The expressions on the faces of the drinkers also changed from carefree gloating to horror.

Dai Beier was seen lying on the ground, his whole body tense unnaturally, his left leg raised, his right leg straightened, his right hand tightly grasping his chest, and his left hand twisted behind him as if out of control, his palm like a claw, his veins exposed, constantly grasping something.

Compared with this twisted limb, the most horrifying thing is his face. His pupils rolled up, and the pupils were completely invisible. Only the whites of his eyes covered with bloodshot could be seen. Blood kept flowing from his nostrils. His mouth was wide open, and the blood from his nose mixed with the white foam from his mouth kept flowing down from the corners of his mouth.

He struggled and twitched, as if he was suffering from some kind of severe pain, but his wide-open mouth could not make any sound.

Finally, the whole person gradually stopped moving.

Chapter 14 Behind the bad poisonous insects there are often big poisonous insects

[The Way of the Sage: First Kill (Completed)]

[Task Target: Kill one person, regardless of race (1/1)]

[Task Reward: Black Crow Alchemist Robe]

Looking at the updated task list in front of him, Lu Lin seemed to have been drained of all his strength in an instant, and he sat on the ground.

He really killed the other party.

Lu Lin looked at the alchemy staff in his hand, a little dazed.

Although it was a long-range killing, through the curse, he could feel very clearly that the other party's life was slipping away from his hands bit by bit.

It was as if he had pinched the other party's neck with his own hands throughout the whole process, killing the other party bit by bit.

Although it was not nauseating, it was the first time to kill someone, and it was in such a weird way. Lu Lin felt that he was a little bit out of sanity.

Shivering, Lu Lin didn't even bother to collect the reward. He got up, took the broom and dustpan, and began to clean up the remains of the ineffective spell array. If possible, he didn't want to stay with these weird things for a moment.



At the same time, in the city, in the tavern.

"Dead, dead..."

Tang Bo swallowed his saliva, tremblingly retracted his hand that was trying to smell his breath, and looked up at the tall man beside him.

The man's name is Bamu, the owner of the tavern, a male from the Steel Bone Tribe.

The Steel Bone Tribe is a relatively rare race. Their people are often about two meters tall, with a solid physique, darker skin, reddish skin, and firm and regular facial features. Compared with humans, their skin feels closer to hard leather, and their facial features are similar, but most of them have flatter noses and more prominent brow bones.

This race generally has very strong physical strength and is a natural warrior.

As a male from the Steel Bone Tribe, Bamu is also one of the strongest warriors in the entire Diling Town.

It is also with this strength that this tavern can always be prosperous in the town but rarely have any trouble.

Looking at Daibel's body, Bamu folded his hands and frowned.

He has been running a tavern in this town for more than ten years. Although it is not common for people to die from drinking in the tavern or have epilepsy and stroke, he has seen it many times. Generally, he just asks people to call the family members and doctors, take the body away and that's it.

But today, this matter may not be as simple as usual.

"Boss, what should we do? Call a doctor?" Tang Bo asked.

"No, no need," Bamu shook his head, "someone should be here in a while."

Tang Bo was stunned, a little confused about what it meant.

Who is coming?

They didn't call anyone?

While he was stunned, suddenly, there was a commotion downstairs in the tavern.

Tang Bo turned his head and his face changed immediately.

A middle-aged earth spirit with a big waist and gorgeous black clothes rushed into the tavern with several earth spirits who were also wearing black clothes. A drinker didn't notice that he was blocking them, and was kicked two meters away by the middle-aged earth spirit leading him.

The poor man who was kicked away was about to get angry, but when he looked up, he saw the black snail shell pattern on the shoulder of the middle-aged earth spirit's clothes, and immediately rolled and crawled to hide to the side.

"The boss of the Black Snail Gang? How could this be!" Tang Bo was shocked.

"Why not," Bamu beside him also looked solemn, "It was his son who died."

"Huh?" Tang Bo was shocked again, "Dai Beier is his son?"

"Is it strange? Otherwise, do you think this kid can be so domineering in the town alone?" Bamu lowered his voice and said, "Don't say anything for a while, and answer them truthfully when they ask you questions."

While the few people were talking, a group of black-clothed Black Snail Gang earth spirits had rushed to the second floor. Seeing Dai Beier lying on the ground, the middle-aged earth spirit who was the leader immediately shrank his pupils, rushed up in two steps, knelt on one knee beside Dai Beier, and stretched out his hand to feel his breath.

Then, his face changed drastically, and he turned around and shouted: "Gabisti! Quick! First aid!"

While he was shouting, another earth spirit carrying a leather handbag had already rushed up, knelt directly beside Daibel, opened the handbag, took out a high-level healing crystal with his left hand and activated it directly, took out a white short staff with his right hand, pointed the short staff at Daibel's forehead, and chanted a spell.

Two slender white light threads flowed out of the short staff, floating on Daibel's body.

The middle-aged earth spirit stood aside, watching nervously, not daring to breathe.

After a long time, the light of the healing crystal disappeared. The earth spirit holding the short staff was silent for a moment, and finally sighed and said: "Sorry, boss, young master, he is gone..."

As soon as these words came out, the bustling tavern fell into a dead silence.

The middle-aged earth spirit was silent, his face lowered, and his expression could not be clearly seen.

After a long time, an extremely calm, but terrifying voice came from his mouth: "Where is the cause of death?"

The earth spirit on the side was silent for a long time and said: "Sudden heart attack."

"Not poisoned?"

"There are no signs of poisoning."

"Not an alcoholic?"

"Not drunk."

The scene fell into silence again.

The middle-aged earth spirit had a gloomy face. He could not accept it no matter what, his son died like this.

And the result was just because of a sudden heart attack?

He felt that he was full of anger and sadness, but he had nowhere to vent it and could only hold it in his heart.

He looked up to the side and met Bam's gaze.

Bamu looked at him and said calmly: "I'm sorry, next time you come, I'll buy you a drink."

The middle-aged earth spirit did not answer, but stretched out his hand to close his son's eyes, then picked up his body, and slowly left the tavern with a few followers.

Watching their figures disappear outside the door of the tavern, Tang Bo scratched his head and whispered to the boss Bam beside him: "Boss, they just left like that?"

"What else?" Dam rolled his eyes at Tang Bo, "His people are sure that this is just an accident, can he still cause trouble for me?"

"Yes, that's right," Tang Bo nodded, "Oh, this is really interesting. This Debel has done many evil things. I'm afraid the gods can't stand it anymore, so let him take it down."

"Maybe," Bam curled his lips, "It would be best if this matter were so simple..."



Outside the tavern, the Earthlings from the Black Snail Gang stood on the deserted street, silent.

The tavern behind them soon became lively again, but they all stood there for a long time without saying a word.

The people standing at the back exchanged glances with each other from time to time, and it was obvious that they were all a little uneasy.

As for the middle-aged earth spirit who was the leader, it seemed that he had not made any movement from beginning to end, but if you look closely, you can find that his hand holding his son was trembling with anger.

He stood like this for a full half an hour before finally taking a step forward, turning left and walking deeper into the town.

A group of Black Snail Gang members quickly followed, but they were all a little confused.

This direction does not seem to be the direction of their gang's stronghold.

But they didn't dare to ask at this moment, so they could only follow silently, wondering where their boss was going with the body of their young master.

Will it be going to church to pray?

Or should I buy some burial clothes?

Or should we go directly to make funeral arrangements?

They had many guesses, but in the end, none of them could guess where their boss stopped.

They stopped in front of a simple and clean shop.

There are several large characters written in neat and square fonts on the shop sign.

Sacred Alchemy Atelier of Cebuike.

Chapter 15 Why is there another lucky choice?


Accompanied by the crisp sound of flint, the gorgeous and exquisite crystal furnace lit up with soft light.

The man in a nightgown covered the lid of the crystal stove, yawned, turned around, and sat on the big soft sofa nearby.

The man has soft golden curly hair. Although he belongs to the Earth Spirit tribe, he is nearly 1.8 meters tall. Among the entire Earth Spirit tribe, he should be considered one of the tallest.

Not only that, compared to other Earth Spirit tribes, the appearance of men is closer to that of people with round ears. Even in the aesthetics of people with round ears, they can be said to have handsome faces.

Coupled with the fair skin and the elegant temperament revealed in every gesture, it actually gives people the feeling of an elegant and aristocratic person.

And he is none other than the owner of "Sebuike's Sacred Alchemy Workshop", Buqun Sebuike.

"My dear leader of the Black Snail Gang, Mr. Dai Dafu, do you know what time it is now?" Bouqun Sebuike said slowly, crossed his legs, crossed his fingers and placed them on his knees, looking down. Looking at the man in black robe in front of him.

"Of course I know, Lord Buqun," the man known as Dai Dafu straightened his back and said in a rather unhappy tone, "and, if you ask this, don't you understand what's happening now?"

Bu Qun smiled softly and looked down at the chest of the leader of the Black Snail Gang.

In his arms lay a corpse, an infamous corpse.

"How did your son die?" Bu Qun asked.

"He died suddenly in the tavern. My doctor said it was a heart attack," said Dedav.

"So," Bu Qun nodded, "you should know that I don't have the ability to bring people back to life, right?"

"Of course I know," Dai Dafu gritted his teeth. "If there was still a chance of rescue, I would naturally knock on the door of the church instead of running to you and wasting time with you."

"Oh, that makes sense," Bu Qun held his cheek with one hand, "Then what you're asking me for is that you think there's something fishy about his death?"

"Nonsense, my son is still so young! How could he suddenly die of a heart attack for no reason?" Dai Dafu said sternly, "Someone must have tampered with it, maybe even..."

Having said this, Dai Dafu's eyes became sharp, like swords, pointing directly at the alchemist in front of him.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. I haven't had any related business recently," Bu Qun dismissed his aggressiveness, "So I don't want others to know that I know black alchemy. It's really, really weird. I got suspicious."

With that said, Bu Qun sighed, stood up, pointed to the recliner beside him, and said, "Go, put your son on it, and I'll help you see what's going on."

Dai Dafu didn't answer any more, silently placed Dai Beier's body on the recliner, then stood aside and looked at Bu Qun.

Bu Qun walked to the bookshelf and took out a short black staff and a white disk as big as a fist from a square box about fifty centimeters long.

Then, he walked over to Dai Beier, placed the disk on Dai Beier's chest, then pointed the end of the staff at the disk, and began to recite the incantation.

During the chanting process, no visions occurred, no runes lit up, and no magic circles appeared.

Only the pure white disc placed on the chest of Debel's corpse gradually became dyed with bright scarlet and filthy darkness.

When the chanting ended, the disk had completely turned into an ominous mixture of black and red. Just looking at it made people feel uncomfortable.

"Your Excellency Bu Qun, this is..." Dai Dafu's tone became more and more gloomy.

"Haha, it's really a curse. Damn it. You can actually meet other people who can cast curses in this corner of the corner." Bu Qun smacked his mouth, "You are here. I'm afraid there is no such thing in the whole town. Others can see it.”

"Sure enough, someone has harmed my son." Dai Dafu clenched his fists tightly, and the muscles in his palms rubbed together, making a tooth-breaking crunching sound. "What kind of curse is this? How did the other party do it?"

"Sorry, I don't know," Bu Qun shrugged and sat casually on the sofa nearby. "Curse magic is a taboo study that is not popular with the world. It is very difficult to learn it."

"Even I only have dozens of related alchemy formulas, and most of them are low-level formulas."

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