After sniffing for a while, the other party re-plugged the medicine bottle and put it into his robe.

"Yes, I didn't make a mistake," he said with satisfaction, "Can you tell me where you learned black alchemy?"

"Sorry, it's not very convenient," Lu Lin shook his head.

He didn't intend to hide the fact that he knew black alchemy. Although the formula and materials were given by the other party, the Tears of Sorrow of Hetis itself was a very typical black alchemy potion. From material selection to material processing to the heaviest blending, all the methods of black alchemy were used. Ordinary alchemists simply couldn't make it.

"Is that so? That's fine," the man nodded, "Anyway, you passed my test. This is your reward and an invitation to you."

As he said that, the man took out a gold coin and a letter and pushed them in front of Lu Lin.

Looking at the golden coin, Lu Lin's eyebrows jumped immediately.

It was just an intermediate alchemy commission, and the materials and formula were provided by the other party. Logically, Lu Lin could only receive two or three silver coins for this job. Even if Lu Lin himself did not have the corresponding formula, it would not be excessive for him to give the order for free.

But now, the other party actually took out a gold coin directly.

Obviously, this was not just a simple reward.

"What a generous gift..." Lu Lin said, "Can I ask what kind of invitation it is?"

"It's all written in the letter, you will understand when you read it," the man said, standing up, "Looking forward to our next meeting."

After that, he turned around and left.

He left decisively, and Lu Lin did not stop him.

In fact, Lu Lin had some guesses about the other party's identity.

Taking the gold coins and letters on the table, Lu Lin flicked the gold coins up casually, and looking at the gold coins flashing under the light, Lu Lin's mouth corners slightly raised.

Sure enough, no matter what, the gold coins earned for free are still very fragrant.

After taking the gold coins and putting them away, Lu Lin opened the envelope sealed with black kerosene.

After a quick glance, it was indeed similar to what Lu Lin guessed, an invitation letter from the Dark School.

The Dark School, one of the three major forces in the Land of Chaos, is mainly composed of three major schools. .

The first is the Dark School of Magic, which is mainly composed of black magicians, wizards and black alchemists.

The second is the Necromancer School, which is mainly composed of necromancers, undead wizards and death wizards.

The third is the Witchcraft School, which is mainly composed of witch doctors, shamans and sorcerers.

And what Lu Lin received was the invitation letter from the Dark School of Magic in the Dark School.

That should also be the organization with the most black alchemists in the world.

The invitation letter provided a formula for an unnamed potion. According to the introduction above, it was a potion that was close to the peak of the intermediate potion in terms of difficulty. This thing was an exam to join the school, and also a consent form to join the school. As long as Lu Lin could refine it, he would officially join the Black Magic School.

In addition, the letter also wrote a lot of benefits of joining the Black Magic School, including learning formulas, material supply, equipment and equipment supply, etc.

It seemed very good, but the problem was that a letter that only mentioned benefits but did not mention obligations at all was not worthy of trust at all...

Lu Lin touched his chin, feeling a little embarrassed.

He knew too little about the Black Magic School, but there were indeed many benefits that made him excited. He really couldn't decide whether to join or not.

"It would be great if there were people who knew the business," Lu Lin couldn't help thinking.

Anyway, the store was not officially open today, so maybe he could go out and find out if there were other colleagues.

After all, it couldn't be that he was the only black alchemist in such a big city, right?

Chapter 124 Hello, the minimum tea fee is 10 silver coins

Lu Lin found out that he was wrong.

The next day, he walked around the shopping streets until the sun went down. As a result, looking at the whole city, he was really the only black alchemist.

His method of finding out was also very simple. He changed into casual clothes, and then learned to find his own people before. He took a recipe of black alchemy and went to each alchemy workshop one by one: five, four, three, six, five, nine, three, eight, and nine, and then used the recipe to test the other party.

But in the end, no one took his order, and some people even thought he was a troublemaker and drove him out on the spot.

But after getting this result, Lu Lin suddenly felt that it was very reasonable.

After all, this is the territory where the Tianri Cult is in power behind the scenes.

If there were not so few black alchemists here, how could the person from the black magic school find him as soon as he opened the shop and give him a gold coin as a gift?

This annoyed Lu Lin, but it was late. Although Li Mi, who had been following him, had eaten a lot of snacks he bought from the street, she had not eaten properly after all. In addition, he was also hungry. At this time, it was time to take her back for dinner.

Sighing, Lu Lin took Li Mi on the way back.

"How do you get there? I remember going this way, ah, and then turning here..." Along the way, Lu Lin tried to recall the road.

After all, he had only been in this city for two days and was not familiar with the roads in the city.

"Ah, it seems that there is a big snail in front, turn around," Lu Lin recalled the impressive road sign in his memory.

I just remember that there was a place on the corner of the street near their store where a huge snail was parked instead of a dragon, which was quite eye-catching.

"Ah, I found the snail. By the way, what kind of store is on this snail..." Lu Lin thought subconsciously, looking past the store sign.

"Purple Abyss Flower Pond Magic Pond".


It's a store name that has a little design, but you can tell what it does at a glance.

Magic Potion Shop...


Magic Potion Shop?

Lu Lin couldn't help but stop and looked at the back of the snail carefully.

The huge snail shell was not carrying a house like the earth dragon, but a spire.

A spire with five floors.

"Spire? Mage Tower? Magic Potion? Wait..." Lu Lin subconsciously wanted to put on the crow mask.

As a result, he grabbed his chest and remembered that he was wearing casual clothes.

But he actually brought the Eternal Night Lens with him. After all, the effect of that thing is quite useful for distinguishing people in the same industry.

Lu Lin rummaged in the inner pocket of his clothes and took out the round lens, raised it in front of his eyes, and looked at the tower.

At this glance, Lu Lin's face suddenly brightened.

Although it was very faint, Lu Lin did see the black mist drifting out of the window.

Whether it was the mist escaping from the magic potion made by the other party, or the energy emitted by the collection of cursed objects and evil objects, in short, the owner here must have something to do with witchcraft or black magic.

In this case, it is correct.

This must be a wizard tower!

At this moment, Lu Lin couldn't help but feel a little funny.

He should have thought that in addition to black alchemists, wizards and black magicians are also the main members of the Black Magic Sect!

He doesn't have to find a colleague at all?

It's okay to find a wizard or a black magician.

Look, such a big wizard tower is placed more than ten meters away from his house, and he didn't see it before!

Suddenly, there is a feeling of searching for it without any effort.

Putting away the Eternal Night Lens, Lu Lin took Li Mi and walked up the long wooden steps lowered from the high tower.

The door of the tower was not big and was currently closed. If it weren't for the sign that said "Open for Business", Lu Lin was not sure whether the door was still open.

He knocked on the door, and soon, accompanied by the crisp doorbell, the door of the tower was opened.

"Oh, you two guests are really good at coming. We are almost closing the store and you two are here."

A slightly piercing and sharp voice came from the door, but Lu Lin looked around and saw no one except for an elegantly decorated living room.

"Hey, where are you looking?"

The voice came again.

This time Lu Lin heard the direction clearly and looked down immediately.

He saw that beside the door panel, a groundhog with a curved horn was supporting the door panel with one paw and the other paw on his waist, looking at Lu Lin with an unhappy face.

Group: 543659389

Lu Lin looked at the marmot, blinked his eyes, and suddenly asked: "Um, can you roar?"

"Huh?" The marmot was confused, "What are you talking about?"

However, as soon as it finished speaking, it heard a rather lazy female voice coming from the house.

"Stew, how many times have I said that you are not allowed to talk to guests like this."

When the marmot heard this voice, it was immediately startled, and then it stood up straight and began to pretend to be stupid without moving.

At the same time, a woman who was taller than Lu Lin, but very thin, wearing a wide witch robe, a huge witch hat, and round glasses, and looked like a sickly lady with long lavender hair walked down the stairs.

Looking at the other party's long, pointed and drooping ears, the pupils with faint purple light flowing, and the pale skin that was completely bloodless, it is not difficult to judge that the other party should be a night elf woman.

Night elves are a race with outstanding talents in black magic and witchcraft, but it is not known whether the negative energy talent itself has an impact on fertility. It is very difficult for the race to reproduce, so the population has always been small, but because they also have a relatively long life span, the size of the race has always been relatively stable.

This is the first time that Lu Lin has seen a real night elf. He had some knowledge of night elves before, purely because he was curious about the various different elves in the world, so he had learned about them.

The night elf woman walked down the stairs and slowly came to the two of them. She looked at Lu Lin and Li Mi with her lazy eyes that seemed to be seriously sleep-deprived, and then asked: "Hello, do you have any commissions for potions?"

"Well, this, shall we go in and talk?" Lu Lin asked.

Hearing this, for some reason, the woman glanced at Li Mi, who was following Lu Lin, holding his hand, dragging a killer whale doll and looking dazed, and then nodded and walked towards the reception room.

Seeing this, Lu Lin also led Li Mi in.

When the three of them sat down on the sofa in the reception room, the marmot who had been in a daze before suddenly came back to life. He looked at them, then jumped up and turned the sign that said "Open" to the side that said "Closed". Then he closed the door, jumped onto the cabinet next to him, and started to make tea for everyone.

"Tell me, what is the commission that requires you to be so low-key?" the night elf woman said.

"To be honest, it's not a commission," Lu Lin said, "I want to ask, you are a witch, right?"

The night elf woman looked at Lu Lin, was silent for a moment, and said, "Yes, it's not a secret, so what?"

"Ahem, that's right," Lu Lin cleared his throat, "Since you are a witch, I wonder, have you joined the Black Magic School?"

Hearing this, the night elf woman frowned slightly, then looked at Lu Lin seriously, and then her eyes stopped on Lu Lin's hand.

"Ah, that's what happened," she seemed to suddenly understand something, with a smile on her face.

"What?" Lu Lin asked confused.

"Nothing, just order," the night elf woman said, placing a list full of potions in front of Lu Lin, "For every ten silver dollars spent, I can answer your question about the Black Magic School. , Group: 543659389 If you spend one gold, I can tell you everything I know about the Black Demon School."

Chapter 125 The ancient magic potion that can soothe the pain of the soul

Lu Lin really didn't expect that the money he just picked up would change hands and might be given away.

However, the other party only asked him to spend one gold coin and did not let him directly spend one gold coin to buy information, which was still acceptable.

"Well, magic potion..."

Lu Lin picked up the list and read it carefully.

The potions refined by wizards are very different from those refined by alchemists or pharmacists. In the final analysis, the effect of potions is determined by the combination of different materials and refining techniques.

But potions are different. For potions, the material is just the base, the carrier, and the environment.

What really determines the effectiveness of a potion is the magic and witchcraft injected into it by wizards.

This makes the effect of the potion more imaginative, but in contrast, the effect of the potion lasts shorter. Moreover, except for offensive potions, most of the effects of potions on things are false and short-lived. .

For example, perhaps a bottle of magic potion can make a dying patient lively and vigorous for a short period of time, but it cannot even cure a common cold or fever.

"Should we simply stock up on some offensive potions to expand our weapons?" Lu Lin thought while stroking his chin, "Well, no, I feel like forget it, after all, I can't do it myself. It won't be good if I get used to it..."

Moreover, for the next period of time, we will be opening a store in the city, so we may not be able to use a bunch of combat supplies in a short period of time.

As he watched, suddenly, the name of a potion attracted Lu Lin's attention.

"Kiss of the Moon God," Lu Lin couldn't help but read along with the characters, "a magic potion that can soothe the soul..."

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