Feeling a chill on his head, Lan Jie froze completely. He wanted to say something for a moment, but couldn't say anything.

"It's a wig," Sebuike swung the wig, looked down at Lan Jie's face, and said with a smug look on his face, "Hey, you don't have to show that expression, right? In fact, your plan is quite good, but it's a pity that you are unlucky and met me."

"What plan?" Although he was panicking, Lan Jie still gritted his teeth and said stubbornly, "Why can't I understand what you are saying?"

"Hahaha, okay, okay, you don't understand," Sebuike smiled and shook his head, "Speaking of which, you just deliberately mentioned yourself;? The curse of the eldest brother is to seduce me I will curse you with the same curse, right?"

"Ah, no, I should say that the purpose of your coming here today is to let me curse you, right?"

"Your struggle, your panic, your weakness, your hysteria, your seemingly abandoned identity, are all fake, all acting to make me relax my vigilance, right?"

"Since you drank the cursed blood potion, as long as I use your blood to curse you, not only will the curse not take effect, but it will cause the curse power to backfire because it cannot find the target to cast the curse. At that time, in a hurry, I will definitely look for other materials."

"And the fastest way to get it is also Only your hair. Although the effect of using hair to cast a spell is far inferior to blood, if I am about to face the backlash of the curse power, I will definitely not mind this. "

"But your hair is also fake. If I replace your hair as a medium, the backlash of the curse power will not only not disappear, but will increase twice..."

"Plus the cake you brought, well, there is no problem with the cake itself, but the sweet aroma is not all emitted from the cake, right?"

"Although I don't know what it is, I just deliberately felt the spiritual power and Magic power, guess what, their properties have all turned to the direction of curse power. "

"This thing is indeed not poisonous. Although it is not conducive to the operation of ordinary spells and divine arts, it can enhance the power of curses, right?"

"The backlash of the second-amplified curse power, coupled with the fragrance that can amplify the curse, when the time comes, I can curse myself to death without you taking action."

"Swords take an unconventional approach, soldiers take risks, use themselves as bait, show the enemy weakness, haha, it's really a good plan."

When Sebuike said this, Lan Jie's back was already soaked with sweat.

Their plans were all seen through?

Chapter 54 Negotiations failed, and the offensive began

Lu Lin said that the more complex and detailed the plan, the easier it is to go wrong.

So when discussing with him, Lu Lin repeatedly emphasized that this plan was extremely risky, and he was also mentally prepared.

But he never expected that their plan would be seen through from beginning to end.

Seeing Lan Jie's unbelievable expression, Sebuike's smug look became more and more intense.

"Hey, do you really want to know where you exposed yourself?" Sebuike said with a smile, "In fact, I didn't understand what you wanted to do at the beginning, and even suspected that you were just a discarded child thrown to test my strength, until you said that sentence..."

"You asked me, since I have already cursed your elder brother to death, do I have to curse you to death too?"

"To be honest, when I heard this sentence at first, I really wanted to laugh. I couldn't understand why you, who have been with your brother through life and death for so many years, could still say such naive words when facing the enemy."

"At that time, I was really about to look down on you and treat you as a complete discarded child."

"What a pity, because I have seen too many people die because of this idea, so I am still trying to think about whether it is possible that you still have some backhand killer tricks."

"The result..."

As he said, the golden knife in Sebuike's hand fell and stuck on the floor in front of Lan Jie.

Lan Jie was shocked to find that there was a faint black on the blade of the golden knife.

"Curse blood medicine, something I haven't seen for many years. It is an unpopular thing that is only useful in internal fights among sorcerers," said Sebuike with emotion. "Thinking back to the days when I was fighting to the death with my good classmates, I used this thing a lot. I just thought of this possibility at that time. It happened that this golden knife was left behind when I dealt with my good classmates. I took a closer look. Hehe, this black color really makes people miss it."

At this moment, Lan Jie finally understood where they lost.

They still underestimated their enemies.

Sebuike was much more proficient in fighting with people with spells than they thought, and he was more vigilant than ordinary people.

Lu Lin said that the key to the success of this plan is to show weakness to the enemy, lure him into being complacent about his superiority, and then continue to struggle and show despair, tricking the opponent into thinking that he has won the game, and then deliver a fatal blow when he is enjoying the fruits of victory and is most relaxed.

But Sebuike, on the surface, has been following Lan Jie's plan, but his vigilance has never been relaxed from beginning to end.

Even when Lan Jie was tied to the ground by him and couldn't move.

"Damn it, I admit defeat..." Lan Jie said with gritted teeth, "Give me a quick death."

"Haha, you are quite courageous," Sebuike squatted down in front of Lan Jie, rubbing Lan Jie's smooth bald head with his hands, "What a pity, didn't you realize that you became a discarded pawn after all?"

"You lost, but what about him? He is in a safe place now, maybe drinking red wine and taking a hot bath leisurely."

"For you, the failure that requires life is just a test for him. After that, I am afraid I will have to fight him for a long time..."

"So... why don't we talk? There are not many warriors in the town who are better than you. For this reason, if you are willing to do something for me, I can spare your life."

At this point, Sebuike even showed a sincere smile.

But Lan Jie sneered at Sebuike's olive branch and said with a sneer: "Haha, impossible, you killed my eldest brother, I will never forgive you!"

"Really?" Sebuike sighed, "You really are..."

Halfway through his words, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, frowned, and asked coldly: "What are you looking at?"

"Ah? What?" Lan Jie showed a look of confusion.

Sebuike did not ask more, but turned his head away.

Lan Jie's pupils just turned to a certain direction for a moment, it should be...

"Clock?" Sebuike was stunned.

Then, he only felt a sense of crisis that made his hair stand on end, and then he rushed to his inner room as soon as possible.

At the same time, Lan Jie also crushed the crystal stone that had been hidden in the palm of his left hand.

The next moment, the ground shook, accompanied by a deafening roar, and the bursting flames filled Lan Jie's entire vision.




In the brilliant flames, Sebuike’s sacred alchemy workshop was blown into fireworks.

Lu Lin designed three plans in total.

Plan A, if Sebuike didn’t find anything, let Lan Jie pretend to negotiate a cooperation, leave blood and hair, and then find an opportunity to backstab Sebuike, let him curse Lan Jie, and then curse himself to death at home.

This is the most ideal plan.

Plan B, if Sebuike found the problem, if Lan Jie continued to pretend to cooperate and happily left blood and hair, it would definitely arouse suspicion, so in this case, Lan Jie could only turn against him on the spot, let the other party mistakenly think that he was desperate, and then induce the other party to curse him, and then curse the other party to death at home on the spot.

This is the backup plan to be implemented when Plan A fails. Since it is extremely challenging to perform, and there may be too many uncertainties on the scene, it is the most risky plan. If it succeeds, it will be fine. If it fails...

Plan C, on Lan Jie's scabbard, there is a string of crystals tied. They are small things they bought at the grocery store, mainly used for communication in the mine. Once a crystal on Lan Jie's side is broken, Lu Lin will receive a magic signal. Lan Jie needs to crush one every once in a while to report safety. If Lan Jie completely messes up, then find a way to delay time until the next normal contact time is one minute past. As long as there is no signal after one minute, Lu Lin will directly blow up Sebuike's hometown.

As for why he did this...

Since it is absolutely impossible to defeat an alchemist in his hometown, wouldn't it be possible to defeat him if he blew up his hometown?

By the way, all the explosives used were purchased by the Zhengwo Sect in the underground Qizhen. In a sense, Lu Lin spent money to buy the explosives he made.

But it's not his own money anyway, so he doesn't feel bad.

Putting away the pocket watch given by Lan Jie, Lu Lin looked back in the direction of the town.

At this moment, many houses in the town have lights on. It is estimated that many people will gather here soon.

And some people have already opened the window and started looking over here. When the fight starts, it will be almost impossible to hide their identities.

This is why Lu Lin does not want to use Plan C unless it is absolutely necessary. After all, Sebu Ek is a member of the Holy Church. If they destroy Sebu Ek in such a high-profile manner, they will not be able to stay in the town in the future.

"Alas, it has come to this point," Lu Lin turned around and put on the crow mask, "Forget it, let's win this battle first..."

Then, Lu Lin took out a bottle the size of a jam can. In the bottle was a mixture of flesh and bones, soaked in some ominous liquid.

This is the [Blood Corpse Rat Sealing Jar] under the [Dead Spirit Formula] · [Dead Spirit Puppet] entry.

As for the effect...

With a wave of Lu Lin's right hand, the bottle immediately fell to the ground.

The flesh and blood in the bottle fell to the ground, and then quickly solidified into a zombie mouse with broken limbs.

The mouse sniffed the ground, and then rushed to the ruins in front.

Seeing this, Lu Lin also tightened his alchemy staff and followed him immediately.

As Lu Lin moved, Li Mi, who had been standing next to him, also took action and followed Lu Lin at a distance of one step.

The mouse rushed through the flames and rushed directly to the right side of the ruins.

However, at this moment, the sand and stones on the right side of the ruins suddenly exploded, and the next moment, the embarrassed Lan Jie jumped out of the ruins with a long knife.

"Damn, brother, I'm sorry, I screwed up," Lan Jie grinned at Lu Lin, "but this thing you gave me really works."

"I'm glad you're okay. We can talk later. We have to make a quick decision," Lu Lin said, looking at the mouse again.

When Lan Jie jumped out, the mouse braked, sniffed again, and then rushed in another direction.

This time, Lu Lin did not hesitate. He immediately took out a fire dust bomb, ignited it directly, and threw it in the direction where the mouse rushed.

Chapter 55 This chapter is forbidden to sabotage


The fire dust explosive exploded, and the already dilapidated ruins were blown even more dilapidated.


A bottle of poison was thrown into the flames and instantly exploded into a ball of poisonous mist.


That was the sound of corrosive potion.

Lu Lin threw all kinds of prepared offensive potions into the ruins one by one, just like setting off firecrackers during the New Year.

Of course, having said that, he actually only threw one of each. After all, the opponent was still buried under the ruins. This set of remote output was just a symbolic fire suppression, and Lu Lin was not too sure how much effect it would have.

However, the opponent was an alchemist after all, and his physical strength would definitely not be too high. If he continued with this set, he would probably be half-dead if not dead...

Just as Lu Lin was thinking this, he saw a scene that shocked him.

The ruins that Lu Lin had been madly attacking actually swelled up at this moment.

The sand and stone fragments on the top floor continued to collapse, and then a green, strong giant hand stretched out from the middle.

"Fuck, the Hulk?!" Lu Lin's eyes widened immediately.

Did he provoke Bruce Banner?

Lu Lin didn't dare to delay, and lit another bomb and threw it over.

And at the moment the bomb exploded, a head came out of the ruins.

With a bang, the bomb just blew him all over the face.

For a moment, the smoke from the explosion blocked his vision. Lu Lin had just taken out the next bomb, but before he could light it, he heard a roar from the smoke.

The next moment, a huge figure rushed out of the smoke.

The figure was more than three meters tall, naked, with muscular body, green skin, and a thin shell on the surface.

As for the face, it was even more hideous, with blood all over his face, one eye was blown off, the nose was blown off, and most of the upper lip was blown off, exposing the gums directly. The bloody fangs were also extremely hideous, but they were all his own blood.

His only remaining eye glared at Lu Lin, and he roared in pain or anger, and rushed towards Lu Lin with his hands and feet. His posture was almost crazy, not like a human, nor like a beast. If I have to say, it can only be described as a weird species.

"Fortunately, it's not a real Hulk, nor a puppet. Is it some kind of transformation potion? It should be an intermediate potion, at most an advanced one. Bombs are useful, so other things should be useful too. This guy is an alchemist after all, and alchemical creations are his strongest support. This thing should be used to fight desperately..."

Facing such an abstract enemy, Lu Lin's mind was extremely calm, and he instantly sorted out several sets of prop attack plans in his mind.

Just when Lu Lin was about to make a move, someone also raised his head.

Her empty eyes met the angry one-eyed one. Following the one-eyed one's sight, she saw that the murderous intent was directed at Lu Lin.

At this moment, Lu Lin only felt that there seemed to be wind blowing beside him.

Then, a figure in a white dress appeared on the side of the green-skinned giant's head. Her right hand grabbed the huge head of the green-skinned giant, and her thumb directly pressed into the monster's only eye.


The giant's only remaining eyeball was directly pressed down by the slender fingers like pressing bubble paper.

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