Is it because of the fog outside?

Lu Lin thought of this and immediately started to move.

But as soon as he took a step forward, he paused.

No, this alchemy room has been completely soundproofed. The windows and the like are all tightly closed. There are also filter layers inside the ventilation structure that can absorb sound and filter gases. It has been very effective in isolating outdoor air. If you're too strong, you can't really close all the vents, right?

In that case, I might be starved of oxygen if I stay here for a long time.

But...then what else can he do?

Are you just going to leave Tanuki alone?

Although she did not seem to be losing control, Lu Lin felt uncomfortable in his heart when he saw her crying.

"Will the medicine help?"

Lu Lin turned around and went to the cabinet to get a bottle of gray cloud mushroom medicine.

He handed the drug to Numi, but Numi's reaction was completely different from before.

She looked at the drug quietly for a while, then gently placed it on the bedside, and then returned to the previous position.

"It doesn't work? What else can we do?" Lu Lin looked left and right, and suddenly an idea flashed.

By the way, Tanumi seems to have eaten nothing since today except for what she had in the morning.

Could it be that she was hungry?

No, I definitely can't be hungry, but maybe it would be better to eat something.

After all, according to knowledge from past lives, eating can indeed alleviate people's sadness.

Thinking of this, Lu Lin didn't hesitate, ran downstairs immediately, scooped out a bowl of the hot mixed risotto in the pot, and then ran back to the second floor with a spoon and the bowl.

Don't tell me, this trick is really effective.

As Lu Lin fed Li Mi spoonful after spoonful, the latter's tears gradually stopped.

Just seeing the food in the bowl getting less and less, Lu Lin felt a little worried.

What should we do after we finish eating?

She shouldn't start crying again after eating, right?

That is to say, when Lu Lin was worried and scooped up a spoonful of rice and put it in front of Li Mi's mouth, the other man did not choose to open his mouth for the first time, but slowly shook his head.

"This...does this mean you're full?" Lu Lin wasn't sure, but since Li Mi refused to open his mouth, he couldn't forcefully feed him, so he had to put down his rice bowl and look at Li Mi with an uneasy expression.

Fortunately, this time, Noomi's eyes didn't seem to shed tears again, and she just looked at him quietly like she did at the beginning.

Lu Lin vaguely felt that there seemed to be some kind of appeal in that sight.

Almost subconsciously, Lu Lin walked up to Li Mi and sat next to her.

Then, as if it was a matter of course, Tanuki fell down gently in his direction, rested her head on his thigh, and then closed her eyes.



In the next three days, Li Mi's condition almost remained in this state. I don't know whether to say it was getting better or worse.

It is said that she is getting better. At least, she no longer sleeps 23 hours a day. She can also make some basic judgments when doing things by herself. For example, she will stop eating when she is full. She can also do some basic small things by herself. .

She was said to be worse because in this state, once Lu Lin left her alone, she would be in a daze and start to cry silently. As a result, Lu Lin could only stay with her every day, or let her sleep on his lap. Go up, either lend her a shoulder to lean on, or simply hug her to stop her tears.

In the past three days, Li Mi has been like an extremely clingy little animal. As long as you ignore her, she will start to feel sad silently, so much so that Lu Lin can only put a recliner next to her bed even when she sleeps at night.

And just when Lu Lin was worried about whether this state would continue forever, at noon on the third day, Li Mi's eyes suddenly lost their sparkle while he was eating, and returned to the full look in his eyes again. It is a state of nothingness.

Lu Lin was stunned for a moment, then suddenly turned his head and looked out the window.

Sure enough, the fog outside the window had dispersed at this moment.

Instead, there was a dense forest scene filled with trees of various colors.

They seemed to have arrived in the beautiful forest.

Before Lu Lin could fully digest this sudden change, the attic door had already opened.

"Boss, the guide called us down." Lan Jie got down from the attic. "He said we have to walk the rest of the way."



Soon, Lu Lin and others got off the ground.

Along the way, Lu Lin was paying attention to Li Mi's condition.

But Numi's behavior was the same as usual, her eyes were full of emptiness, and she just followed him silently.

It was as if her abnormal behavior in the past three days was just Lu Lin's dream.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on..." Without any clue, Lu Lin had to put the matter aside for the time being and look at the forest in front of the earth dragon.

This is the beautiful forest that he misses so much...

However, with just one glance, Lu Lin' was completely shocked by the scenery in front of him.

At a glance, the entire forest is filled with short, thin and colorful trees with different branches, leaves, colors and shapes.

With such a scene, it’s no wonder it’s called the Colorful Forest.

But in fact, the biggest wonder of this forest is not these trees, but the towering giant tree located in the middle of the forest that seems to be hundreds of meters high and dozens of meters thick.

The trunk and branches of the giant tree are as white as white jade, and the leaves are as golden as ears of wheat. The huge crown stretches for thousands of meters, covering the entire forest.

Here, it turned out to be a forest growing under the shade of trees.

Chapter 95 Your past is so fake

As we all know, most plants require sufficient sunlight to grow.

Although there are plants that like shade, such as ferns, trees generally cannot like shade.

No matter what kind of trees they are, their growth logic is to first grow as vertically as possible, and then spread out their branches and leaves. This growth pattern evolved to compete with other plants for sunlight.

At least that's what Lu Lin thought based on his shallow knowledge.

But obviously, this forest violated his common sense.

At a glance, there are at least hundreds of different trees here, each with different bark, trunks and leaves. Under these trees, as the guide said before, there are all kinds of exotic flowers growing everywhere. Grass, Lu Lin glanced at it, and the occupational disease of collecting materials made him swallow unconsciously.

There are too many precious materials here that are difficult to find in the outside world. With just one glance, Lu Lin saw how many precious materials could not be bought in Diling Town.

However, precisely because of this, Lu Lin became vigilant.

"Hey, guide, can't we get close to these trees?" Lu Lin asked.

"Huh? Boss, you just discovered it," the guide grinned, "I was just about to tell you about this. You really need to be careful with the trees here. After all, each of these trees is different, and some of them will have poisonous fog nearby. , there will be some aggressive symbionts nearby, and even some of them, the whole tree can move. "

"Huh? It can move? Wouldn't it be a tree demon?" Lan Jie on the side said in shock.

"No, it's not a dryad, it's a tree," the guide shook his head. "This is the beautiful forest. You must remember to follow me. The trees here are all kinds of strange. They may be harmless, beneficial, harmful, or they may hide murderous intent. I don’t recognize every kind of tree, so I can only try to ensure that the route is as safe as possible. Of course, boss, if you want to collect those distant plants, your clay puppet may come in handy. Of course, don’t blame me for not reminding you, even if It’s a clay puppet, so it may not be absolutely safe in this forest.”

"Hell, it's a shame that this kind of place can be promoted as a special attraction outside," Lu Lin's mouth twitched, "Ah... but that's right, after all, just walking here can be considered an extreme sport."

"Ah? Extreme sports?" The guide was in a daze, as if he didn't quite understand what Lu Lin was talking about.

"Nothing," Lu Lin shrugged, "So, we're here, what's next is to go inside? And then go under the big tree?"

"Yes, that tree is the Sushi tree," the guide said with a smile. "The Sesh fruit you have eaten comes from it."

"How are you going to pick the fruits from such a big tree?" Lan Jie raised his head, "It's too high. You can't ride a flying dragon up to pick it, right?"

"Well, the scene when ripe is actually very wonderful. Those fruits will fall to the roots of the tree by themselves," the guide said. "It may be a bit abstract just to say it, but this wonder can only happen if you are lucky. You can only see it when it is mature."

"Hmm... you are lucky enough to be mature," Lu Lin touched his chin, "It seems that the cycle of maturity is not fixed? Does it need some opportunity to mature?"

After Lu Lin finished speaking, the guide seemed stunned for a moment. After two seconds, he said: "Ah haha, this seems to be regular. A friend told me about it in the past, but I didn't take it to heart at the time. Now I really can’t remember it.”

"Well, that's right," Lu Lin smiled and nodded, "Then, let's go?"

"Hey, okay," the guide grinned, "Let's go for a walk under the trees. I hope we are lucky today and can discover the advanced past."

With that said, the guide took the lead and walked towards the forest.

Lu Lin and Lan Jie looked at each other and then followed.

As the guide said, almost every tree they passed along the way was different.

There was a tree that emitted a pleasant fragrance when they passed by, which made Lu Lin feel happy.

There was a tree that lit up with a bright white light as they passed by, but other than that, nothing else seemed to happen.

There was even a tree that was startled by them. They uprooted the tree and hid aside. They waited until they passed by before returning to the original place.

Lan Jie unconsciously exclaimed many times along the way. Obviously, even with his knowledge, he was amazed by the novelty of this place.

On the other hand, Lu Lin frowned slightly and had a serious expression throughout.

It's not that there's nothing new here, it's just that Lu Lin has other things on his mind.

According to the clues left by the old man, there should be a man and a woman in the colorful forest. These two people are very important and are the main people to find for this clue.

But at present, it seems that the colorful forest is just a forest surrounding giant trees. The area is not small, but it is not very big. At a glance, Lu Lin does not see any buildings, and there is no human being anywhere. Live like.

Moreover, the guide never mentioned that there were people living in this forest along the way.

"Is it deeper in the forest? But the trees here are so troublesome, it's not easy to explore..." Lu Lin thought to himself.


Forget it, there must be a way to get there. They also brought twin clay puppets, so it may not be impossible for them to search this forest.

Compared with this, I am afraid he still has to deal with the problem of the guide first.

Lu Lin has always believed that the guide brought them here for a purpose.

But the question is, what exactly does the other party plan to do?

It is not difficult to see from the behavior that the other party has been guiding them to find high-level Xishi from beginning to end.

It’s just that the guidance is really obvious, which makes people feel a little fake.


No, not necessarily.

Maybe it’s not fake, but just a sensory difference caused by different perspectives.

Lu Lin feels that he may need to change his thinking a little and put himself into the perspective of an ordinary person who is not too wary of Xishi to look at this matter.

After all, if you think about it carefully, the reason why he is wary of Xishi is actually because Lan Jie happened to meet a businessman who "lost his soul" in Erga City. If ordinary people don’t have this experience, they will naturally not be as wary of Xishi as they are.

Think about it, if someone is not wary of Xishi from the beginning, he should be very curious about the so-called high-grade Xishi.

After all, ordinary Xishi are delicious and have a unique taste, and the high-grade Xishi is even praised by the guide as a delicacy that can feel the rebirth of the soul.

According to this idea, the ultimate goal of the guide along the way is to guide them to eat the so-called high-grade Xishi?

"In other words, you can't eat the so-called high-grade Xishi anyway," Lu Lin thought to himself, "Well, yes, the trap can only be here, and the other party should not have the strength to implement coercive measures, otherwise there is no need to focus on this point all the way."

"Then..." Lu Lin looked forward and thought to himself, "If this is really the arrangement, I'm afraid we will be 'lucky enough to find high-grade Xishi' today, right?"

And as if responding to Lu Lin's thoughts, the excited voice of the Yaki guide came from the front of the team.

"Wow! Look! It's a high-level Xishi! We actually met it!"

Chapter 96 Daozi is a good person, and he really eats it when he says he will eat it

The guide's voice sounded so timely that Lu Lin almost couldn't help laughing.

This is really what he thought, they are still a long way from the giant tree, and this guy is so impatient to set a trap for them?

However, Lu Lin still gave the guide a face and looked forward.

Don't say it, it's really as the guide said, he also saw the so-called high-level Xishi.

Just near the root of the big tree, several orange-yellow glowing fruits that look about the same size as grapefruits are floating about two or three meters above the ground, surrounded by many large and small yellow fruits, like a mini galaxy model composed of fruits.

Looking at this scene, Lu Lin subconsciously put on the crow mask.

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