In the pool of blood, the two of them knelt and stood facing each other. They were not sitting on their calves, but kneeling upright. They looked very weird.

Everyone in Lulin was dumbfounded.

What's going on?

Why are you kneeling too?

Do you want to worship the master or worship the church?

Chapter 20: Essential medicine for murder and arson when traveling at home

Lu Lin and the mysterious girl were kneeling facing each other, looking at each other.

The girl didn't speak, and Lu Lin didn't dare to speak. As a result, the weird silence lasted for several minutes.

In the end, it was the girl who spoke first.

"What do you want to ask?"

Her voice was angry and her tone was calm, but for some reason, Lu Lin always felt that her voice was trembling, as if she was afraid of something.

However, Lu Lin couldn't figure out what reason she had to be afraid of a weakling like herself when she was so powerful.

"Perhaps there is something wrong with her voice and she can't speak much?"

Lu Lin couldn't help but have this guess.

Don't understand.

There were too many things about the girl that he couldn't understand.

Rather than saying what he wanted to ask, it would be better to say that he wanted to ask everything.

But when he thought of the opponent's terrifying strength and obviously wrong mental state, Lu Lin did not dare to be too presumptuous. He swallowed and then asked tentatively: "You... who are you?"

The girl's eyes moved, and then she whispered: "Rumi."


Lu Lin subconsciously recited the other party's answer in his mind.

Oh, it must be the other person’s name?


What he actually wanted to ask was not the name, but what kind of person the other person was, or in other words, he wanted the other person to introduce himself to him.

But obviously, the other party didn't really want to talk much.

But that's okay.

Lu Lin always had a hunch that it might not be a wise move to ask the other party's identity.

Knowing the name, at least Lu Lin knew how to call her.

Just when Lu Lin was thinking about whether he should try to ask anything next, the girl who called herself Rumi suddenly stood up and walked towards the hut.

Seeing this, Lu Lin quickly stood up, stood on tiptoe, and looked into the room, wanting to see what the girl was planning to do.

I saw Li Mi slowly walking into the house, reaching out and grabbing a bottle of primary Gray Cloud Mushroom medicine from the cabinet, then walked out, and then walked straight towards the river.

"Eh? What are you doing? Fighting... Are you going to take a bath or something? Why do you want to take a bath and get some medicine?"

Tanuki walked and stopped.

She turned to look at Lu Lin and said, "Thank you."

Then, she took another step and walked all the way to the river.

She walked all the way into the river until the water was up to her waist.

Then, under Lu Lin's astonished gaze, she opened the medicine bottle in her hand, raised her head, and drank the entire bottle of medicine. Then she closed her eyes and fell straight into the river.




Lu Lin inserted the shovel in his hand into the ground, his legs softened, and he sat down on the ground.

Looking up at the sky, the narrow sky exposed at the top of the canyon was already dimly lit.

This also shows that Lu Lin has not slept all day and night.

"Damn, what a ghost," Lu Lin muttered, stood up with a shovel, took out a bottle of potion from his arms, and poured it on the huge dirt bag in front of him.

Soon after the agent seeped into the soil, new shoots of various plants grew out of the soil bag at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the height of the soil bag also sank and collapsed.

In a short time, the huge, bare earth mound turned into an ordinary wasteland covered with vegetation.

"It's really useful..."

Lu Lin couldn't help but murmur.

The potion he just used is called the primary red water chestnut cultivation potion. He made the potion last night using the materials he already had at home and two materials temporarily collected nearby.

This potion is also one of the few alchemical creations currently on the list of [Secret Formula·Blood Sacrifice Related] in Lu Lin's mind.

A potion that uses the flesh, blood and bones of living creatures as sacrificial materials. Its effect is to promote plant growth.

To be honest, Lu Lin once thought that this thing was quite useless. Since animal carcasses were used as nutrients, it was impossible to use it on a large scale.

But now, he discovered that although this thing was not good at its job, it was particularly useful for disposing of corpses.

Yes, he was just disposing of the body.

Buried in that dirt bag was none other than the members of the Black Snail Gang who had come to find trouble before.

Although Lulin is a little far away from Diling Town, people often pass by the door to collect herbs or hunt.

Lu Lin didn't want these people to see the body at his door.

After disposing of the body, Lu Lin took out another bottle of primary red water chestnut cultivation potion. This time he poured the potion into a large bottle, diluted it with water, and then put a small piece of thin straw mat over the mouth of the bottle. , the suggested watering can is ready.

Holding this thing, Lu Lin walked back while spreading the diluted medicine everywhere to clean up the blood stains on the ground nearby.

Don't tell me, it's very useful.

Just like playing a game of smear, the blood will melt almost instantly wherever it is spilled.

"It seems that I have to be more prepared in the future. This thing is a must-have for killing people and setting fires when traveling at home."

But even so...

Lu Lin sighed as he looked at the large bloodstains around his door.

He was really sleepy, but there were still so many places to clean up. Just thinking about it made him tired.

But what could he do?

Lu Lin cleaned up the bloodstains seriously.

It took him more than half an hour to finally clean up all the bloodstains nearby.

But it wasn't over yet.

Lu Lin looked at his house without a door.

The house was in a mess, with bloodstains everywhere at the door and inside the house.

Lu Lin didn't dare to use this kind of medicine to clean this part, otherwise the house might be full of messy weeds.

"I can only wipe it clean honestly, alas," Lu Lin sighed and walked into his house.

As soon as he entered the house, Lu Lin looked at the corner of the room again.

At this moment, under the dining table, a girl covered in bloodstains was huddled in her old place, dazed as usual.

Needless to say, it was Li Mi.

She was still here.

Lu Lin thought he was probably crazy. He had been thinking every day that it would be great if this ancestor would come to his senses and leave. But after she drank the medicine and jumped into the river yesterday, Lu Lin pulled her out of the river without even thinking about it.

Fortunately, the water level of this river was not high. In this season, even the deepest part was only up to a person's chest.

If the river was deeper, with Lu Lin's swimming ability, who knows if he could still get ashore alive.

However, Lu Lin did not regret pulling the other person out. After all, Li Mi was his lifesaver.

Even though he had saved Li Mi before, one life for another, he still owed the other three gold coins for helping him in the snow. Lu Lin was a person who knew how to repay his gratitude, but he didn't want to see someone who had done him a favor just jump into the river and die inexplicably after saving him.

However, he couldn't understand why Li Mi did that.

Could it be the classic plot of Japanese comics?

What kind of person who thought he was an ominous person saw that Lu Lin was in trouble and thought it was his fault, so he planned to leave?

I don't understand what he's thinking.

But Lu Lin knew the origin of this incident very well. It had nothing to do with Li Mi. It was just that he didn't know which link was exposed, so he was found.

"Alas, it's the first time to kill someone after all. Is it because of lack of experience?" Lu Lin was a little helpless.

He thought that his plan had been well-made, but he was an ordinary person after all. What he thought was perfect might be full of loopholes in the eyes of insiders.

However, there was nothing he could do about it.

He didn't have a master or anything, and no one could teach him.

"It's definitely not possible to expect a watertight extreme operation. We still have to increase the fault tolerance rate, but there are really not many things that can be used for the primary formula..." Lu Lin was a little helpless.

It seems that the current focus is to be promoted to an intermediate alchemist as soon as possible.

But ten gold coins are indeed not something that can be earned in a short time.

"We still have to keep a low profile and take it slowly. I just don't know if the matter of the Black Snail Gang is considered to be over..."

Lu Lin was a little worried.

Yesterday, he escaped with the help of Li Mi, but he couldn't stay out, could he?

If he met such a group of people outside, Lu Lin would be dead.

"It seems that there is only one way..."

Lu Lin looked at Li Mi who was huddled in the corner.

It seems that he can only talk to this person.

Chapter 21: Can't talk for a while

It took Lu Lin a full hour to clean up the bloodstains in the room.

As for the door, Lu Lin really had no choice but to use a straw mat to block it.

Although he wanted to talk to Li Mi, Lu Lin was too sleepy. He lay on the bed, closed his eyes, and fell asleep directly.

It can even be said that he fainted.

When Lu Lin woke up again, it seemed to be getting dark again.

"This is good. Recently, this biological clock is completely messed up..."

Lu Lin rubbed his eyes and sat up.

He turned his head subconsciously to look at the corner of the room, but the scene he had always been used to did not appear. There was no one under the table where Li Mi was always in a daze.

Lu Lin, who was drowsy just now, immediately woke up, got up from bed, scanned the area, and finally stopped at the door.

Although the straw mat blocked part of his view, Lu Lin still saw the iconic blood-stained bandage on Li Mi's body.

Lu Lin lifted the door curtain and found that Li Mi was still in a daze as usual, but she was next to the stone stove for cooking.

"Is she waiting for food?"

Lu Lin was a little amused.

He was also convinced. He couldn't figure out the way this girl acted. Yesterday, she drank poison and jumped into the river, but when she was fished out, she looked fine. She continued to be in a daze when she got home. She didn't say she was hungry, but waited for the meal.

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