The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 364: reward

The nightmare clan, the snow demon clan, the evil clan,...!

There are even a lot of fierce beasts, spirit beasts, and sacred beasts from historical legends.

It was also after this time that Wang Musheng realized that the world was so wide.

It turns out that there are so many strange races.

Just settle these strange races.

Wang Musheng and his party took nearly a month.

In the meantime, more than ten seals were established.

In the Jade Emperor Realm, various independent and new living environments have been opened up, hundreds of places.

During this period of time, on the internal mall in the Jade Emperor Realm, there were thousands of more exotic products that could be purchased by the monks in the Jade Emperor Realm.

As for other various treasures.

New spiritual grass.

There are so many magical powers and secret methods in the Buddhist scripture pavilion.

Can't count at all.

During this period of time, the Jade Emperor Realm had hundreds of small worlds, caves, secrets, and even ancient relics.

Among them, there are three complete small worlds.

However, these three small worlds, like the previous rune world, were all given to Mastiff, and became the place for the spread of faith in the Three Holy Temple.

I believe that when Mastiff has digested all these four small worlds.

The power of the Three Saints Temple will surely skyrocket again.

The mastiff is dry, food is the sky, and Qian Wenzhuo, the guy who rides the wind, will surely change his strength again.

Think of the Three Holy Temple.

Wang Musheng thought of his cheap eldest brother, Bai Ziyu.

Although he had many plans to recognize this eldest brother at the beginning, the purpose was not so pure.

However, this eldest brother finally recognized it.

What's more, at the beginning, this eldest brother gave him two powerful treasures when he was the weakest.

Although one of them, Wang Musheng used it to build a belief for Bai Ziyu.

However, the other one, which became Wang Musheng and is still wearing it, was the key to the birth of this walking suit.

In general, Wang Musheng finally showed Bai Ziyu's affection.

"I don't know what happened to my cheap brother?"


Between the roads.

The time and even the space here are chaotic.

It may be only a moment outside, but in between, tens of thousands of years may have passed.

So, just a few years outside.

But in this way, hundreds of thousands of years have passed.

Hundreds of thousands of years are enough to wipe out the consciousness of the most powerful monk in this world, and finally become a part of this path.

Such things are simply not too normal.

However, in these hundreds of thousands of years, this kind of situation is very rare, especially in the last tens of thousands of years, this kind of situation is basically not there.

And all this is entirely because.

One sentence.

Someone might be able to go out.

This is hope.

Between the roads was able to leave.

A city.


It was built by a grudge called Bai Ziyu.

There are cities, houses, flowers, rivers, and all kinds of delicious food.

Although these are just condensed things with divine power.

Can only taste the taste, and has no other effect.

If it is in other places, they will dismiss these existences at all.

But here it is.

Among the Taos where there is no existence.

All this is not too precious.

This is hope, and this is the motivation that keeps them going.

"How about, Xiaobai, do you have any news from the outside world recently."

It was a guy with white beard and hair, who looked like a neighbor's grandfather.

However, don't be fooled by this skin.

This old guy was called Huang Tian, ​​and at the same time he was also called the terrifying existence of the Second Heaven Dao.

At the beginning, this guy created his own Yellow Sky Dao, engulfing the beliefs of all living beings, and wanted to replace the Dao of Heaven with his own Dao.

Achieve your own supreme Huangtian Dao.

It's just a pity that he lost his half son in the end and was directly thrown here by Heaven.

No one knows how long this old guy has been here at all. The only thing he knows is that this old guy is definitely one of the oldest existences in this way.

"I have seen Mr. Huang, you know, although I can occasionally learn some information from the outside world through the beliefs of those believers.

However, this information is not under my control.

And the information is not very coherent.

It's basically just some boring trivia. "

Although very upset by what this old guy calls himself.

However, Bai Ziyu knew that this old fellow was absolutely incapable of offending, and quickly replied respectfully.

"Don't worry, these old men still know it, let's talk about it! No matter how boring, can it be boring than here?"

"Okay, then I'll talk about it.

Among the recent information, the only thing that is still useful is that a powerful sect has suddenly appeared in the world of cultivation.

It seems to be called Xiaoyao Palace.

And recently, the Grand Tournament is being held, and the power of this sect should be very strong. The first place in the Grand Tournament was directly rewarded by a small world.

...! "

"Not bad! It seems that the strength of this Xiaoyao Palace is pretty good! It was able to directly come up with a small world as a reward."

"It seems that in the human world, another incredible Tianjiao was born."

"That is to say, the human world, as the family land of the twelve realms of the Great Dao, is the origin of everything, and there has never been a lack of the proud of heaven.

"In other words, don't think too much.

What kind of existence the human world is now, has long lost its former glory, and has now become a pasture for other realms.

No matter how talented you are, what can you do! "



"I don't know, I still have a bit of inheritance on the road to the world."

"Haha, haven't you heard from Xiaobai?

Now the human world only asks about the immortal way, the divine way, the Buddhist way, the magic way...!

But there is no humanitarian road. "





For all this Wang Musheng naturally does not know.

After hurriedly solving the problems of alien life.

Wang Musheng couldn't do it, and he didn't hand over the handling of those small worlds, secrets, and caves to Mastiff and others.

And himself.

Then you have to participate in the final ceremony of the final entrance to the palace, to award the prizes to the monks who have achieved the final victory.

After all, Wang Musheng is the master of this Jade Emperor Realm, Xiaoyao Palace.

Before, it's okay to be unwilling to show up.

However, this has reached the last moment, and it hasn't appeared yet. It's a bit unreasonable to show up.

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