The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 368: 2 brothers

However, even if he discovered it now, Wang Musheng didn't have the idea of ​​getting the god-calling gong back.

First, I can't pull this face down, I can't shame this person.

The second reason is that although this God-calling gong is magical, especially the growth of being a Horcrux.

There is also the protection of the soul.

These are extremely magical.

But, to be honest, these things have little effect on Wang Musheng.

Needless to say, Wang Musheng's law and body rested on weekends, plus his last transformation, his own existence is equivalent to an extremely terrifying spiritual weapon.

There is no need for other weapons or magical instruments.

Just, in Wang Musheng's soul, there is the guardianship of the fetus, the fetus, and the ghost fetus, which are more useful than any Horcrux.

Therefore, although this god-calling gong was precious, it was really useless to Wang Musheng.


As soon as Liu Xinyu appeared, he directly fought with the Fire Feather Eagle among the five beast kings.


As the mind turned, in an instant, the god-calling gong, shining brightly, appeared directly behind Liu Xinyu.

Mana fluctuations.

The terrifying sound waves rushed directly out of the God Calling Gong.

Directly rushed towards the fire feather carving on the opposite side.

Sound wave shape.

These sound waves, after leaving the god-calling gong, directly turned into thousands of beasts.







Another horrible aura rushed out of Jade Emperor City.

It's just that this is not a person, but a person, with a human body shape, first born with a pair of sharp horns.

The whole body is covered with fine, dark green inner scales.

There are obvious, sharp barbs on every joint.

At the end of a long thin tail, there is a tail spur that shimmers with cold metal light, and you can see its attack power at a glance, which is absolutely extraordinary.

Although hideous, it is not terrifying, but has a special beauty of power.

This beauty beast is exactly Shishenghua.

The chief of the White Wolf tribe who had rescued Wang Musheng once.

Although the practice of the White Wolf tribe at that time was not a rescue at all.

They just brought Wang Musheng back into the tribe from the wild.

Even at the last moment, the White Wolf tribe directly abandoned Wang Musheng's burden in their eyes.

However, in any case, this good cause is formed.

Although Wang Musheng had no time because of various things, Shi Shenghua was interviewed.

However, because of the relationship between the two, Shi Shenghua and the people in the White Wolf tribe received various cares.

However, in the Northern Territory, the cultivation method of the Beast God Envoy is indeed regarded as the fastest growing system by many powerful monks in the Jade Emperor Realm.

As long as there are enough resources, enough heart.

Of course, with a little luck, you can become a terrifying existence that can shock the party in a very short time.

The only shortcoming may be that this kind of cultivation method is not safe, and it is extremely common to get into trouble and toss oneself directly.

At this point, the power system of the Beast God Envoy is fundamentally determined. It is a system that damages the world and makes up for its own shortcomings.

Even if it is, through the Jade Emperor Realm, there are many horror existences, and it is further improved.

It only reduced the degree of danger of this beast **** envoy, and only reduced it a bit.

It is impossible to directly solve the shortcomings of this force.

However, Shi Shenghua is the most successful existence in this Jade Emperor Realm, under the new beast **** power system.

She has successively gained the power of Kui Niu.

Koho's hard skin.

The big horns of the horned cow.

Hornbill perception.

The fighting form of the fighting monkey.


and many more.

Shi Shenghua's body is directly fused and grafted, with more than a dozen other powerful beings, the most powerful characteristics.

Although in terms of cultivation base.

Shi Shenghua is the existence of a distraction period.

But as far as combat is concerned, it is indeed directly comparable to the existence of the fit period.


This is the cry made by Shishenghua in the beast state.

The voice is low and not loud.

However, it is this low voice that is exceptionally shocking, just like this voice comes from the depths of everyone's heart.


With the end of the low voice.

The beastly stone flower disappeared before everyone's eyes as soon as it moved.


The sharp claws stick out, unexpectedly.

Directly on the huge body, which is full of books.

There was a long, scary scratch that was hundreds of meters long.

Blood spattered.


The huge snake core swallowed, and it was a screaming sound.





Although it was an oversight and missed the first move, the Beast King Dimang was unwilling to show weakness.

The giant snake's tail swung.

Aiming at the existence of the corpse and flowers, he directly hit it.

However, the corpse and flower after beastization are exceptionally fast.

"Boom boom boom!"



The Beast King of Dimang, roaring again and again, under the bombardment of the thick long tail, for a time, it was even more powerful.

Unfortunately, the thunder was heavy and the rain was light.

Such a terrifying attack.

However, it was not right, the corpse after the beastization caused any effective attack.

On the contrary, the corpse and flower after the beastization, with its terrifying speed, left one wound after another on this mang body.

Directly let Di Mang fall into a state of anger.





"Haha, this crosshair tiger will be handed over to our two brothers."

"Ghost knife style!" Tomb Qingfeng.

"Ghost knife two style!" Tomb Qingshan.


Tomb Mu Qingshan, in the earliest days, were just two demon-catching masters.

They met Wang Musheng when they entered the Canglong Demon Realm, Canglong City.

At that time, because of being framed by others, Murong was killed by the sword, killed, and killed. The three brothers took it as an act, stole the prey of their own demon hunting team and arrested the clear-eyed beast.

Therefore, there was also a big battle.

In the end, fortunately, Wang Musheng stepped forward to stop it, and this prevented the war from getting worse.

From another aspect, it was the appearance of Wang Musheng that saved the two brothers who had almost become the dead soul under the sword of the three Murong brothers.

Put it this way, is Wang Musheng still the savior of the two brothers?

And the two brothers are also very grateful for this mysterious benefactor.

I have been thinking about how to repay this kindness.

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