It is always nice to gain the trust and dependence of others, but at the same time, it also means responsibility and pressure.

Especially for a girl with a special situation like Li Mi, her trust and dependence are almost equivalent to saying that she has completely left herself in Lu Lin's hands.

The weight of this trust and dependence is not heavy.


But then again.

Lu Lin feels this weight firsthand now.

It hurts so much.

King Gulan's Useless Sleeping Spring is indeed a forbidden curse that is recognized as a primary formula. As the only designated shameful thing in the forbidden curse world, it really achieves "the effect is not strong enough, but the side effects are made up".

Flesh and blood turns into rock from the outside in. Every time there is more, the nerves in the body will become more frightened, and then they will scream louder and the pain will be more.

It's just physical pain, but those parts that have turned into rocks actually feel pain as well. It seems that although they have turned into rocks, they are actually still functioning as part of Lu Lin's body.

Lu Lin was actually not surprised by this result.

Otherwise, when the petrification begins to touch the blood vessels and internal organs, the person will probably die. How can one complete the petrification in one day and wake up again ten days later?

Even if it’s not unexpected, it’s really painful.

"Damn it," Lu Lin hugged Li Mi and raised his head with great effort to look out the window. "We have suffered so much, so please don't let it go..."



Upstream, inside the canyon cave.

A beautiful nun with a height of two and a half meters was standing in the middle of the huge magic circle.

She has long, smooth and beautiful golden hair, which seems to exude fluorescent light even in the dark cave.

Wearing a solemn and sacred black nun's uniform, almost only her face and wrists were exposed, but she still couldn't hide her fiery figure that was bulging forward and backward.

As for that face, it is even more sacred and beautiful. There is always a smile on the face, and the four slightly drooping long ears give people a lazy and gentle feeling.

But it was such a woman that no one present dared to look directly into her eyes.

At this time, an old man holding a golden staff and wearing a gold and white robe came over, lowered his eyebrows, saluted to the nun and said: "Lord St. Mellens, based on the current progress, the arrangement of the formation tomorrow night will be completed." Everything will be completed, please go and rest and recharge your batteries in preparation for hosting the grand formation and capturing the foreign slaves tomorrow."

The nun slowly turned her head and looked at the old man. The smile on her face became more gentle. In a trance, it seemed that the radiance of holiness and motherhood was softly radiating from her body.

But even though he was facing such a gentle nun, the old man's movements seemed a little stiff, beads of sweat oozed from his forehead, his Adam's apple squirmed quietly, and his eyes closed directly, as if he was extremely nervous.

The nun looked at him, opened her mouth slightly, and said, "No need, it's just one day, I'll just wait."

Different from her appearance, the voice was like coming from a weather-beaten dull saw blade, hoarse, shriveled, cut, and harsh...

Hearing the nun's words, the old man was obviously stunned. He was silent for a moment, and then said with a trembling voice: "But... Lord St. Merens, this matter is of great importance. Priest Leshi specifically asked..."

"What did you tell me?" The nun interrupted the old man with a smile, "Do you think I'm doing this because I don't pay enough attention to this matter?"

After hearing this, the old man did not dare to say anything for a moment.

The nun still had that smile on her face, but she raised her head slightly, looking down at the old man with a higher attitude, and her tone was even more unquestionable.

"Don't worry, I want to catch her more than any of you, do you understand?"

The old man trembled all over, swallowed, and then said: "Yes, I understand. I'm sorry. I made a mistake earlier. I hope Lord St. Mellens will forgive me for my sin."

"The Lord will forgive everything," the nun said with a smile, "just step back."

"Yes..." the old man agreed, then slowly backed away.

The nun also withdrew her gaze, raised her head slightly, and continued to look at the complex and ominous formation at the scene.

She slowly raised her hand and touched her neck.

Gao Li's collar collapsed at this moment, exposing her snow-white neck for an instant.

However, there was a hideous scar on the snow-white jade neck, which circled around the neck and looked particularly eye-catching.

"Sir Brave..." The nun closed her eyes slightly and murmured like a prayer, "You can't escape..."



I don’t know how many hours later.

The midday sun finally shone into the deep canyon, penetrated into the house through the window, and shone on the broken floor.

Lu Lin's eyes moved, looking at the finally brighter room outside the alchemy cauldron, and counting the time.

It looked like this ordeal was coming to an end.

At this time, both his and Tanuki's bodies were completely unable to move. Their skin, muscles, and even most of their internal organs had been completely petrified. Even their heads and noses could no longer move.

The pain in the body still hasn't subsided, and there's no such thing as getting used to the pain.

From time to time, Lu Lin would faint from the pain, and then wake up again from the pain, repeated countless times.

He wanted to give up countless times and escape from this damn spring.

But feeling that Li Mi was still holding him tightly and enduring silently, Lu Lin gritted his teeth, shed tears, and held on.

Of course, at this point, even if he wanted to run now, he couldn't run away.

"Come on, the last few hours, it's already now, I can definitely hold on..."

Just as Lu Lin was thinking this, suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his heart that was several times more intense than before.

It was the pain that his heart was about to petrify.

"Damn it..."

Lu Lin's eyes gradually rolled up.

"It seems that I don't need to hold on anymore..."

The last chaotic thought passed through his mind, Lu Lin's eyes turned white, and he fainted completely.

Chapter 39 What is this for, isn't this too scary?

That day, at night.

"Lord Saint Merens, the formation is all ready."

The old man holding the golden staff bowed his head and reported.

"Very good," the blonde nun smiled even more, "Everyone, leave the formation."

"Yes," the old man agreed, then turned around and shouted loudly, "Everyone! Leave the formation immediately! Go to the rest area and wait!"

As soon as the old man's voice fell, several responses sounded in the cave, and then the figures in the cave all walked deeper.

After everyone left the circular area in the middle, the smile on the blonde nun's face finally faded.

Instead, she was replaced by a gloomy face.

She opened her hands, and golden light condensed from her palms, and then turned into ribbon-like rune light strings, lingering in the air.

And under the light of the rune, the originally dark cave ceiling finally had some light.

At this moment, the people present noticed that there was a coffin in the center of the ceiling.

The coffin was wrapped with several iron chains and fixed firmly on the ceiling.

"Hey, is that the coffin that was carried in on the first day?" A soldier of the Crusader Army asked in a low voice.

"Shut up," the old man holding the golden staff glared at him, and the soldier immediately fell silent.

As the runes continued to rise and increase, they actually decomposed all the iron chains, and then slowly fell to the ground with the coffin.

At the moment when the bottom of the coffin touched the ground, the entire cave was instantly illuminated by an ominous red light.

On the ground of the cave, countless complex patterns instantly lit up, forming a huge blood-colored formation.

At the edge of the formation and in the corners of the pattern, strange evil statues made up of flesh and bones lit up strange lights one after another, like evil demons, emitting a hideous and evil ominous aura.

In the middle area of ​​the formation, there were a large number of strange monsters floating in the air.

The dark skeleton stared at the squirming meat, and the rotten claws pointed at the grinning ghost doll.

The seemingly unrelated evil things were clearly connected to each other, and together they constructed this complex curse formation.

The thing that the whole formation was surrounded by, the coffin in the center of the formation, was slowly opening up as the nun's right hand kept rising.

Lying in the coffin was a body that was pieced together.

The body of a young girl.

The head was intact, with long light chestnut hair and a peaceful face. It can be seen that the owner of this head must have been very cute and moving when he was alive.

But the body was really chilling.

It was not that the body was so messy, but there was an indescribable weirdness.

If you look closely, it is not difficult to find the source of this weirdness.

It was obviously the remains of a person, but not only were there no missing arms or legs, but there were a lot of extra things.

For example, the broken right arm and right forearm were connected to an elbow joint, and the pieces of the body that were pieced together in the abdomen actually had belly buttons on two pieces, and the spliced ​​right leg had an unnaturally long section...

Looking at this weird corpse, the corners of the nun's mouth rose again.

But this time, she no longer had that gentle smile on her face, but a crazy grin.

"Haha, brave sir, I haven't seen you for a few days, I really miss your face..."

The corners of the nun's mouth kept rising, as if she wanted to grin to her ears, and her beautiful green eyes were wide open, staring at the strange corpse almost greedily.

"Come on, let your own flesh and blood tell me where you are hiding..."

Accompanied by the golden runes that completely deconstructed the black coffin, the broken corpse directly touched the center of the formation, and a circle of red ripples spread out.

The nun's hands slowly approached, as if asking for a hug, and stretched out her hands to the corpse.

"Come on, my lovely brave sir! Mom is here! Come! Come back! Let me see your face twisted by pain and despair again! Cry in my arms until you fall asleep!"

The crazy shout came from the nun's mouth, but she couldn't hear her own voice at all.

No, it should be said that at this moment, all the sounds in the cave disappeared.

Everyone seemed to have fallen into the vacuum of the universe, unable to hear anything, and even unsure whether they were still breathing.

As for the corpse on the ground, it began to melt like ice and snow, and finally turned into an unknown mixture of flesh and blood.

Then, the mixture began to condense, and then gradually rose into the air, and finally condensed into a ball of flesh and blood in mid-air.

A perfect ball of flesh and blood.

Then, it just floated there, motionless.

The nun's smile gradually froze on her face, and the holy church members in the distance all widened their eyes.

"Huh? What's going on? Is there something wrong with the formation?" The old man holding the golden staff was sweating coldly for a while, his eyes swept across the entire cave, and then he closed his eyes again. After a while, he opened his eyes again with a frown.

The formation is fine.

All nodes are operating smoothly, but...

Why is this happening?

The old man looked in the direction of the nun.

The latter's expression at this moment was not much better than his. When the old man verified the formation, she was also verifying the situation of the formation.

The conclusion was the same, the formation was fine.

In fact, the current operation status of the formation is indeed normal. As long as the search target is not within the range, wouldn't it be this reaction?


How is it possible?

This is a master-level spell formation "The Blood Dynasty's Wanted All Over the Country". As long as there is a bottle of target blood, the target's location can be tracked within a radius of hundreds of miles.

You have to know that what they used was not a small bottle of blood of the target, but the "complete body of the target". With such a powerful spell medium, it is enough for them to double the tracking range.

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