The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 361: Corpse Soldier, Gorefiend

After the countless top-level spiritual veins, infinitely extract the nether power of the nether world, and uninterrupted transmission, the entire little nether world directly began to grow terribly.

In just a short time, Little Nether World has evolved several times in succession.

In the beginning, this place was just a place similar to the world of the Netherworld.

However, now, here, it has begun to move closer to a real ghost world.

With this transition.

The little Netherworld also began to change constantly.

In the beginning, it was just some monks from the Jade Emperor Realm, or those killed by the Jade Emperor Realm cultivators, and their ghosts would appear here.

However, slowly, the things that appeared here were more than simple ghosts.

There are all kinds of fierce evil, seven emotions, and six desires that accompany those ghosts.

Because of the appearance of these, in this little nether world, it is no longer just those ghosts and ghosts, but also various strange, fierce ghosts are slowly born.

Special evil spirit.

And, from time to time, there will be some corpses, bones, and they will appear here for various reasons.

Therefore, in the current little nether world, there are many more bones, corpse mountains.

It made the little Netherworld even more terrifying.

Along with Shishan, there is also a sea of ​​blood.

It can be said that this is also the only source of current for the entire Netherworld!

A sea of ​​blood full of fierce, **** air.

These blood seas are not simple, they are full of fierce, **** air, which can dissolve, everything, including various ghosts.

Even the power of the nether world in the little nether world will be corroded by the blood evil aura emanating from these blood seas.

Make it more terrifying and violent.

It can't be used at all.

It can be said that these corpse mountains and blood seas have now become a huge threat to the little nether world.

For these threats.

Before Wang Huanian's solution was.

Created a profession called Corpse Collector.

Specially talk about these corpses, collect them, then bury them, and bury them, thereby reducing the power of the corpses on these corpses.

For those blood seas, it is to find a way to directly install them with equipment and bring them to the real ghost world.

The whole process, not to mention the trouble, the effect is still extremely low.

Until, Jiang Ye was the first to break in with a group of corpse soldiers.

Because at that time, Jiang Ye, there was also a group of corpse soldiers who were seriously injured, plus they were originally ghosts, plus they had a fate.

Therefore, Wang Musheng threw them directly into the little nether world.

Who knows, because of their arrival.

However, a strange change occurred in the entire Little Nether World, the various corpses that appeared inexplicably in the little homeless world.

Even in Jiang Ye, under the influence of this group of corpse soldiers, the recovery began.

Transformed into a corpse soldier.

This change was a bit beyond the expectations of Wang Musheng and others.

After some research, there was no discovery, which seemed extremely strange.

But it’s okay.

After these corpses were transformed into corpse soldiers, those horrible corpse evil spirits had been reduced, and these corpse soldiers would absorb the power of these corpse evil spirits on their own, thereby continuously growing.

And, these corpses were transformed from corpse soldiers.

Perhaps it is because they were born because of Jiang Ye's arrival!

They were born to do it and obey Jiang Ye's orders.

And because of this special change, Jiang Ye was directly tied to the Little Nether World, and could no longer leave.

Of course, if Wang Musheng was willing, after paying a certain price, Jiang Ye and his party could still be allowed to leave.

However, it was clear that Jiang Ye didn't care about it.

On the contrary, because of the special environment of the Little Netherworld, without the enemy's pursuit, he liked it very much.

Like life now.

Jiang Ye now calls himself corpse ancestor.

Moreover, in the little nether world, a corpse city was established.

Those who lived in it were all corpse soldiers who had awakened their self-consciousness.

But don't live too easily.

It is precisely because of the changes brought about by these corpse soldiers that Wang Huanian's thinking completely diverged.

Since the trouble with those corpses, it can be solved like this.

So, what about those blood seas?

It is precisely for this reason that Wang Huanian hit his mind on these blood demons.

However, fortunately.

Wang Huanian's idea is not wrong.

Although these blood demons are not as well-behaved as the corpse soldiers, their natural nature makes these guys extraordinarily active and full of destruction.

However, in any case, these blood demons really played their original role.

These blood seas are also suitable for their growth.

Moreover, compared to these blood containing various resentments, the terrifying blood evil spirit is more welcomed by these blood demons.

They swallowed these terrifying resentments, and grew with the power of blood evil.

Rely on this boundless sea of ​​blood to reproduce itself.

Soon these guys set up camp in this little nether world.

In contrast, the role played by these guys, the chaos and destruction they caused, is completely unworthy of mention.


In fact, in comparison, the existence of blood demons and corpse soldiers is still relatively good, no matter the degree of damage, they are all within a controllable range.

In contrast, the races that have been formed are more horrible.

One is more dangerous than the other.

Especially the Earth Soul clan among them, there is also the existence of the Spirit Clan.

It even caused the attrition of the cultivators of the Jade Emperor Realm, which is the kind of attrition in the true sense, completely disappearing, and even the soul is not left.

Among them, the most terrifying is the soul race of this place.

Their form of existence is similar to the one that Wang Musheng met before. The Holy Spirit tribe is a bit similar, and they all show their power through parasites.

If it is not parasitic, its attack power and defense power are extremely weak.

It can even be said to be vulnerable.

However, the difference between the two is that if the Holy Spirit race is not parasitic, it is in a state of completeness and nothingness, invincible, and cannot be attacked.

However, the Earth Soul Race, they are tangible.

Although it is only a consciousness body, it also possesses powerful immunity to various attacks.

But the soul, or the attack on the spirit level, can still cause some damage to them.

Moreover, the parasitism of the Holy Spirit race is a kind of parasitism from, divine soul, double-sided, which means that if the parasite of the Holy Spirit tribe dies, then the divine soul of the parasite will die with it and go to the nether world.

However, the Earth Soul Race is different.

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