The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 381: 0 covenants

"I didn't see it!

You are quite loyal. "

Wang Musheng couldn't help but said in surprise.

Regarding Wang Musheng's teasing, it was true. From Fatu's point of view, Wang Musheng's words were an extremely bad joke.

Loyalty, trust, in the world of cultivation, that is an extremely luxurious existence.

This is the case in the Southern Realm of Immortals.

In the sanctuary, even more so.

It can even be said that there is no less than there is.

In the Southern Realm of Immortal Cultivation, there are soul cards, which can be traced at any time to the location of the object.

There is also a life card, this kind of existence that can control the life and death of the opponent at any time.

Among the sects, each has its own means of control.

Various restrictions.

In the world of immortality, there are many ways to maintain target loyalty.

However, only true loyalty is rare.

However, Negative Dao Sect, as an evil sect.

In this regard, we have done more than ever.

Although there is only one person in Fatu, there is still a family behind him, if it is for his own reasons.

Caused serious losses to Negative Daozong.

That's it, he can escape once he dies, what about his family?

At that time, his family will definitely need to pay for his mistakes.

Moreover, in the realm of cultivating immortals, sometimes death does not mean the end, as long as one is willing, there are enough means that can make a person unable to survive or die.

Therefore, it is not how loyal he is. But he had to be loyal.

"Haha, but, do you think you can take this matter alone?

You are not doing very authentically in this matter of Dao Sect? "

Seeing Fatu like this, Wang Musheng not only didn't explain, but a flash of inspiration, followed the words of Fatu.

"Shangxian, this matter about us is indeed a bit too much trouble, and the movement is a bit loud.

But in general, the influence of this movement is controlled within a very small range by us.

Know what you should know.

What shouldn't be known, absolutely no one knows.

As for everything else, what we did is in line with the requirements of the Hundred Covenants.

You don’t have to blow me up, sage.

All this now is just my own. "

After speaking, Fatu didn't say a word anymore.

Directly put out a pair, it is the appearance of killing or plucking Xi Ting Zun.


Like this kind of guy, who is not a determined person, if they don't want to say anything, then there is absolutely no one at Jiu who can let them say any more words.

While waving the big hand, a golden dragon rushed out of Wang Musheng's body directly.

Then he plunged into Fatu's body and headed directly to where Fatu's soul was.

Wang Musheng directly chose to search for souls.

It's just a pity.


"it is as expected."

Wang Musheng hadn't found any useful clues yet, a strange force burst out directly from the depths of Fatu's sea of ​​consciousness.

Instantly destroyed Fa Tu's soul, even his body and meridians.

Fatu, who was dying, was completely dead now.

Moreover, Wang Musheng looked at it, Little Nether World.

Sure enough, the characteristics of the Little Nether World, all existences connected with the Jade Emperor World, after death, the soul will enter the characteristics of the Little Nether World.

On this Fatu's body, it also didn't play any role.

Not only Fatu, but the souls of those guys who were killed by the barbarian cultivators, who were the core members at first glance, did not go to the Little Nether World either.

Those souls who went to the Netherworld were all peripheral members, and they knew very little, even the kind that they didn't even know who they were doing.

It's relieved to think about it.

After all, there is a sanctuary, a cultivation power, the most powerful place in the entire Supreme Profound Realm.

If you didn't even have such power, would Wang Musheng feel strange?

Now that it is like this, it can only be said that it is indeed a fellow from the sanctuary.

But this time, Wang Musheng was not completely unacceptable.

At least he knew the existence of Hundred Covenants.

Thinking of the existence of this Hundred Sects Covenant, it is a strange existence used to restrain the many sanctuary sects and the code of conduct for monks.

It's a bit similar to the existence of the guardian temple of the Southern Territory Cultivation Realm before.

The only thing Wang Musheng didn't know now was how powerful this Hundred Sects Covenant really was.

In the sanctuary, is there such a position as the guardian temple.

But one thing is certain.

This Hundred Sects Covenant is very powerful. After all, there are such powerful existences as Jiexianmen and Negative Daozong.

Come to think of it, the power of the other sects is also in a similar position.

Needless to say, there are one hundred such sects.

Even if there are ten, it is enough to dominate the Southern Realm of Immortal Cultivation.

If there are more than twenty, even the Jade Emperor Realm needs to be more vigilant.

If there are really a hundred, even if the power of the entire Jade Emperor Realm is exhausted, Wang Musheng will need to weigh them carefully.

Secondly, it is certain that this Hundred Sects Covenant is definitely not a good bird.

Because, from the previous words of Fatu, you can know that Negative Dao Sect’s evil cultivation method of collecting yin and replenishing yang.

Other people know it, but these people are not organized.

Even Negative Dao Sect was established in other realms, such as the Tianxin Sect, searching for and cultivating talented female cultivators.

These people in the city actually agreed.

Can someone who can do such a thing be a good bird?

I was thinking about going to the sanctuary, and then I found the existence of the Jiexianmen, and did a good job of calculating the ledger?

It now appears that this matter is a bit too hasty.

Still need to think more carefully.

The battle is over.

In fact, before the end of the battle between Wang Musheng and the barbarians, the core monks brought by Fatu were directly resolved.

Even, incidentally, the guys who were directly present, who fell into a state of chaos due to the influence of the statue of euphoria, were killing each other.

Pack them all directly, throw them directly into the spirit prison and slowly reflect on them.

On the contrary, the battle of Yue Qingyao ended at the latest.

Originally, Wang Musheng was going to help, but seeing Yue Qingyao fighting so vigorously, Wang Musheng directly gave up this idea.

I chose to watch the show next to me.

As you can imagine, it was naturally from Yue Qingyao that she got a pretty big eye.

And then, the last treasure of the Tianmen, Tianmen, a one-way portal that can lead to the sanctuary.

This was originally Liu Yuanyuan's stay, preparing to counterattack the path of defeating Daozong.

I didn't expect...!

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