The white witch picked up the file, and the next moment, the coffee cup in her hand fell to the ground and shattered.

That was Dai Billings's file.

On it, Dai Billings was called "foreign slave" and recorded his detailed information.

Not only that, this thick file also recorded all his death information and the summary of the different measures taken by the Holy Church for different states after his resurrection.

Each one represented a death of Dai Billings, and after each death, what awaited him was either brainwashing hypnosis or memory erasure.

The white witch became more and more frightened as she read, and finally she couldn't read it anymore, so she turned to the end of the file and looked at the serial number before the last record.

That was the total number of deaths Dai Billings had experienced since he became a hero.

2597 times.

A number that was enough to destroy a person's soul into pieces.

"The Holy Church deceived everyone."

That day, Yaen said so.

"They never treated us as human beings, but I just realized it now..."

Then the next day, Yaen sent the White Witch out of the country and went to a chaotic place where proxy forces from various countries were fighting.

Afterwards, he returned to the empire and organized a brave riot that shocked the whole country.

In one day, half of the braves in the empire launched a counterattack against the Holy Church at the same time. No one knew how he had pulled up such a large group under the nose of the church: 543659389 a team. In just one day, the casualties they brought to the Holy Church exceeded the total of the past few decades. No one could stop them wherever the blade went. They had the momentum to kill the Holy Church in one breath.

But, they underestimated the Holy Church's ability to control the braves.

The Holy Church used a curse.

And the medium of the curse was actually a pseudo corpse made up of the incomplete flesh left by the braves when they died in the past.

Although the special nature of the warriors' souls makes them immune to almost all death curses, it is easy to make the warriors lose their ability to move in a short time with this medium beyond common sense.

At the moment the curse array was launched, all the warriors except Yaen were frozen in place as if they were fixed, and then they were all shot into sieves by the golden sword rain that fell from the sky.

Although Yaen survived this wave of attacks, he was isolated and helpless, and eventually died under the endless siege of the Holy Church.

Their resistance failed. Under the strict control of the Holy Church, the warriors who participated in the incident were resurrected one by one, and then their memories were erased, hypnotized, and their minds were controlled, and then they were used by the church again.

Only Yaen never appeared again.

Chapter 111 The fire ignited a hundred years ago is still burning today

In the second year after the end of the warrior riot, the royal family of the empire suddenly announced that it would build a city.

The then crown prince of the empire personally served as the city lord and would spend a huge amount of money to build the most luxurious city of pleasure in the world.

The Holy Church had no objection to this matter.

Although they successfully resolved the riot of the brave, the losses caused by the riot had seriously damaged their vitality. Now they were too busy to care about the extravagant and debauched royal family.

It was just a luxurious city of pleasure, what was there to care about?

As for how this city of pleasure helped the royal power, which was about to collapse, to regain its influence in the country and compete with the Holy Church, that was all later.

This city was naturally the current Erga City.

Yes, the royal family of the empire was behind Erga City, and the one who built this city for them was the White Witch who was sent out of the country by Yaen.

As for the condition for the White Witch to build this city for them, there was only one.

She wanted the royal family of the empire to find Yaen and send him to her.

This was the only way she could think of to save Yaen from the Holy Church.

The imperial royal family did not disappoint her. Although they experienced some twists and turns, they finally succeeded in prying Yaen out of the Holy Church's secret prison.


When the White Witch saw Yaen again, he was no longer the fearless hero who was full of vigor and always had a smirk on his face, as if he could handle anything as long as he was there.

Now, his eyes were empty, and he huddled up like a frightened bird. Any slight movement could scare him and make him tremble instinctively.

The White Witch looked at him, as if she saw herself when Yaen had just found her.

She did not say anything, but walked forward slowly, just like when Yaen met her, and gently stroked Yaen's hair with her hand, but she really couldn't smile like Yaen did back then. Even if she forced the corners of her mouth to hold up, tears could not stop flowing.

Later, through the Imperial Royal Family, she finally understood what Yaen had experienced, and why Yaen was not brainwashed like other heroes and put back into service.

It was not that the Holy Church did not want to, they wanted too much. Yaen was too strong as a hero. Not only was he efficient in conquering dungeons, but he did not need to spend resources to revive.

But they still did not do it because they did not dare.

The riot launched by Yaen caused them too much loss. No one knew whether he had left a backup plan, especially the whereabouts of the White Witch, who was closely related to him, were unknown, so the Church did not dare to risk letting him go, for fear that he would regain his memory through some means or discover their secrets again, and then organize a riot again.

The Holy Church didn't dare to use him, but they couldn't bear to leave him alone, so they started a plan...

Create a new "New Yaen" who is completely loyal to the Holy Church and can be completely controlled by them.

At the beginning, when they summoned Yaen, they actually didn't use ordinary parameters.

Instead, they used parameters that were very close to the limit of the so-called "hard standard".

Therefore, Yaen's strength is so terrifying.

This is a very risky move. Before summoning Yaen, they even failed once and summoned a rare beast that was completely out of control. It took a lot of effort to kill the rare beast.

But the facts proved that the effort was worth it. Yaen is simply the most perfect hero in history. He will not die, abide by the law, and actively participate in dungeon crusades. He is extremely satisfied with his life...

If he hadn't known the truth, he would probably happily help the church deal with dungeons one after another for the rest of his life, enjoying his life called a hero.

The Holy Church wants to reproduce the exact parameters used to summon Yaen, and then summon a person with similar strength to Yaen from the world where Yaen once lived.

This sounds easy, as if it can be done by simply reusing the parameters of the summoning.

But in fact, it is just the opposite. The set parameters and the actual parameters are two different things. The actual parameter set obtained by using the same set parameters twice may be completely different due to the influence of a series of factors such as time, space, geographical conditions, and the flow of magic power.

In addition, the parameters for summoning Yaen are close to the limit. After so many years, the summoning environment has also changed greatly. If they use the parameters of the year directly, if the actual parameters are affected by the environment and exceed the limit, no one knows what will happen.

Therefore, they need a lot of data as support to reproduce the original summoning.

For this, there is only one way.

That is to keep killing Yaen, and then keep resurrecting him with secondary summoning, record the data of the secondary summoning again and again, analyze the rules, and then adjust it continuously in combination with the data left over from the summoning. As long as the number of times is enough, it is not impossible to reproduce the summoning of the year.

No one knows how much torture and death Yaen has endured in this year, and how many times he has died, which has destroyed him like a heart of steel.

In order to make him recover, the White Witch has thought of countless ways.

All the trees in the colorful forest are the solutions she has tried, but none of them succeeded.

In the end, there is only one feasible solution.

Reverse use of the Xishi tree.

Let the Xishi tree not extract the beautiful imprint in Yaen's soul, but extract the pain and scars.

This plan sounds easy, after all, the means of extraction are already available, and what needs to be adjusted is only the object of extraction.

But even with such a plan, the White Witch has not succeeded after nearly a hundred years of research.

The Xishi tree is a magical creation born in her body, which comes from her dark childhood and her crazy desire for beauty.

Now, she wants such a tree to extract the pain from other people...

Soon she found that this is almost impossible to do.

Unless she can cultivate another tree that is completely opposite to the Xishi tree.



"This is my current research direction. If successful, it will not only restore Yaen to normal, but also cure all the heroes," the white witch said slowly.

"Well..." Lu Lin nodded, "I am sure after hearing this. It seems that you told me so much, not just to tell me a story."

"Yes," the white witch nodded, "Your 'talent' is very interesting. Even in the Imperial Library, King Gulan's forbidden spell can only be found in the record, but no specific spell and formula can be found."

"I won't investigate how you got the formula of King Gulan's forbidden spell, nor will I delve into what the 'talent' you mentioned is."

"I just have a hunch that you have great potential."

"Plus, you are still taking care of the child, which means you can stand on the same side as me."

"And, I can also help you with the child's recovery."

"So I think we should be able to discuss a cooperation."

"My research has made some progress, but I need a helper."

"And it has to be a helper who has no connection with the imperial royal family?" Lu Lin asked.

"Yes," the White Witch nodded again, "because I need him to go outside the Empire."

"Sounds good," Lu Lin nodded, "So, where do you need me to go?"

"The Land of Chaos," said the White Witch, "It's the place where Yaen sent me that year."

"It's the battlefield where the proxy forces of various countries fight each other, but it's also the meeting hall where the forces of various countries collude privately."

"I need someone who can stand firm there."

Chapter 112 Packing up and preparing for a long journey

Lu Lin didn't think too much about the White Witch's proposal. After asking about some of the things he was concerned about, he agreed.

He was originally planning to leave the Empire, but he didn't want to really go away and never come back.

He and the Holy Church have a big grudge, and he's still waiting for revenge.

Taking these into consideration, this so-called land of chaos located between the Empire and the other four major powers is indeed a good choice.

It's outside the Empire, but not far away.

And it is said that as a meeting point of various countries, there are actually quite a lot of goods from all over the world. As long as there are channels, many rare things can be bought.

The only problem is that the place is very chaotic.


There are actually benefits to chaos, that is freedom.

A dark alchemist like Lu Lin, who has a lot of contraband on his body and a mind full of evil, can let go and show his skills in such a place.

After achieving it, the white witch also gave Lu Lin the first group: five four three six five nine three eight nine tasks.

"Live well there first and become a high-level alchemist first."


To put it in human terms, it means that his current level is not enough.

However, based on Lu Lin's understanding during this period of time, whether it is an alchemist, a magician, or a warrior, it can only be considered a real status when it reaches "high level".

Intermediate and low-level alchemists are just ordinary workers in slightly richer areas. High-income and high-difficulty commissions have nothing to do with them, and participating in scientific research projects is even more of a pipe dream.

Lu Lin naturally had no objection to the arrangement of the White Witch. Improving his strength was what he had been doing. For example, the current thousand alchemy tasks were actually helping him to lay a solid foundation.

Although the task was issued, if he really wanted to set off, he had to wait until the White Witch completed the initial treatment of Li Mi's mental state.

During this period, Lu Lin was given the right to enter and exit the Xishi Tree freely, and the White Witch pinned a small flower on his chest before. With this small flower, the trees in the colorful forest would not react when Lu Lin approached, and he could also collect materials freely in the forest.

It just so happened that he had nothing to do, and there were these good materials. His alchemy workshop was also parked nearby, and Lu Lin's first thought was to continue to brush the task.

Of course, when it comes to brushing the task, Lu Lin also carefully selected the things he made.

In addition to some alchemical props to arm himself, he basically made some relatively easy-to-sell poisons, explosives and magic stones, so that he could sell these things to make money after leaving here.

But not long after the task was completed, Lu Lin discovered a problem.

Although there is no shortage of precious materials here, the reserves of common materials he brought with him are almost exhausted.

In desperation, Lu Lin could only stop the task.

As for the time after that, he studied the problem of puppets.

Although the twin mud puppets have been used as a sweeping robot since they were made, it was mainly because there was no room for this thing to play during this period.

When you arrive at the chaotic land, life will surely not be as peaceful as it is now, and fighting with gang robbers will definitely be inevitable.

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