"Ah, well..." Lu Lin swallowed, "Let me think about it, first of all... what should I call you?"

The woman was stunned for a moment, then smiled, shook her head and said, "Oh, that's true. I even forgot to introduce myself..."

She raised her head, and although her eyes were still closed, it made people feel that she was looking at the two of them seriously.

"I... actually don't have a name," an ethereal voice sounded. "Many people once called me the Bone Tree Witch, but don't call me that. They gave me this name just to find an opportunity to put me on the stake. Burn to death."

"Later, someone gave me a new name, but I didn't want others to know that name."

The sound stopped here.

Lu Lin looked at Lan Jie, Lan Jie looked at Lu Lin, and then their eyes returned to the woman.

"So, so, what should we call you?" Lan Jie asked, scratching his head.

"Well...yeah, what should I call you?" The woman tilted her head, "How about you call me White Miko. Although I don't like the name Bone Tree Miko, the word "Miko" is quite good. I’m used to it.”

"Okay, Senior White Miko," Lu Lin nodded, "Speaking of which, have you never encountered a situation that required you to consider this issue in the past?"

"Not really," the woman who called herself White Tree Miko smiled, "Although there have been a few poor people who came to me before you, but most of them were in poor condition, and someone who can talk slowly like this, You are still the first, so I am in a good mood now. If you want to know anything, you can ask slowly. "

"That couldn't be better," Lu Lin let out a long breath, "Then... Senior White Miko, my first question is, what exactly is a 'foreign slave'?"

Hearing this question, the White Witch nodded slightly and replied: "This is a question that everyone will ask... The so-called foreign slaves are actually poor people summoned from other worlds by the Holy Religion for the purpose of enslaving them. people."

"Sure enough, I have guessed this to some extent," Lu Lin put his hands on the table and sat up straighter, "But what I can't figure out is, if you just need slaves, why do you have to go to the trouble of summoning them from another world? "

"Because the foreign slaves have special advantages," the white witch replied, "First of all, the world the foreign slaves belonged to before they were summoned is full of strange things. Many foreign slaves have powers and abilities that are not found in this world, such as This child, the power in her sword is not something that can be found in this world."

"Of course, just because of these uncertain special powers is not enough for the church to summon foreign slaves on such a large scale. After all, the cost of summoning foreign slaves from another world is extremely exaggerated."

"What the church values ​​most is another characteristic - foreign slaves, who can be resurrected from the dead."

"They are outsiders who were summoned from another world. Their souls will be imprinted on both worlds at the same time. Therefore, unless their souls naturally fail, the imprint of their souls in the other world will never disappear."

"And this allows them to achieve countless rebirths in theory."

Chapter 102 The Curse of Infinite Rebirth

"Countless rebirths."

It sounds like some kind of plug-in ability.

In fact, it does have the same ability as a plug-in.

Why do most of the game protagonists always pass the level in the end, no matter how difficult the road ahead is?

In the final analysis, it is not about how strong the protagonist's settings are, but that in most games, players can load and reborn countless times.

Even if we don’t talk about games, in the various comics and novels Lu Lin knows, there are many stories in which infinite rebirth is the main character’s ability.

But now, when he heard about this ability, there was only one thing that flashed through his mind.

That is Rumi’s PTSD that is so severe that it is completely beyond common sense.

Think about it carefully, is the ability of infinite rebirth really that powerful?

Is the human spirit really strong enough to withstand countless deaths?

What is the definition of PTSD, or "post-traumatic stress disorder"?

It is an individual's delayed onset and persistence after experiencing, witnessing, or encountering one or more actual deaths involving oneself or others, or receiving threats of death, or serious injuries, or threats to physical integrity. Mental disorders.

A person may suffer from PTSD if he or she is threatened with death or seriously injured, or even threatened with limb loss, or even witnesses the death of others.

So, if a person really experiences death countless times, can his spirit really hold on?

Lu Lin looked at Li Mi. At this moment, he finally understood why she would lose control when he mentioned that Li Mi successfully conquered the A-level dungeon.

I'm afraid, every time she successfully challenges the dungeon, she has accumulated countless deaths.

Noticing the change in Lu Lin's expression, the white witch put her hand into the flower basket at hand, and then took out a small white flower.

"Sure enough, you are very special." The white witch pinned the white flower in her hand to Lu Lin's chest. "You should have never died, but you can still understand what it means. If only that idiot could be as sharp as you. ”

"That idiot?" Lu Lin asked doubtfully.

"No, it's nothing." The White Witch shook her head slightly, "Do you have anything else to ask about foreign slaves?"

"Yes," Lu Lin nodded, "About resurrection, how exactly is it resurrected?"

"Generally, there are two situations," said the White Witch. "The first one is forced resurrection by soul and broken body, which is also the way foreign slaves are resurrected after their normal death. After resurrection, the foreign slaves will be in a state between human beings and human beings. In the state of undead creatures, if the body is completely destroyed, it will even turn into a ghost. "

"When you were thrown off the cliff, the Holy Cult actually wanted you to die far away. When you become a half-dead spirit, someone will naturally kill you and burn your body to ashes. In the end, you will turn into a ghost under the canyon, quietly waiting for the death of your soul. "

"Damn! This is too much!" Lan Jie, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but express his thoughts, "Drawing people here for no reason! If you think it's useless, just kick them away, turning them into lonely ghosts. ! These people are calling themselves the Holy Religion! Why didn’t I see that they were such a bunch of bastards?”

"It's normal that you can't tell. As I said, this is their territory. It's up to them to say what they want," Lu Lin shrugged. "However, this first case is probably not the most commonly used method of resurrection. Bar?"

"No, you can't say that," the White Witch shook her head, "At least as far as I know, there are actually three types of foreign slaves, called 'precious beasts', 'capable ones' and 'brave ones'."

"'Rare beasts', although they are called this name, do not mean that they are really rare and exotic beasts, but rather some foreign slaves who are not particularly ideal in terms of intelligence due to the low level of civilization in their original world. In layman's terms, that is Savage."

"Most of these foreign slaves have relatively strong physical strength, but there is not much room for growth, or in other words, the cost-effectiveness of educating them is too poor."

"This kind of foreign slaves will be recruited by the church as a special army, mainly used on the battlefield. After their death, they are usually resurrected as half-dead souls by this method. However, after resurrection, the Holy Church helps them to resurrect their bodies to some extent. Repair it so that their combat effectiveness will not be reduced due to physical disability. "

"As for 'able ones', they generally refer to foreign slaves who have special abilities outside of combat. Such foreign slaves are usually arranged by the Holy Church in various non-combat positions that match their abilities, and they are considered to have the best life. As a foreign slave, there is almost no risk of death, and there is no problem of resurrection. Except for the relatively limited freedom, life is mostly comparable to that of some small nobles. "

"And the 'brave'..."

The white miko looked at Tanuki.

"People like this child are the so-called braves. They possess power and immortality that are not of this world. They are the most powerful individual combatants, and they also have the possibility of growing rapidly beyond death."

"After their death, the church will perform a secondary summoning ceremony to summon them again according to their soul imprints so that they can be resurrected in a 'perfect' way."

"However, although the body is reborn, the mental trauma will not disappear. For this reason, they will hypnotize the braves, clean their memories, and even directly brainwash them to reduce the impact of death."

"But... the memory may be erased, the spirit may be hypnotized, but the wounds to the soul cannot be repaired."

"The soul is the imprint of everything a person has experienced in the world. The death and pain experienced by the brave will not really disappear just because the memory is cleaned."

"They will become scars accumulated deep in the souls of the braves. This accumulation of scars will eventually affect the bodies of the braves, making them timid, prone to fear, and even have a mental breakdown. In the end, they can only look normal through hypnosis. Action, but one day, the brave men who have been tortured infinitely will go completely crazy and become useless people who cannot even maintain their basic personality..."

At this point, the ethereal voice became smaller and smaller, and the emotions contained in it became increasingly sad.

"These bastards..."

Lan Jie clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. Although he was not a brave man, he could not bear the anger in his heart after hearing all this.

Lu Lin was naturally also angry about the church's lack of limits and bastards, but at the same time, he always felt that something was wrong.

It seems like a certain detail doesn't quite fit.

where is it……


"Wait a minute, Senior White Miko, are you saying that although the wounds in the souls of brave men will continue to accumulate, their memories will almost always be erased, right?" Lu Lin suddenly raised his head and asked.

"Yes," the White Witch nodded, "the scars on their souls will cause them to collapse for no reason, and even they themselves won't understand why..."

"No, no, no! That's not right! If that's the case, the symptoms should definitely not be manifested as PTSD!" Lu Lin suddenly said excitedly, "PTSD must be a mental illness based on traumatic memories. If there is no memory, how can there be trauma? Enter sexual memory? This is simply not possible..."

Having said this, Lu Lin looked at the white witch's head that was slightly tilted to one side and suddenly realized something.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I just got a little excited," Lu Lin quickly explained, "What I just meant was to say... uh..."

"It's okay, although I don't fully understand the special terms you used, but;!" The White Miko frowned slightly, "Are you saying that this child may not have lost his memory of the past?"

Chapter 103 She will get better, definitely...

Regarding Noomi's situation, Lu Lin and the White Witch talked carefully for dozens of minutes about the reasons why Lu Lin judged Noomi to be suffering from severe PTSD, and what exactly PTSD was.

The White Witch listened carefully and discussed with Lu Lin from time to time. The term PTSD was new to her, but it was not new.

Because this mental disorder is not unique to heroes. Soldiers in the army are also prone to this disease.

After the chat, the White Witch did not agree with Lu Lin's statement at the first time, but gave a few pieces of information she knew.

First of all, none of the heroes she met in the past had symptoms like Li Mi.

Secondly, the church does not clear their memories every time after the death of the heroes, but relatively speaking, it is almost impossible not to clear the memory all the time, because it will not take a few times for the heroes' mental state to have problems, and there is a high probability that they will be afraid of fighting.

What the church needs is a "brave" who can exert all his strength and is fearless, so it is almost inevitable to clear the memory of the heroes in the process.

And Lu Lin also said that Li Mi's condition was too serious, so serious that it was beyond common sense. As the saying goes, it takes time for the ice to freeze three feet. Li Mi's condition could not have suddenly deteriorated to this extent after a certain death.

But she did not deny Lu Lin's inference, on the contrary, she agreed with Lu Lin's inference.

So, she gave a guess.

Li Mi did not lose her memory, but at a certain point in time, for some reason, she suddenly recovered the memories she had lost in the past.

As for why Li Mi was able to recover her memory, whether the church messed up or there was external intervention, it is unknown.

And based on this guess...

"Perhaps, this child's situation is not as bad as others. The sudden recovery of memory may be the opportunity for her to escape. Unlike others, when they come to me, their souls are often on the verge of collapse." The white witch gently stroked Li Mi's hair, "After all, she is still so young. Although there are many scars accumulated in her soul, it should not be to the point of being irreversible. I should have a way to help her. If you can take good care of her in the future, maybe you can help her gradually heal the scars in her soul."

Hearing this, Lu Lin's eyes suddenly lit up.

I immediately stood up and bowed solemnly to the white witch to thank her.

"Don't thank me, you protected her very well. In this respect, I am not as good as you..." The White Witch smiled and shook her head.

Lu Lin was slightly stunned.

He didn't understand what she said. The White Witch said that she was not as good as herself, but she had never seen Li Mi before?

Or was she referring to something else?

Seeing Lu Lin's bewildered face, the White Witch just smiled and said, "Don't mind, it's just my soliloquy. Anyway, you don't have to worry too much about the child for now. Besides, do you have any other questions you want to ask?"

"Ah, of course," Lu Lin nodded and sat down again, "After all, I'm not from this world. If I want to ask questions, I have a lot of them here. I'm a little afraid that Senior White Witch will find me annoying..."

"No, I haven't found someone to chat with for a long time," the White Witch smiled, and with a slight wave of her right hand, several cups of tea with floral fragrance appeared on the table, "Come on, drink some floral tea to moisten your throat, and then, let's chat slowly."

Seeing this, Lu Lin and Lan Jie both thanked at the same time. After taking a sip, they all praised the floral tea.

Even though Lu Lin thought he came from a world rich in material things, this was indeed the best floral tea he had ever drunk.

After some polite talk, Lu Lin opened the topic again.

His second question was what exactly is the "underground city".

This question was not unexpected by the White Witch either.

After all, when talking about heroes, we cannot avoid the mission of each hero, which is the underground city.

"Do you know, according to historical records, the reason why the Holy Church began to summon foreign slaves was actually to form an army."

The ethereal voice of the White Witch sounded, and she began to narrate slowly.

"At that time, the empire was not as powerful as it is now, and the Holy Church was not yet called the Holy Church. The specific name is now unknown, but in short, although the Holy Church was quite powerful at that time, its influence was very limited. It could not even achieve a monopoly on faith in the country, let alone preach to other countries."

"Until one day, a madman appeared in the Holy Church."

"He said that he cheated a force from the evil demon god, a force that was enough to change the world pattern."

"At that time, everyone just thought this guy was crazy."

"But later, he proved that what he said was true. He summoned a large number of foreign slaves and used these foreign slaves to build an army for the empire, an immortal army . "

"At that time, no one knew how he did it. The then pope of the Holy Church praised this as a miracle, changed the name of the church to Holy Church, and in the name of the Holy Lord, he mobilized the power of the empire and led the immortal army to conquer all directions, constantly expanding the territory of the empire and the influence of the Holy Church. "

"At that time, the Holy Church and the Empire even wanted to rely on this power to directly rule the entire world. "

"But soon, the appearance of something hindered their expansion. "

"That is the underground city. "

"As for why the underground city appeared, there is still no obvious conclusion, especially in the mouth of the Holy Church, it is considered an unsolved mystery, just like floods and droughts, it is an accidental disaster. "

“But in almost all circles of wizards and magicians, there is a consensus on the reason for the emergence of dungeons…”

“This thing is a side effect of the summoning of foreign slaves.”

“A large number of foreign slave summons disrupted the stability of something, similar to… the wall between the worlds? Or, the normal… grid of time and space, um… sorry, this thing is a bit difficult to explain in words.”

“In short, dungeons have since begun to appear in large numbers in the empire, and depending on their degree of danger, they will bring greater or lesser troubles and damage to the surrounding areas.”

“For this reason, the Holy Church had to suspend its offensive and start dealing with these dungeons instead.”

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