Though things went as expected at the beginning, looking at the killer whale pillow with its head dragged on the ground...


So what exactly did Li Mi mean by her reaction when she saw the design?

He thought Li Mi would really use this thing as a pillow, but it seems that he thought too much?

Sure enough, Li Mi is still the same Li Mi as before. Seeing her dragging the killer whale pillow, Lu Lin remembered the death of a certain unlucky alchemist in the Earth Spirit Town.

At that time, Li Mi seemed to be dragging a giant monster arm like dragging the killer whale pillow now, smashing the unlucky guy into a mud sauce.

Could it be...

She actually uses this type of weapon quite easily?


Maybe it's because it's simple and crude, so it doesn't require thinking, so it's more energy-saving?

Just when Lu Lin was thinking about these things, there was a knock on the door of the alchemy room.

Lu Lin immediately got up and went to open the door.

Of course, it was Lan Jie who knocked on the door, after all, there was no fourth person on the back of the earth dragon.

"What's wrong?" Lu Lin asked.

"We found a city, and it's not small," Lan Jie said, "but..."

"But what?" Lu Lin asked in confusion.

"That city looks a bit strange," Lan Jie said, "It looks more like a military fortress than a city."

Chapter 116: The place is not big, but there are many troubles

Before setting off, Lu Lin and the White Witch learned about the situation in the Land of Chaos as detailed as possible.

Although the other party has been in the colorful forest, it seems that there are some layouts in the Land of Chaos, and they also have some understanding of the current situation in the Land of Chaos.

The Land of Chaos is very large.

It may sound like a gray area between the countries, but in fact, it is not a squeezed area, but has been spreading around for many years, eroding the borders of various countries.

It is like a phenomenon, a vortex located in the center of each country, which constantly draws in the surrounding areas and people. Even as powerful as the empire, its borders have been infiltrated by the Land of Chaos in recent years.

The reason why this huge vortex is so difficult to deal with is to start with its composition.

In the Land of Chaos, there are countless forces, big and small, but these forces can basically be divided into three categories.

"Gangs", "Dark Schools" and "Ancient Sects".

The Dark School, as the name suggests, is composed of various forces composed of black magicians, black alchemists, necromancers, undead wizards, witches, witch doctors and other black magic and spell researchers who are not welcomed by the world.

These forces have not been well received since ancient times because of their own research direction. In the past, they acted low-key and traveled all over the world. However, since the rise of the Holy Church and began to increase its influence in various countries, the living space of these forces has become smaller and smaller.

As a last resort, all these school forces finally concentrated in the Land of Chaos.

The situation of the ancient sect is actually similar to that of the Dark School.

Before the rise of the Holy Church, these groups: 543659389 each had their own territory and their respective forces were distributed all over the world. However, since the Holy Church completely controlled the empire and preached everywhere, the living space of them, who were regarded as pagans by the Holy Church, was greatly squeezed, and countless religious wars broke out with the Holy Church in various places.

Then, the Holy Church, which had an undead army, beat them like beating their sons, resulting in these ancient sects with a long history being able to survive only in this chaotic land at this time.

However, although the above two forces are not small, they are schools and sects after all. Although they also have their own headquarters, they are not keen on enclosure and power expansion, but are more concerned about developing the number of members and improving the quality of members. The power distribution is very loose.

Although they are very good at causing trouble for nearby countries, it is the gangs that really determine the power structure of this chaotic land.

According to the size, the gangs in the chaotic land can be divided into three categories: small gangs, family gangs, and super-large gangs.

Small gangs are the most common gangs, with a size of more than a dozen to dozens of people, and rarely more than a hundred people. A person with a little bit of ability and a group of brothers can organize a gang.

As for the territory of small gangs, there is often only a base in certain areas, or there is no territory at all, and the entire gang lives on the back of the earth dragon.

These guys usually either rob everywhere, or work as mercenaries for various major forces, or simply rely on larger gangs to help people do business, deliver goods, etc.

Larger ones are generally family gangs. Most of them are centered on a certain family, have existed for a long time, and have some fixed territories and business industries. The armed forces they have are by no means comparable to small gangs.

There are large and small scales.

Small ones may be rooted in some blocks in some human gathering areas, with a hundred or several hundred people.

Large ones may have their own independent towns, and may even have small military-level armed forces.

As for the super-large gangs, they are called gangs, but in fact they can be regarded as small countries. Behind each of them stands a major force in the world.

It is difficult to judge the size of these gangs by the number of members. They have quite mature means of force management, a large number of high-end combat forces and city territories.

As for why these big forces support these super-large gangs, on the one hand, although all countries openly dislike the dark schools and ancient sects, they actually cooperate with the schools and sects in private. The knowledge and talents of the schools and sects can help them a lot. Running these gangs can also help them contact these forces.

In addition, for the forces bordering the Land of Chaos, the territories of these super-large gangs can also serve as a buffer zone between their territory and the Land of Chaos, becoming a border line in another sense.

Of course, causing trouble for hostile forces is also one of their usual tasks.

In addition, in addition to these reasons, it is said that there seems to be some secrets hidden under this land.

As for what is hidden and whether it is true, the White Witch did not say much. It is not known whether she is not clear or feels that Lu Lin is not yet ready to contact these things.

And the town that Lu Lin and his friends found, which looks like a fortress, is an independent town built by a former family gang.

As for why qun: 543659389 said once...

Because that family gang seemed to have split decades ago, from a large family to a bunch of small families.

Later, these small families fought again and finally stabilized into four families, jointly ruling and managing this town.

"In other words, such a big city actually has four lords?"

Listening to the news that Lan Jie had inquired about, Lu Lin's mouth twitched a little.

Although this city doesn't look small, it's not that big either. It's not as big as Gaoya City. How can there be four lords?

"Although there are four families, it seems that one of them occupies most of the land in the city, and the remaining three are now at least openly fighting against that family," Lan Jie said, "So the essence is a struggle between two factions, which is quite common."

"It sounds quite chaotic," Lu Lin curled his lips, "So, how do they accept outsiders?"

"The acceptance is very high, and most of the territories of independent family gangs are like this," Lan Jie said, "Outsiders are money, and visitors are guests. Food, clothing, housing and transportation are all money. Whether it is travelers like us or those small gangs that are roaming around, they accept everyone, but..."

"But?" Lu Lin asked in confusion.

"If you want to do business here, it may not be easy," Lan Jie said, "Except for the things they actively offer a price to buy, if other things are sold by outsiders, their purchase price is a bit ridiculously low..."

Chapter 117 Brother, do you want to prove your son?

Although Lan Jie had said that the purchase price for outsiders here was very outrageous, Lu Lin was mentally prepared...

But when he really came to the purchase office in the city and asked the price in person, Lu Lin's face was still dark.

The price here is too outrageous.

Let alone other things, just take the magic stone, which used to sell for one gold coin in the outside world, but can only sell for about thirty silver coins here.

Let alone making money, I don't even know if it is enough to cover the cost.

As for the things that the local purchase office buys at a price, basically there are only survival supplies such as food and drink, and the price is more reliable, which is 20% to 30% lower than the market price outside.

In addition, the selling price of things here is also not cheap, basically several percent more expensive than the market price that Lu Lin knows.

Lu Lin doesn't have much cash on him now, with only two gold coins left in total. He originally planned to clear out the goods and then purchase a batch of new supplies to continue to make money and accumulate capital. Now it seems that, let alone making money, if he really goes through this round at this price, he will lose his underwear.

Lu Lin now knew why this place was so welcoming to outsiders.

They were treating outsiders like pigs.

Walking out of the purchasing station, Lu Lin frowned.

It shouldn't be like this. If this place was a solid block, it would be fine if they united to slaughter outsiders.

There were obviously four families fighting, so how could this place target outsiders in terms of trade?

Could it be that the entire city's trading industry was controlled by one of them?

Just when Lu Lin was worried, Li Mi, who was dragging the killer whale, pulled Lu Lin's clothes.

Lu Lin turned his head to look at her, and then saw Li Mi pointing behind him and shaking the killer whale in his hand.

Lu Lin's mouth twitched immediately, and he hurriedly said: "No, no, no, this is not the case. The purchasing station just doesn't give face. I don't believe it. The prices of the whole city are decided by them. Let's go to the store here and take a look."

As he said that, Lu Lin took Li Mi and walked to a grocery store across the street.

As soon as we entered the door, the boss was very enthusiastic, and greeted us and introduced this and that.

But when Lu Lin mentioned that he was here to sell things, the boss's face changed immediately, and he immediately said seriously: "I wonder which family you two are from?"

"Is this important?" Lu Lin frowned, "Our goods are very good, isn't that enough? qun: 543659389"

"Ha, that won't work," the boss shook his head without hesitation, "It seems that you two are from other places, I'm sorry, without the certificate of the four major families, I can't accept your goods."

"I give you some gifts, and you give me some supplies in return, is that not okay?" Lu Lin asked.

"No means no, whether it's barter or something else, it won't work without family proof," the boss still answered firmly.

"What kind of rule is this?" Lu Lin frowned, "What's the point?"

"Haha, what's the point? In a chaotic place, this is the most basic means of self-protection," the boss smiled, "I still say that, I welcome you to buy things, but if you want to sell things, sorry, we don't accept anything. If you want to sell, please move to the purchasing station opposite."

"Self-protection means?" Lu Lin's expression was subtle, "Anti-dumping? Not really, we are just a group of travelers, right?"

"Haha, travelers, I don't know how many independent towns have been quietly ruined by a bunch of idle travelers," the boss sneered, "No means no, I see you are not going to buy things, so go away, don't hinder my business, go go..."

After the boss said that, he actually picked up the feather duster next to him and waved it to drive people away.

Li Mi directly raised the killer whale and pushed the killer whale's face directly in front of the boss's face.

Seeing this, Lu Lin was startled and hurriedly pulled Li Mi away.

Looking at the puzzled expression of the boss behind him, Lu Lin was extremely glad that he had made such a weapon for Li Mi. After all, who would have known that such a girl's action of raising a cute doll towards him was actually a provocation and demonstration?

If it had been a stick or something, this matter would probably not have been so simple.

He was unfamiliar with the place, and he didn't intend to make trouble in this fortress city with a wall that was ten meters high and a bunch of soldiers standing on the wall.

"The market was quietly destroyed by travelers? Food problem? Damn, it's really possible, or it could be a problem of currency stock," Lu Lin frowned as he walked out of the store.

The boss's statement really reminded him that although independent towns seem to have sovereignty, the Land of Chaos is not a place that can be self-sufficient by farming and grazing. The market economy of these small towns looks lively, but in fact it is probably very fragile, and it may indeed be killed by larger forces playing commercial wars.

"But, there is a reason, but isn't this approach too one-size-fits-all?"

Lu Lin was really speechless.

He has proposed bartering, so it won't affect the currency reserves here, right?

If he is worried about the food problem, he can pay extra money to buy food, and barter only for materials, right?

"Can't everyone be so rigid? Could it be because this store is too close to the purchasing station? Why don't we try somewhere else..."

Lu Lin thought so, and walked deeper into the city with Li Mi.

But in the end, they wandered from one end of the city to the other, running through the streets and alleys, and beating up five or six gangsters they met on the road, but still couldn't find a store willing to buy their things.

Every store said the same thing, anyway, they would not do business without the credentials of the four major families.

Later, he changed his mind and inquired about how to get the so-called family credentials.

The answer he got was that he had to join these families.

Lu Lin was speechless.

He just wanted to trade goods here, but he had to sell himself?

After a day of shopping, this is the result. Let alone Li Mi, he began to want to swing the killer whale in the face.

"Does it mean that the only way is to go outside the city to do business with other outsiders?" Lu Lin suddenly thought of a feasible method.

That is, this method may be a little touching, very tiring, and easy to be looked down upon. It is not certain that the negotiation can be successful. Even if it is negotiated, the price may not be too good.

But if there is really no other way, it seems that this is the only way...

Before Lu Lin's thoughts were finished, suddenly, a pair of leather boots stopped in front of him.

Lu Lin looked up and found that it was a blond man dressed as an ordinary resident.

"Excuse me, what can you do?" Lu Lin asked.

The man looked around, then lowered his voice and whispered: "It's not convenient to talk here, let's go over there and talk."

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