Before he finished speaking, his hand was suddenly let go.

Since he was already struggling, when he let go, the wealthy businessman lost his balance and fell directly to the ground.

"Ouch, you damn..." the wealthy businessman cried out in pain, thinking that the old man was finally scared. He gritted his teeth and stared at him, intending to scold this ungrateful old man.

But in the end, he saw the old man holding his head and grinning, as if he was in pain.

The wealthy businessman was in a daze for a while, not knowing what the situation was.

Just as he was about to get up, he suddenly heard the old man laughing.

"Hey, hee hee hee hee hee hee hee..."

The laughter was extremely sharp and harsh, coupled with the hoarse voice, it was like the sinister laughter in the mouth of a hell spirit.

"He's coming, hee hee hee... He's coming, hee hee chi chi chi... Hee hee hee hee, he's coming! He's coming!..."

The old man held his head, arched his back, and bent his legs, like a downed beetle, shaking on the ground while laughing crazily. From time to time, he would kick his legs randomly and make two strange screams.

"Damn, madman, I'm so stupid, so damn mad!" The wealthy businessman cursed, got up in a hurry, and ran away.

The old man was left alone, making that harsh and shrill noise.

Across the street, at the door of a dried meat shop, the shop owner who was sweeping the floor frowned and looked over, muttering: "Damn it, it's starting again..."

"Again? Does this old man often do this?" A customer who was selecting dried meat asked doubtfully.

"Yeah, I don't know how many years have passed. I've been going crazy when I have nothing to do. Whenever I'm crazy, I've been shouting, 'He's coming.' I don't know who is coming. I've been shouting for so many years, but nothing has come. "The landlady said helplessly.

"Didn't anyone send him to the Holy Religion? Should the Holy Religion be able to cure this situation?" the guest asked.

"I sent him away countless times, but every time he ran out again soon after. When I asked the Holy Cult, they said he was too old and couldn't be cured. Anyway, this guy can't do anything except go crazy all day long. "Son, let's just leave it alone," the landlady said helplessly, "Oh, it's just annoying, so don't talk about it anymore. Have you made your choice?"

"Ah, it's time to choose, don't be impatient..."



at the same time.

Under the cliff.

"Hey... what kind of turtle is this?" Lu Lin looked at the big turtle that was five or six meters high and about ten meters long in front of him with a curious look on his face.

"It's a giant rock-climbing turtle," Lan Jie said. "This kind of large tortoise has the talent of gravity magic. It can make the direction of gravity near itself always face downwards. Therefore, even if it is so big, it can climb vertically and carry people. People carry cargo.

"Not bad, are we just going to ride on this thing?" Lu Lin asked.

"Of course, but we have so many things, we probably need to pack a whole turtle," Lan Jie sighed, "This is not cheap."

"Hi, it's okay," Lu Lin waved his hand.

Lan Jie's eyes lit up, and he was just about to say that he is a generous boss, when Lu Lin continued: "As for the money, I'll leave this little problem to you!"

Lan Jie was stunned.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered a certain rumor in the small town that he had never paid any attention to.

It is said that there is a man named Lu Lin in the town who is very stingy.

He tried it at various snack bars and never bought it, so he forgot about it. He even asked others if they could pack the food after trying it.

He never spent money when he went to the tavern. He just walked in circles in the tavern. Every time he went around the tavern, there would be one peanut missing on all the tables.

He always buys salt by the spoon. After buying a spoonful, he always asks the store if he can give him an extra spoonful.

Even when passing by other people's chicken coops, he can go in and take care of each chicken inside.

And now.

He suddenly discovered that his new boss seemed to be named Lu Lin.

Chapter 63: The main purpose of routine inspection is to release an exception

"Oh my god, won't your legs get weak when you sit on this..." On the bullock cart, Lu Lin looked at the valley bottom getting farther and farther behind him, feeling his legs weak for a while.

At this time, their ox cart was being placed on the back of the giant rock climbing turtle, slowly heading towards the top of the valley.

Just like what we saw before, due to the influence of the giant rock climbing turtle's gravity magic talent, even if they are staying on a cliff that is 90 degrees perpendicular to the ground at this moment, they are still being sucked steadily into the big rock as if they are on the ground. On the back of a rock climbing turtle.

Of course, having said that, just sitting like this without any protective words, and then watching yourself gradually reach a height of tens of meters above the ground, is much scarier than a jumping machine roller coaster.

"Boss, didn't I ask you if you want to cover your eyes with a piece of cloth like a cow?" Lanjie, who was sitting on the carriage, had a black line on his face. It was obvious that he was used to this scene. " In fact, as long as you cover your eyes, it feels the same as walking on the ground.”

"That won't work. Isn't that deceiving yourself?" Lu Lin's voice was trembling. "Damn it, can't they build an elevator or something?"

"Elevator?" Lan Jie asked confused, "What is that?"

"It's a machine that can carry people and goods up and down," Lu Lin said. "Isn't there such a thing?"

"Well, yes, but this is a cliff several hundred meters high," Lan Jie shrugged, "It's too difficult to build it, right? The materials are difficult, the construction is even more difficult, and regular maintenance is required later. I don't know how many big climbing turtles I can raise with this money."

"Ah, that seems to be true," Lu Lin looked at the ground outside the window, which was almost a hundred meters away from him. He couldn't stand it anymore, so he retracted his sight, pulled down his hood, and started to study the recipe list to pass the time.

By the way, except for the clothes inside, he almost only wears the black crow robe as an outer garment.

Although the decorated black crow robe is now eye-catching, it does not have the aura of a dangerous element at the beginning.

The most important thing is that he is an alchemist after all, not a warrior. His means of self-protection basically rely on external objects. This robe is his armory. When he goes out, he doesn't plan to take it off if he can keep wearing it.

As for cleaning, it's just on the outside, so just sweep the dust and rub the collar. If that doesn't work, you can go buy some alchemical creations for cleaning clothes.

"Speaking of which, I want to buy some recipes for common items, healing potions, cleaning potions, cat's eye potions, etc..." Lu Lin secretly calculated.

But alchemical recipes seem to be hard to buy.

Ordinary stores don't have them at all. If you want to buy them, you may have to find other alchemists, but even so, others may not be willing to pay attention to you, and even if they are willing to sell them, it will probably be a sky-high price.

After all, think about the Diling Town, how many stores can rely on an alchemy apprentice who knows a single-digit formula to live a life of food and clothing.


He doesn't have to spend money to buy recipes, right?

He can take out his own recipes and exchange them with others.

Although most of the recipes he has are shameful, there is still a clean category of [Destruction Formula]. If he takes out ordinary bomb recipes, there will be no one to check his water meter, right?

"I'll find an alchemist in the city when I have a chance..." Lu Lin secretly made up his mind.

Just then, Lan Jie suddenly said, "Ah, okay, we're almost there."

"So fast," Lu Lin was a little surprised. He looked up and saw that the top of the cliff was indeed in front of him.

"A few hundred meters high does sound like a lot, but a few hundred meters of flat land is actually not that far," Lan Jie said, "For a big rock climbing turtle, there is no difference between cliffs and flat land, so it naturally doesn't take too much time."

"That makes sense," Lu Lin nodded.

As the big rock climbing turtle stepped onto the high cliff, Lu Lin's hanging heart finally settled down.

He propped himself up and looked into the alchemy cauldron next to him. Li Mi had been sleeping soundly, and probably didn't know that they had climbed a few hundred meters high.

After climbing the high cliff, they saw a wide field in front of them. There were many compartments prepared for the big rock climbing turtles around the field. Many big rock climbing turtles were eating or sleeping in the compartments at the moment.

In the middle of the site is the unloading yard. Workers will put a wooden ramp platform on the big climbing turtle so that both people and goods can go down the slope.

After the staff built the platform for Lu Lin and others, Lan Jie took off the cloth covering the cow's eyes, set up the ox cart, and went down.

Since they were about to enter the city, it was inconvenient for them to continue driving forward, so Lan Jie jumped off the frame and went to the front to hold the nose of the cow.

Lu Lin also jumped off the car and looked around curiously.

After all, this was the first time he had gone so far in this world, and now everything he saw felt very fresh.

/; As for Li Mi.

It's a blessing to be able to sleep, and it's good to sleep.

At this moment, two guards wearing simple leather armor and holding spears walked towards them.

Seeing this, Lu Lin frowned and whispered to Lan Jie beside him: "Hey, brother, what's the situation?"

"It's just a routine inspection, leave it to me," Lan Jie said, and took the initiative to greet the two.

The two men were stunned when they saw Lan Jie, then looked at each other, and then walked up quickly, one on the left and one on the right, and began to circle around Lan Jie.

Lu Lin was confused and walked forward a few steps before he could hear what they were saying.

"I say, Brother Jie, your hairstyle..." A guard was about to say something but stopped.

"Well," another guard pursed his lips, "I'm not saying, Brother Jie, your and Brother Lun's hair is unique, so you just shaved it?"

"I actually know him," Lu Lin was a little surprised.

I can only say that Lan Jie is worthy of being a frequent escort nearby, and he is familiar with the guards of this city.

At this time, Lan Jie spoke: "Hey... don't say it, my eldest brother... he's gone."

As soon as these words came out, the two guards were stunned.

"How is this possible? How could Brother Lun..."

"Yes, he is the most powerful swordsman I have ever seen!"

"Ah, this is a long story," Lan Jie sighed, "I will treat you to a drink when I have time, and we will talk slowly."

"Okay, I will do as you say," a guard patted Lan Jie's shoulder, "My condolences."

"My condolences..." Another guard also patted Lan Jie's other shoulder.

"Well, see you later," Lan Jie said, hugged the two guards, and then came back.

Lu Lin looked at him, not knowing whether to speak for a while, after all, the topic was about Lan Jie's brother again, and he didn't think he would be in a good mood.

But Lan Jie grinned at Lu Lin after he came back and said, "Okay, let's go, boss, don't look at me like that. Although it's sad to think about my brother's affairs, the revenge has been taken, and I have said goodbye to him. It's all right now."

"Well, okay, then I won't be hypocritical with you. Let's go for a drink when we have time later," Lu Lin nodded, "By the way, didn't you say it was a routine inspection? Why did they go back directly?"

"Routine inspections are about letting people go directly when they encounter exceptions," Lan Jie shrugged, "For example, acquaintances like us, oh, by the way, boss, don't you want to find a store that sells alchemical equipment? I know where it is, let's go."

Chapter 64 The shopping guide said, I'm here now, it doesn't feel right not to buy a car

Lu Lin really heard of this type of routine inspection for the first time.

It's too casual.

But soon, Lu Lin understood why the inspections in this city were so lax.

Most of the residents in this city are actually from the Earth Spirit race. Lu Lin even saw a huge building with a signboard of the Earth Spirit News.

There is no doubt that this is also a city where the Earth Spirit race is the main race.

And the cities and territories of the Earth Spirit race are like this, with a free and undisciplined style.

In the beginning, the Earth Spirit town was a place where everyone who came was a guest. When a newcomer came, the guards at the gate would greet you and let you in.

The advantage is that it is very convenient to do business on their territory. This group of people does not choose money or goods, and does not engage in racial discrimination or political discrimination. Everyone who comes is a distinguished guest, and the source of the goods is not questioned.

The disadvantage is that the lax management often leads to the complexity of local forces and serious gang problems. The safety of life and goods depends on oneself.

"Are there local gangs here?" Lu Lin asked casually while walking on the road.

"Yes, and this place is much more complicated than ours. The city is big, the population is large, and there are many gangs, big and small, there are more than a dozen," Lan Jie said, "But don't worry, they won't bother us with me."

"Do you know anyone else?" Lu Lin asked.

"They may not recognize all of them, but they definitely recognize this one," Lan Jie said, pointing to the black snail mark on his back, "Although we are a gang in a small place, we are the only one there. According to the strength before the incident, there are only a few gangs in this city that can beat the black snail gang, but even if they are, they won't mess with us for no reason."

"Is that so? That's really convenient," Lu Lin said, suddenly remembering something and asked, "By the way, do you think they will think I am also from a newly established gang when they see this behind me?"

"Uh..." Lan Jie opened his mouth, but hesitated for a moment.

After several seconds, he suddenly pointed in a direction and said, "Ah! Here we are, right there!"

Lu Lin looked in the direction of his finger and found a wooden building that was five or six stories high. The decoration was very high-end. Various lifelike animal statues were carved on the eaves, and the signboard had several large characters - "Gurus Hidden Dragon Association".

"Wow, it's so impressive," Lu Lin exclaimed.

"This is the largest chamber of commerce in the city," Lan Jie said, "Alchemy uses this stuff. Most places only sell it for apprentices. If you want to buy high-end ones, you can only come to this kind of place."

"Won't the premium here be very high?" Lu Lin asked.

"No, in general, their prices are still very fair," Lan Jie shook his head, "Although their business is big, there are many local chambers of commerce that can compete with them. They can't bully customers. On the contrary, local reputation is very important to them, so the price and quality are guaranteed."

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