He felt that he knew more and more how to get along with Li Mi.

However, when he thought of the wanted order, Lu Lin's good mood immediately cooled down.

Glancing at the two local spiritual newsletters placed aside, Lu Lin sighed lightly.

Now, he just hoped that these two magazines could publish some useful things.



This meal should be the slowest meal that Li Mi had eaten since she came to Lu Lin's place.

Originally, Lu Lin was worried that eating too slowly would make Li Mi anxious, but it seemed that she did not object.

Or rather, she actually did not care about the speed of eating at all. She just opened her mouth and ate according to instinct without thinking about anything.

After the meal, Lu Lin re-made the bed at home.

After having money, he should not continue to sleep on the broken mattress.

Lu Lin replaced the rag sheets and hay mats that he used to sleep on with cotton mats and cotton sheets bought from the city, and also put out goose feather pillows and cotton blankets.

After changing, Li Mi lay down on it immediately.

After drinking the medicine, he closed his eyes and fell asleep directly. He didn't even lift up the quilt and just lay on it and fell asleep.

Lu Lin was helpless, but thinking that the weather was not cold, he let her go. Anyway, she should get up to eat at night, and he would cover her with a quilt then.

After settling Li Mi, Lu Lin started to eat his lunch. During the meal, he took the latest local spiritual news and flipped through it while eating.

This was also the first time he read this thing seriously. He had flipped through it secretly before. At the beginning, he could read a few more pages. Later, the old woman knew that he had no money to buy it, so she never let him read it again.

It felt novel when he flipped through it at first, but now it seems that Lu Lin frowned the whole time.

How to say it.

It feels...

It tastes a bit strong, and it seems different from the neutral newspaper that collects news from all over the world as imagined.

In addition to the advertisements, half of the pages are news related to the Holy Church.

Today a new church was built in such and such a place, and tomorrow disaster victims were helped in such and such a place.

What great things did this bishop do today, and what good activities will be held in the church in that area tomorrow.

In addition, there is a lot of news about "dungeons".

Speaking of which, "dungeons" seem to be particularly common in this world, and they seem to appear like game copies. If they are not taken care of, they will become more and more numerous, and dangerous behemoths or monsters will come out of them.

In order to deal with this, the Holy Church seems to have recruited many warriors with personal titles to deal with these dungeons.

These warriors are like great heroes in newspapers, constantly fighting in various dungeons and constantly saving one area after another affected by dungeons.

It sounds like a traditional adventure story like Dungeons and Dragons, but Lu Lin always feels strange when looking at these stories.

If these warriors are really so strong, why doesn't the Holy Church directly absorb them into the Crusaders and then use the Crusaders to conquer these dungeons?

Wouldn't this be convenient for management and give the Holy Church a higher reputation?

Moreover, no matter how powerful an individual is, can he be more powerful than a well-trained and well-equipped regular army?

Do you really think that the heroes of the Jianghu can beat the army?

I don't understand. Maybe there are some conditions in it that Lu Lin doesn't know, such as not too many people can enter the dungeon at a time?

However, these are not what Lu Lin cares about.

He is more concerned about whether there is any information about criminals wanted.

But after flipping through the whole book, he didn't find any relevant information.

He really doesn't believe that nothing bad has happened in this huge empire in the past month.

That's absolutely impossible.

Modern society can't do it, and this society with low productivity is even more impossible to do it.

"In other words, report good news but not bad news..." Lu Lin was a little speechless.

He originally had great expectations for the results of the media work of the earth spirits. Now it seems that this publication, which is said to be run by the earth spirits themselves, is more like the mouthpiece of the Holy Church.

But it's true.

This is the territory of a religious country. The Holy Church has a one-handed control over the sky, and the media channels are pitifully few. It would be strange if it is not completely controlled.

After flipping through one, Lu Lin sighed.

No wonder the old woman who sold the news magazine said that it was two stacks of waste paper.

Could it be that these two silver coins were really wasted?

Chapter 28 Holy Church, right? Sooner or later, I will let you know what a black hand is

After flipping through one news magazine, Lu Lin was a little discouraged.

He was even a little lazy to flip through the other one, feeling that he would not find any useful information.


He had already bought it.

And he had only eaten half of the meal, so Lu Lin simply opened that one and browsed it quickly and casually.

However, I don’t know if it was because his expectations had dropped, this time he didn’t flip through it slowly, and read the whole news magazine as a story, but it felt a bit interesting.

Not to mention, some reports seemed to be pure flattery of the Holy Church at first glance, but if you look closely, you can really see something.

"In the battle against the monsters, the priest Kobi was captured by a pterosaur while trying to save the villagers and fell to the ground and died... Well, that's tragic. But even the priests of the Holy Church died in the battle. Are other places in this world still dangerous?"

"The first gun of the Yuandao Holy Church, Cheye Priest, sneaked into the pagan gathering place alone and successfully killed the pagan leader Anbei. Well, it turns out that there are other religions, but they will all be regarded as pagans..."

"The elderly High Priest Dickenni said during his tour of the Holy City of Deke that he had no regrets in his life when he saw the people of the Holy City of Deke living and working in peace and contentment. He died of old age during the tour. It is reported that when he died, he still had a satisfied smile on his face... Uh, is this true or false? Is this a bit outrageous? Could it be that he was actually assassinated in the street? Well, if so, the reputation of the Holy Church among the people may not be as good as they say..."

Lu Lin flipped through these Holy Church flattery that he didn't know how much was true or false. He had the illusion that he was flipping through the chat records of netizens in his previous life. Group chats at that time were like this, with all kinds of random news screenshots, some true and some false, and he had to identify them all by himself.

"But, I really can't find anything useful... Uh, I found some information about the dungeon. Let me see, the first one is..."

Lu Lin muttered, looking at the report, his eyes, which were originally careless, suddenly widened.

There was a line of big words on the title: "A-level dungeon Miasma Dragon Valley destroyed! Arc Sword Princess Limi Loris creates a legend again!"


This warrior is indeed called Limi Loris, right?

Is it Limi?

Or is it just a coincidence?

Wait, Limi Loris...

What was the name on the wanted poster?

Lori Millis.

The spelling is very close, but not exactly the same.


If Limi is Limi Loris, then Lori Millis, who looks like Limi, is actually the same person?

Is it possible?

With doubts, Lu Lin continued to read on.

On the 40th day of the 23rd month of the 7543rd year of the Holy Calendar, Arc Sword Princess broke through the deepest level of the A-level dungeon Miasma Dragon Valley and successfully killed the corrupt dragon Kemes. It is reported that the battle was extremely fierce. According to the recollections of the Holy Church logistics officer who followed Arc Sword Princess at the time...

Then there was a lot of descriptions of the battle situation, and then a lot of space was spent on how much support the Holy Church contributed in this battle, and finally there was a lot of inexplicable empty words praising the Holy Church.

The content is worrying.

The title clearly said that Arc Sword Princess created a legend again, but the space did not even introduce who Arc Sword Princess was or what her past achievements were. Seeing this, Lu Lin's blood pressure soared, and he wanted to twist the editor's head off to play bowling.

However, the recorded time is very intriguing.

40th day of the 23rd month of the 7543th year.

This world has 45 days a month and 24 months a year. The current date is January 13, 7544, which means that this incident happened 68 days ago.

It was only two Earth months and more than one Holy Calendar month.

Lu Lin fell silent.

He put down his chopsticks and continued to flip through the pages, trying to find some other clues.

Unfortunately, after flipping through all the pages, there was no more information related to this matter.

Lu Lin was a little unwilling, so he took the news magazine he had flipped through before and flipped through it carefully from beginning to end.

The result was still the same, nothing was found.

It seems that the information that can be obtained from the outside world at present ends here.

There are only three things known at present.

"There is a great hero named Limi Loris, known as the Arc Sword Princess in the Jianghu. Sixty days ago, she single-handedly overturned a seemingly powerful dungeon and was praised as the headline report of a news magazine about the dungeon. But strangely, the report revealed very little information about her."

"There is a girl who calls herself Limi. She seems to have strong fighting power, but she was seriously injured for unknown reasons and almost died. Her mental state is extremely abnormal. She was picked up by Lu Lin nearby. Her identity is currently unknown and she is unwilling to communicate with others."

"There is a wanted criminal named Loli Millis. His wanted portrait has the same appearance as Limi and a sharp temperament like a sword. After being accused of a lot of crimes, he was wanted nearby some time after Lu Lin picked up Limi."

So, based on these three clues, Lu Lin can naturally make a guess.

Limi, Limi Lolis and Loli Millis are actually the same person.

Limi's full name is Limi Loris, and Loli Millis may be a pseudonym that Limi used before. In order to prevent the wanted criminal Loli Millis and the great hero Limi Loris from having the same name, the Holy Church deliberately used this name to confuse people.

Since there is very little space for Limi Loris in the report, not only there is no portrait of him and pictures of the scene, but even the description of him is pitiful, so almost no one can know what kind of person Limi Loris is from the report.

As for Loli Millis, on the contrary, there is a detailed portrait of her on the wanted poster.

From the portrait on the wanted poster, it can be seen that this world is not short of portrait painting techniques.

In fact, in the news publication, there are many exquisite portraits in the reports about the Holy Church.

But in the space related to the dungeon, there has never been a portrait of any warrior.

Obviously, it is not that their portraits cannot be there, but someone does not want it to be there.

People only know the appearance of wanted criminal Lori Milis, but not the appearance of great hero Limi Lori. In this way, even if Limi claims to be the famous Arc Sword Princess, others will not believe it, and will only think that it is the wanted criminal Lori Milis who is impersonating their great hero to cheat.

And who is the mastermind behind such a layout...

Don't even think about it.

The Earth Spirit News is clearly the mouthpiece of the Holy Church, and the wanted order is also issued by the Holy Church. Everything behind this is obviously the work of the Holy Church.

Moreover, this is not designed for Limi alone.

This is a whole system.

A whole system designed to target these "great heroes" who fight against the dungeon.

Of course, all of the above are Lu Lin's guesses, but it is not difficult to verify this guess. Just go to Limi to confirm whether these two names are related to her.

"So this world is so exciting..." Lu Lin curled his lips.

The Crusaders...

If the most powerful religious empire and the most powerful regular army in the world want to help Limi, doesn't it mean standing on the opposite side of this behemoth?

Lu Lin leaned against the wall behind him and looked at the sky.

Or, hand over Limi, exchange for 300 gold coins, and become a rich man from now on?

Haha, it's a good idea.

Lu Lin laughed.

But he wouldn't choose this.


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