It's equally funny when used to deal with enemies. You have to soak them in a pool for a whole day to turn them into stone. It feels like you can do anything with this time.

So Lu Lin always felt that this was a pure clown formula.

I even thought that I would never refine such a stupid thing in my life.

But he never thought that one day he would really count on this stupid thing.

It is extremely difficult to avoid flesh and blood tracking. The most effective way is to escape from its effective range.

If you want to rely on other things to block the detection, at least Lu Lin doesn't have the ability.

If you can't escape or block it, then there is only one idea left.

That is to change the state of the person being tracked so that it is in a state that does not resonate with flesh and blood tracking.

There are actually many similar states, including necromancy that temporarily turns people into spiritual bodies, curses that temporarily turn people into energy bodies, and spell formations that temporarily turn people into elemental bodies.

But the duration of these things is too short. After all, they are all elementary formulas. Even the longest one can turn a person into an elemental body for three minutes.

Lu Lin didn't have clairvoyance and ears, and it was impossible to know how long it would take for the Holy Cult's people to activate the formation. It was tantamount to wishful thinking to use the three-minute formation to avoid the opponent's reconnaissance at the right time.

After much deliberation, this is the only feasible formula.

"King Gulan's Useless Sleeping Spring" is not an ordinary petrification curse that only petrifies a person's skin, but can completely turn a person into a stone statue from the outside in for ten days. As long as the timing is right, relying on this thing can indeed Chance to avoid the detection of the Holy Cult.

But the problem is also obvious...

The first is cost.

This thing is a basic formula, but the materials required are more expensive than the last.

Velvet grass and animal bone meal are easy to say.

Although Gray Cloud Mushroom is not a rare thing, it is not cheap for a pound of powder.

As for the last three items, the costs are even higher.

The Earth Vein Crystal Core is a rare ore, while the Earth Core Spring is a spring water that can only be found deep underground. They are both expensive things that must be purchased by miners.

As for the Gargoyle Heart, this thing is even more rare. Diling Town is so safe, and there is no underground city nearby. If you want to buy the Gargoyle Heart, it may not be available locally, so you may have to find it. Order from the Earth Spirit Chamber of Commerce.

Lu Lin made a preliminary estimate based on his past experience. It is absolutely impossible to handle this pile of things without a single gold coin.

In other words, if Lu Lin wants to refine this thing, he must first make enough money.

And this is only the first question.

The second problem is that, judging from the description, the process of turning people into stone is very painful. Not to mention that Lu Lin is not willing to let Li Mi suffer such a crime. Even if it is the last resort, he is not sure about the process. Will Tanuki have any abnormal reaction?

Although he can also refine some narcotics and anesthetics, for a warrior of Tanuki's level, if Tanuki has no intention of resisting, his medicines can still work. Once Tanuki has an abnormal reaction due to pain, or due to; Lu Lin is really not sure what to do if the abnormality triggers some bad memories from the past and causes him to lose control.


Besides, can he find any other way?

"Damn..." Lu Lin cursed unconsciously.

But as soon as the words came out, Lu Lin was shocked.

In the quiet night, his low curse sounded so ear-piercing.

Lu Lin immediately looked in the direction of Li Mi, praying that his sudden noise did not wake up Li Mi.

However, Lu Lin was shocked to find that Li Mi had woken up at some point and was sitting on the bed, holding her legs in a daze.

"Uh, sorry, did I wake you up?" Lu Lin scratched his head.

Now that he knows about Li Mi's situation, Lu Lin is not afraid to talk to Li Mi.

Tanuki looked over and nodded slightly, but then shook his head.

Lu Lin didn't know what it meant, so he could only smile.

After hesitating for a moment, Lu Lin stood up and walked to the bed, then sat on the edge of the bed.

Li Mi faced Lu Lin, while Lu Lin looked at Li Mi, speechless for a moment.

Lu Lin came here because he actually wanted to apologize to Li Mi.

After all, it was because of him that Liumi suffered a PTSD attack before, so he suffered another crime for no reason.

But when the words came to his lips, Lu Lin swallowed them back.

Li Mi is in a special situation. If he apologizes for what happened that day, he might lead Li Mi to think about those things again. If he loses control again, this time Lu Lin has not prepared the wizard stone in advance. Then it will be really difficult. You know what to do.

However, although he held back his apology, Lu Lin thought of another thing.

As for whether or not to use "King Gulan's Useless Sleeping Spring", perhaps instead of Lu Lin struggling with it himself and then relying solely on subjective will to make a judgment, it would be better to ask Li Mi directly what he thinks.

This matter is about the future rather than the past. If you ask it in the right way, there shouldn't be any problems.


Just to be on the safe side, why not prepare something?

Remember there seems to be a spell circle that can force the target into coma?

If you prepare it at home in advance, you can force the phone to shut down at any time.


Speaking of which, the materials needed to set up the spell array are not much different from "Little Lyle's Pain". There are still a lot of materials prepared last time, so it doesn't seem to be difficult to set up the spell array.

As soon as he said it, Lu Lin cleared a space in the room and started to work.

During this time, Li Mi was facing Lu Lin. Although her eyes were still as empty as before and her sight was not focused at all, it was obvious that she was always looking at Lu Lin.

As if she was an NPC with sight tracking set, Li Mi kept looking in Lu Lin's direction until Lu Lin finished his work and sat down on the bed again.

I don't know what she was thinking, or whether she was thinking at all.

Lu Lin didn't notice that Li Mi's reaction was different from the past. At this moment, he was focusing on sorting out his words.

Thinking he was ready, he cleared his throat and said, "Li Mi, I have something very important to ask you. Now there is a group of very bad and powerful guys who want to catch us. We can't beat them. Now, I have a way to let us escape, but this method may make you suffer for a whole day. Do you think... can you bear it?"

After saying this long paragraph, Lu Lin stared at Li Mi nervously, looking at her face for a while, looking at her hands for a while, waiting for the answer while always alert. Once Li Mi's situation is not right, he will immediately go to the side of the spell formation to force Li Mi to shut down.

However, Lu Lin waited for a long time but Li Mi didn't respond. When he was wondering, Li Mi's hand moved.

Lu Lin's heart tightened immediately.

However, before he could react, the next moment, a situation that was completely beyond his expectations appeared.

The snow-white and slender arms were wrapped around his neck, and the chest under his neck felt furry. The girl's forehead was just above Lu Lin's collarbone, and the skin at the collar could even feel the other's warm breath.

Lu Lin looked at Li Mi who was holding him, and was stunned for a while.

Chapter 36 It's okay, there's plenty of time to catch up on sleep later.

The sudden hug didn't last too long, just like a dream, it was over in a few seconds.

When Lu Lin came to his senses, Li Mi had already lay back on the bed, closed his eyes, and seemed to be going to sleep again.

Lu Lin touched his neck unconsciously, and the warm touch of Li Mi's arm still remained on his neck, reminding him that everything that had just happened was real.

Lu Lin was silent for a moment and smiled.

Well, this is a good answer.

Lu Lin didn't know all its meanings, but at least, Lu Lin knew that there must be the two words he needed in it.


With these two words, that's enough.

Lu Lin stood up, walked to the oil lamp, closed the lampshade, and extinguished the oil lamp.



Twenty days later.

Underground treasures.

Sister A Juan looked at Lu Lin with panda eyes, her face full of worry.

"I say, Xiao Lin, I know you are anxious to make money, but you don't have to work so hard..." Sister A Juan had a complicated face, "Originally, the order was agreed to take 30 days, you still have a lot of time, why did you get it all done for me now?"

"Ahaha, I just have nothing to do, so I just did it in advance," Lu Lin tried to raise the corners of his mouth and answered with a smile.

"Your panda eyes are nothing to do? If you are really free, Sister A Juan begs you to sleep more, okay?" Sister A Juan was also helpless.

"Let's not talk about this, the goods are all right, right?" Lu Lin asked.

Sister A Juan looked at the dwarf who was carrying the goods on the side, and the other party gave him a thumbs up.

"Well, it seems that there is no problem. Here, this is the final payment for this order," said Sister Ajuan, handing a bag of money to Lu Lin.

Lu Lin opened it and took a look. One gold coin and sixty silver coins were just right.

So far, Lu Lin has completed the entire thirty-day order.

After deducting the cost, the total profit was slightly higher than expected. A total of three gold coins and more than seventy silver coins were earned. Adding Lu Lin's deposit, and deducting the money for the recent purchase of materials related to "King Gulan's Useless Sleeping Spring", Lu Lin's current cash reserves are just around three gold coins.

But now, Lu Lin is more concerned about another thing than money.

"Sister Ajuan, did you get the heart of the gargoyle I want?" Lu Lin asked, "You said it would be in these two days, right?"

"Ah, yes, yes! It's here. I said I remembered that I had something to tell you today. Seeing your dark circles, you forgot it," said Sister Ajuan, turning around and entering the store.

Soon, she came out with a big wooden box and placed it on the seat of Lu Lin's ox cart.

"Come and take a look. The heart of the gargoyle you want was sent from three cities away. It took a lot of effort," said Sister Ajuan, opening the lid of the wooden box.

A black rock as big as a human head was placed in the wooden box.

The surface of the rock was full of sharp protrusions, and in the gaps between those protrusions, there were faint blue lights flickering, as if breathing.

"Hey! The quality is good!" Lu Lin's eyes lit up.

The knowledge in his mind told him that this heart was full of vitality and energy. Compared with ordinary gargoyle hearts, it was definitely of top quality.

"Haha, can Sister Ajuan give you inferior products?" Sister Ajuan said, "But Sister Ajuan really has something to say to you. You are still young. Don't be so anxious to make money. Pay more attention to rest. I won't rush to give you the next order. You should rest for a few days first."

"Well, I will. Thank you, Sister Ajuan," Lu Lin nodded with a smile.

But what he didn't say was that he didn't know if he would have a chance to take the next order.

After saying goodbye to Sister Ajuan, Lu Lin took the gargoyle heart back home on a bullock cart.

After arriving home, Lu Lin went into the house and saw that Li Mi was still sleeping.

Her life during this period was still the same as usual. She could sleep for 23 hours a day and had not lost control again. She ate, slept and helped Lu Lin look after the house every day.

Then she didn't know how to cover the quilt as usual. Later, Lu Lin simply didn't put the quilt on the bed. He folded it up and put it aside, and covered her with it when she got on the bed.

Lu Lin helped Li Mi tidy up the quilt, and then went out to unload the goods.

After moving the box containing the gargoyle heart into the house, Lu Lin changed into the collector's suit again.

Although the town guards at that time told Lu Lin that they would continue to collect materials for the next month, after all, the other party was just a low-level soldier, and the information from his mouth might not be reliable.

During the next period of time, Lu Lin had to confirm the other party's progress every day.

If he finds that the opponent has completed the formation, Lu Lin must immediately refine "King Gulan's Useless Sleeping Spring".

He must make Li Mi completely petrified before the opponent activates the formation, only in this way can he avoid detection.

Yawning, Lu Lin went up along the river.

He didn't know how long he walked despite the sleepiness, and finally, Lu Lin came to the woodland near the cave in his memory.

Just as Lu Lin was trying to cheer up and prepare to finish this last section of the road, he heard a roar from the front.

"Didn't you say you would collect Yunconghua yesterday? Why don't you collect it today? You can't fool me!"

Lu Lin was stunned, and his sleepiness immediately dissipated by three points. He quickened his pace and walked forward, hiding behind a big tree, looking in the direction of the cave.

I saw several collectors surrounding the stall of the town guards, arguing.

There were several backpacks next to them, with more or less Yunconghua in them.

"Sorry, we have already collected all the green onions we need. We really don't need to collect any more," the town guard said calmly, smiling the whole time. He took out a wooden board with words on it and placed it on the table. "These are the materials we need now. However, at your speed, I estimate that the last batch of materials will be collected in five or six days. If you don't want to lose too much business to your peers, you better hurry up."

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