black technology of automobiles!

"Order a car! Jesus can't stop me from ordering a car!!!"

After reading these reviews, many people couldn't bear it any longer and took out their mobile phones to place an order.

However, the sales mode has not yet been opened on the APP.

In one day, Shanhai’s app downloads increased by tens of thousands.

Three days later, Shanhai Company officially launched Jimeng’s APP booking mode.

Netizens who have been waiting for a long time have already opened the APP and kept refreshing in order to grab the first batch of cars.

Especially when there are still a few minutes before the opening of the reservation mode, the whole APP becomes a bit stuck.


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