The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 357: As in the future

Wang Musheng couldn't help but shook his head, then said.

"Dare to ask the master, poor monk, is it poor?"

Without waiting for Zhi Chan to answer, Wang Musheng asked and answered himself again.

"Buddhism is enshrined by thousands of lights, there are many golden Buddha temples, the poor monks are not poor, the world is poor, the Buddhas in troubled times are hidden in the world, and thousands of Buddhas come out in prosperous times. What does the master explain?"

"Buddhists believe in fate, obey orders, and advocate sinning oneself and cultivate the next life.

However, my Xiaoyao Palace repaired the true meaning of Xiaoyao.

Do not believe in the next life, only cultivate this life.

After all, am I who I was when I came? "

Wang Musheng made no secret of his rejection of this Buddhist doctrine.

"Lord, do you know what Buddhism believes in?"

Zhi Chan didn't get the slightest anger, but he was still small and said like a Maitreya Buddha.

"Doesn't Buddhism believe in the Buddha?"

"The realm master can know, where does this Buddha exist?"

"I still know Tathagata Buddha."

In response to Wang Musheng's answer, Zhi Chan gently shook his head and said.

"What the realm master said is right or wrong. My Buddha is indeed the Tathagata, but he is not the Buddha. He is the Tao, the foundation of the Buddha, and belief.

Yes, in the future truthfully.

It is cause and effect. "

"Then Buddha?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Musheng couldn't help but asked in confusion.

This is the first time he has heard such an explanation of Buddha?

I don't know whether it is this world, or the world of my previous life, but my understanding is too one-sided.

"The Buddha is here, here, the Buddha is the Tao, the sentient beings, and all things in this world."

While talking, Zhi Chan pointed to his heart, pointed to his bare head, and slowly opened his hands.

Said with a smile.

"Buddha, self-cultivation, cultivating the heart, crossing the world, the world of great bliss, there is no **** in the world.

Buddha crosses the golden body, where all living beings believe.

The Buddha in the prosperous world entered the world and taught sentient beings.

In troubled times, the Buddha hides in the world and crosses himself.

Buddha has the heart to cross the world.

The Buddha has a word for crossing the world.

But there is no Buddha.

No way to cross.

In this world, there are too many people who fall into a maze without knowing it. "

Zhi Chan directly used this passage to answer all of Wang Musheng's previous queries.

Wisdom Chan is telling Wang Musheng that the teachings of Buddhism are indeed a bit negative, but there is no way. Other monks cultivate magic power and pursue their own detachment.

However, Buddhism cultivates the mind.

The pursuit of enlightenment of all people, the hope is that all people can be detached, and all can go to the anxious world.

No one will fall into Abi hell.

But the interesting thing is.

In the words, this Zhi Chan master, unlike other monks, defined this so-called anxious world and Abi **** as a material existence.

It is a spiritual existence.

At the same time, he also told Wang Musheng that the reason why the temple was built so tall and the statue of Buddha was so majestic.

That's because there is where all living beings believe.

It is the sustenance of faith.

They are not shaping temples.

It is the belief of all beings.

It is not a golden Buddha, but the hearts of all beings.

The reason why they would join scholars in the prosperous age is because the prosperous age is prosperous and the hearts of sentient beings are disturbed, and they need to enter the world for education.

But in troubled times, sentient beings are barren, and the minds of those monks are disturbed.

What needs to be done is to close the gate of the mountain and let these monks cultivate their own hearts to prevent them from causing greater harm to the world.

However, although the Buddha has the heart to cross the world.

There are also Buddhist scriptures for crossing the world.

But it carries, but it is deceived by confusion, but it is impossible to see the origin of the Buddha.

Although sentient beings believe in Buddha, they cannot find a real path.

Confused by evildoers and demons.

Very interesting answer, in the mouth of Zhi Chan, Buddha is not a religion, but a kind of thought.

They believe in the truthful future, and they talk about what you do now, which will determine your future.

They spread faith.

Cultivate all people to be good.

"Sure enough to be a master, Mu Sheng has been taught."

Wang Musheng had really seen it. This old monk was really amazing. Just a few words completely changed Wang Musheng's view of them.

"Where, where, I don't know if the landlord can give three feet of land to allow Lao Na to build a temple in this world.

What about spreading this Buddhist tradition? "

Zhi Chan was still so indifferent.

"Uh, no."

Wang Musheng's answer was very decisive.

"Dare to ask the Lord, what does this mean."

"It's not interesting. If you want to spread Taoism in this, naturally you need talents from the Jade Emperor Realm, although the master is a high monk.

If the master can come, I would be very welcome.

However, some rules need to be followed.

So, Master, I can only apologize. "

This old guy was too good at talking, and Wang Musheng couldn't see the depth of this guy. Wang Musheng didn't want this old guy to stay in his Jade Emperor Realm.

"It turned out to be so, the world master doesn't need to worry.

Because the poor monk had resigned from the presiding position of the Jinshan Temple before he came, and now the poor monk is just a homeless monk.

Also hope that the world master can take in.

Only need to give three feet of shelter. "

The smile on Zhi Chan's face has not changed from beginning to end.

However, I don't know if it was an illusion, but Wang Musheng saw the successful smile of the old conscious fox in the smile on Zhi Chan's face at this time.

"Master, why is this?"

"Preaching, solving puzzles, and transforming the world, these should have been within my equal division."


Rogue is not terrible, but when this rogue has a high reputation and does not know the depth of cultivation, it is more difficult to handle.

Especially, when such a rascal meets Wang Musheng, he is not like a strong one.

and so.

In the end, the old rascal won.

Zhi Chan successfully joined the Xiaoyao Palace and stayed.

Wang Musheng did not give him three feet of land.

Anyway, someone is a master, Wang Musheng can't do such a thing.

Wang Musheng directly gave Zhichan an island, the name of this island is Musheng Island.

This name does not come from Wang Musheng, but from the old monk of Zhi Chan, who established a building on the island named Musheng Temple.

Putting aside the old monk, there is a possibility that Wang Musheng's enthusiasm may be When Wang Musheng saw this, Musheng Temple, he was stunned, because he thought of the origin of his name.

Wang is the last name of the master who brought him back in his previous life.

And this name is precisely because, at that time, there was a Musheng Temple next to Wang Musheng, and Wang Musheng was given the name Wang Musheng.

However, shortly after that, the Musheng Temple collapsed due to disrepair.

Unexpectedly, when Wang Musheng came to this world, he saw a Musheng Temple again.

Moreover, this Musheng Temple was born because of its own time.

Wang Musheng couldn't help but feel a little dazed.


It's still destined.


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