Black Snail Gang?

An enemy that can cast a mid- to high-level blood curse?


Just pediatrics.

Lu Lin now urgently needs to improve his strength, and then take Li Mi to fly far away, leaving the territory of the Holy Religion and staying away from the threat of the Holy Religion.

To do this, he needs to make money, the sooner the better, and he doesn't mind taking some risks.

According to his understanding, the richest group in the entire Diling Town is the Black Snail Gang.

The gold belt of murder and arson is no joke. The money earned by these people who control the underground industry of the town is beyond the reach of even the mayor.


A pile of gold coins was placed on the table.

The young blue-haired earth spirit sat on the opposite side of the table and said solemnly: "Put the ten gold coins here now. When the matter is completed, they will be yours."

"Well, actually, you don't have to take them out to show me," Lu Lin said, taking a sip of tea, "I know your Black Snail Gang is very rich, so I won't worry that you can't afford the price."

After hearing Lu Lin's words, the young blue-haired earth spirit laughed.

"Ha, then you are wrong. The Black Snail Gang is rich, but we are not the rich ones." The young blue-haired earth spirit shook his head. "These ten gold coins are almost all we can afford." of liquidity.”

Hearing this, Lu Lin was stunned for a moment.

Seeing Lu Lin's reaction, the young blue-haired earth spirit smiled and said: "After all, you are not members of our gang. It is normal for you not to know the inside of our gang. Please introduce yourself, Lan Jie... Kors, the deputy leader of the main sect of the Black Snail Gang, as for the leader...that is my eldest brother, Lanlun Gurs, who was also killed by those bastards before..."

Having said this, the blue-haired earth spirit who called himself Lan Jie clenched his fists unconsciously, and everyone in the Black Snail Gang in the room also looked sad and angry.

"My condolences," Lu Lin put down his teacup, "We will avenge him."

"Well, we will definitely..." Lan Jie let out a long breath, "Now, I'd better tell you about the Black Snail Gang."

Then, Lan Jie began to introduce the Black Snail Gang to Lu Lin in detail.

This was also the first time Lu Lin truly understood the details of the Black Snail Gang.

Like most gangs, the Black Snail Gang has many factions, but these so-called factions are actually more like small groups of cronies formed around certain core figures.

There are only two official factions of the Black Snail Gang.

The Zhengwo sect, which has existed since the gang was founded, and the Yewo sect, which emerged after taking over local forces.

The Black Snail Gang was not a gang in Diling Town.

The earliest members of the Black Snail Gang were actually just ordinary villagers in an ordinary village within the empire, living a peaceful life of farming, hunting, and relying on the sky for food.

It wasn't until an underground city appeared not far from the village that their peaceful life was broken.

No one knows the reason for the emergence of dungeons. These things are like mushrooms in the ground. They might pop up in a certain area for no reason one day.

As long as there is a dungeon, monsters will emerge from it and move around.

In order to fight against these monsters that disturb the peace of the village, the Black Snail Team, the predecessor of the Black Snail Gang, was born.

They are all the strongest men in the village. They use the common local black snail as a battle flag, pick up farm tools and wooden sticks and stand together to fight against monsters and defend their homeland.

Such days are said to have lasted for twenty years.

The Black Snails have also grown from the farmers' self-defense force into a civilian armed force with considerable combat effectiveness.

Sounds very beautiful, right?

But in fact, only the people of the Black Snail Team know how many difficult battles they have experienced and how many tragic deaths of their companions they have witnessed before they have gone through these twenty years.

As members of the Black Snail Team, they longed for the day when the Black Snail Team would be disbanded more than anyone else.

Finally, twenty years after they formed the team, they found their savior.

The Holy Religion brought a powerful hero. He had a tall and strong body and carried a long knife on his waist. His sharp sword skills and swiftness of the sword completely refreshed everyone in the Black Snail Team's understanding of manpower. cognition.

The hero went to the depths of the dungeon alone, fought for several months, and finally succeeded in defeating the devil in the deepest part of the dungeon.

Since then, the monsters in the entire dungeon have completely disappeared, and the Black Snail Team can finally disband and live a happy and beautiful life...


If so.

There would be no more Black Snail Gang.

No one expected that although all the monsters in the dungeon had been eliminated, a large group of new residents would arrive near the village.

It is said that the person who came is the son of the king of our empire who has had countless wives. He was given a title and nearby land was given to him as a fief.

He brought a group of troops, a large number of slaves, and some craftsmen and workers here, intending to build a city nearby.

This city will be built using the resources in the already harmless dungeon, and then use the city as a base to continue to develop the resources deep in the dungeon.

This kind of thing is not uncommon. The dungeons that have not been conquered are dangerous caves, but the dungeons that have been completely conquered have become safe treasure troves. There are countless cities in the world, and it is in these cities that have been destroyed. It was built on top of the harmed dungeon, absorbing the resources of the dungeon as nutrients.

It is precisely because of these countless wealthy cities that the powerful empire is now possible.

At first glance, this seems like a good thing.

After all, the living environment is going to be improved, which should be a good thing.

The Black Snail Team also thought that they would have a good life with no worries about food and clothing.

But in the end, in order to build the city, all of them were forcibly conscripted into the city by the new lord to work as laborers to build the city and roads.

In the whole village, no one who could work and had the strength could stay.

During the time of being a laborer, many of them missed their relatives day and night, but the lord was said to have heard of the name of the Black Snail Team and seemed to be on guard against them. He specially sent people to keep a close watch on them, saying that he was afraid that they would cause trouble and did not give them the opportunity to go home to visit their families.

These annoying days lasted for several months.

It was not until the National Day of the Empire that they were able to get a holiday and go home to visit their families.

But when they returned to their hometown, they found that the village they had spent twenty years defending with countless blood and sacrifices of their companions, their home, had turned into ruins in just a few months.

Chapter 45 The larger the team, the fewer enemies, and the harder it is to lead the team

You can always believe in the ability of the landlord to produce stupid sons.

The prince brother who was not worldly could always come up with all kinds of genius ways to mess up everything.

Their shallow life experience always made them like monkeys cracking corn, cracking this and losing that.

The village of the Black Snail Team was destroyed.

Not only their village, but almost all the villages in the nearby area were destroyed.

In order to complete the construction of the city as quickly as possible, this prince brother mobilized almost all the able-bodied men in the nearby area, and of course, he never thought of sending troops to protect the villages.

As a result, these villages, which only had the elderly, the weak, women and children left, completely lost the ability to protect themselves. Even if they wanted to hire people to guard the villages, no one could hire them. Then, of course, they became fat sheep in the eyes of wild bandits and mountain robbers.

The result was that bandits were rampant in the surrounding areas, and nearby villages were robbed by waves of bandits every now and then, causing trouble and even killing people from time to time.

Over time, the villagers were panicked, hungry, and miserable.

In desperation, most residents had to abandon the village and seek shelter near the city under construction.

At first, the prince didn't think anything was wrong. He just thought that his new town had attracted some poor refugees, so he simply asked people to build simple sheds outside the city for these people to live in.

Later, more and more people gathered outside the city, and the prince finally realized that something was wrong. After sending people to investigate, he realized that he had done something wrong. Almost all the surrounding villages were in chaos. At least this year, the tax revenue in the vicinity should be completely ruined.

But what can he do now? It is too late to let the people go back and rebuild the village. In desperation, the prince can only build a large number of temporary sheds near the town, provide food to the villagers on a regular basis every day, and then build the town with all his strength. As for the problems of village reconstruction and land cultivation, they will be considered after the town is completed.

Anyway, it is now in the stage of opening up the new city, and it is easier for him to ask his own father for money and food, and he can afford the food for these residents.

He thought well, in fact, he was generous enough.

But the members of the Black Snail Team were already discouraged.

Although they later found most of their relatives in the resettlement area outside the city, when they heard their relatives tell how the bandits trampled on the village they had guarded for twenty years and bullied their relatives over and over again, their anger could no longer be suppressed.

This anger must have a place to go.

The lord was willing to take in their families and provide them with food. In their simple cognition, the lord was a good person.

In this case, their anger was naturally directed at those bandits.

That day, the Black Snail Team officially became the Black Snail Gang.

They took advantage of the holiday to leave the city directly, picked up weapons, and pointed their spears directly at the nearby bandits.

Prince Brother on the top quickly learned about this matter because he had been monitoring their local armed forces, but after hearing that their target was the nearby bandits, he thought about it and let them go.

Anyway, he would have to deal with these bandits sooner or later. Now someone has stepped forward first, which may not be a bad thing for him. If he sent someone to stop them, he would have to send an extra person, and it is also unclear whether he could pull the person back.

The Black Snail Gang did not disappoint their Prince Brother. Relying on the combat experience accumulated from fighting monsters for many years, their road to suppressing bandits can be said to be smooth sailing. Whenever they encounter bandits, no group of bandits can beat them.

Of course, they couldn't kill all these bandits. In most cases, they killed the leaders and the villains, and then separated them, and trained them in the same way as the Black Snail Team trained new members, in order to expand their own team.

Over time, the Black Snail Gang also grew from dozens of people at the beginning to hundreds of people.

That was also the time when the Black Snail Gang had the most members in history.

As the number of people increased, the number of bandits who dared to confront them decreased. As the number of people increased, the rations consumed also increased. Gradually, relying on stealing money to buy food could no longer support their daily consumption.

Life became increasingly difficult, and even some problems began to appear within the Black Snail Gang. Some small groups were dissatisfied with their current lives, so they gathered together and ran away secretly, and even became bandits again.

The Black Snail Gang initially tried to deal with these traitors, but after one or two times, they stopped doing so.

Not to mention that the traitors had a relationship with the gang members, the gang members valued friendship, and it was somewhat uncomfortable to start fighting.

The most important thing was that there was no benefit at all to conquer these traitors who had just defected.

The Black Snail Gang had always relied on conquering bandits and confiscating their supplies to make a living, but the traitors who had just defected were almost as poor as the Black Snail Gang, and there was no benefit from beating them. Instead, they would only waste money and food every day in the process.

As the situation of the Black Snail Gang became worse and worse, the then leader of the Black Snail Gang also realized that it was not a long-term solution to continue like this, and they should almost find a place to stay.

At first, they wanted to go back to where they came from, but now, after all, they are nominally a gang of bandits, and in the eyes of others, they are no different from bandits.

In addition, there are so many of them. If they really return to where they came from, God knows whether the prince will recognize them as good citizens.

Even if he can recognize the dozens of people who ran away at the beginning, what about the others?

What should they do?

After all, they are all bandits. Who doesn't have a lot of crimes of burning, killing and looting? Who dares to really go to a lord?

In the end, some members who couldn't let go of their relatives chose to leave the Black Snail Gang and return home, and some members formed gangs and left the Black Snail Gang and became bandits again. In addition, the remaining more than a hundred people followed the gang leader to find another way.

After many twists and turns, they finally found this Diling Town.

As the territory of the Diling Clan, this place is not as taboo as other places about the identity of bandits. Moreover, the gangs in the town were powerful at that time, and the Diling Clan lord at that time also needed the help of armed forces like them.

"These members of the Black Snail Gang who traveled all the way here are the current Zhengwo Sect."

"However, after so many years, there were not many women among the Zhengwo Sect at that time. Gradually, the inheritors became earth spirit hybrids."

"Today, the mixed blood is no longer very obvious, but the responsibilities of the Zhengwo Sect have not changed much. The town guards are basically from here and are responsible for protecting the town."

Chapter 46 Small but complete

Lan Jie said, drinking a sip of tea.

"Now, the main business of the Zhengwo Sect is still to help the mayor train guards or undertake some escort tasks."

"This doesn't sound like a gang at all," Lu Lin supported his cheek.

"We shouldn't have been a gang," Lan Jie sighed, "Remember what I said before, when the Black Snail Gang first arrived here, the gangs in the town were very powerful, and after the Black Snail Gang arrived here, they started to deal with the local gangs."

"The Black Snail Gang was so powerful at the time, it shouldn't have been difficult to destroy the local gangs, right?" Lu Lin asked.

"No, on the contrary, they can't be destroyed at all," Lan Jie shook his head. "At that time, they were called gangs. To be precise, they were local forces that were not under the control of the mayor and had their own armed forces."

"This kind of force, if its members are really separated, who is not a relative or child of the local residents? If they are to be uprooted, the result is tantamount to turning the entire town upside down."

"The mayor at that time also understood that it was impossible to eradicate this kind of force, and the only way was to manage them."

"Since they were dissatisfied with the mayor's management method, the mayor decided to let the Black Snail Gang try the gang's management method."

"The gang founder did not disappoint the mayor at that time. They acted like an outside gang and went directly to the local gangs, asking them to compete for the position of boss."

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