The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 409: Du Tian Dazhen

"Hundred Tribulations!"

After a hundred deaths and a thousand tribulations, Fang Cheng's golden body is immortal.

In general, this is a method that has become increasingly powerful through various terrifying external and cruel internal cultivation.

Absolute ascetic practice.

Although this technique is also very powerful, it does not require much qualification.

However, there is no one practicing in the Jade Emperor Realm now.

There is no way, the body is too painful.

This kind of pain is simply not something ordinary people can afford.

Besides, although the Hundred Tribulations Body is very powerful, it is not that there are no more powerful methods than the Hundred Tribulations Body in the Jade Emperor Realm.

But a lot.

There are so many better choices, why choose the most painful one!

The most important thing is that this Hundred Tribulation Body pursues the ultimate pain. If you don't pay attention to it, it may be possible. One can't hold it and die directly.

Even if the brain is really pitted, it doesn't have to be this way!

Why bother?

However, the more miserable this kind of exercise is, the more suitable it is for Gou Sangui.

You know, Gou Sangui is born with a low life style, the more miserable he is, the more miserable his life, the better he will develop.

The better.

Bai Lingzi on the other side already had his own way, but Wang Musheng didn't give a new technique.

Just give him some special resources.

And everything, as Bai Lingzi said, in fact, he himself does not like to practice. Compared with this, he prefers to find a thick thigh, and then live happily.

This attitude to life may be the reason why the lark has always been with her body!

Not long after entering the Jade Emperor Realm.

This little girl who has a little bit of snacks doesn't know what's wrong, and the food is mixed for the heavens.

Became the agent of Shiweitian.

The direct result of this is that the prices of various delicacies from Shiweitian's hands have skyrocketed again.

This makes those who specialize in the various delicacies of Shiweitian, the Jade Emperor Little Elf Gate, hate it as a grit.

and many more.

These guys all demonstrated extremely dazzling record in this Warcraft Battlefield in the Northern Territory.

However, it is just dazzling.

This kind of one is comparable to the battlefield of a meat grinder, and this kind of record is of no use.





The monstrous spell shines brightly.

The boundless evil spirit is surging.

Every sound this time was the power of countless terrifying magic bursts.

Every sound represents the death of countless lives.

At this time, there was no difference between day and night on the northern land.

The perpetual movement of countless mana.

Element is completely in chaos.

In this sky, the sun and moon are no longer visible.

The sky is full of chaotic elements, which are set off by colorful colors.



Full of danger.

The battle is still going on, and the numbers that have finally grown on the northern land have completely disappeared again.

There is only one piece left, one piece of ground that has crystallized.

There is another, another, a bottomless abyss.

The mountains and rivers of the past are gone.

The rivers of the past have dried up.

Volcanic eruption and wanton magma have become the main color of the world.

The earthquake has become the norm in this world.

That boundless, raging chaotic element.

And the wailing of life before death.

Has become the main theme of this world.

The vicissitudes of life.

The mountains and rivers appeared again, but it was the corpse mountain.

Jiang He appeared again, it was a blood river.

Everything goes back and forth, like a hymn of life formed by death.

"Dutian Great Array has been set up."

"That's it! Let everyone shrink the front and retreat to the northern fortress!"

The entire Northern Territory Demon Race has gone through ten years, ten years of killing.

There are many strong men who have won the Jade Emperor Realm, who buried their bodies here and transformed them into ghost repairs.

However, in the end, Jade Emperor World was defeated.

This was the first time in the true sense of Jade Emperor World's defeat.

The loss is too great.

In the battle, it is not worth it, and it is incompatible with the interests of the Jade Emperor Realm.

These demons brought only countless demon energy without any effect.

Of course, for Demon Cultivation, the effect of these demon qi is still very good.

However, there are very few daring to directly incorporate these violent devil qi into the body's magic repair.

After all, Moxiu is not the Demon Race.

These demons, the only effect they bring may be the magic core in their bodies!

Although the magic core can't be used to improve one's cultivation level like a soul orb.

But the Demon Core has absorbed the essence of the Demon Race.

It is a great talent for refining magic weapons.

Of course, there are also the organs and bones of the Demon Race.

Because all demons are extremely strong physical cultivation.

These parts are also rare treasures for refining spirit treasures.

But at this point of income, for the Jade Emperor Realm, it is simply not worth mentioning.

If not, Wang Musheng was concerned about cause and effect, and the monks in the Jade Emperor Realm would not be able to persist until now.

However, although Jade Emperor Realm was defeated, he walked very calmly.

Not only, the use of the now half immortal artifacts, the heavenly books, the earthly books, the ink girl, and the jade fox, are on the seal outside the original Northern Territory.

Chongxing strengthened one, and the more powerful one, Dutian Great Array strengthened this seal.

Even on this northern land, nine huge fortresses were left behind, a large number of manpower remained behind, and the demons were cleaned regularly.

Although doing so, it cannot completely solve and save the situation in the Northern Territory.

However, in this way, it is possible to limit the harm of these demons to the northern land and prevent it from spreading.

At the same time, with this arrangement, when the Jade Emperor Realm vacates its hands in the future, it will also be able to better clean up these demons.

Although the Jade Emperor Realm, Wang Musheng and the others are gone, they will come back sooner or later here, and they will come back to clean up all the demons.

At the same time, when Wang Musheng left, he also took away another existence.

The Spirit of the Earth in the Northern Territory.

The depletion of the Northern Territory's land is already in place, and the Earth Spirit will die sooner or Instead of this, it is better to take away the Northern Territory's Earth Spirit directly.

The spirit of the earth, that is a good thing.

They can not only determine the terrain.

Stabilize the atmosphere of mountains and rivers.

It also gives the earth life and spirituality.

With spirituality, the earth of life, they can nurture, various geniuses and treasures, can nurture spiritual veins.

Only this land can truly carry a civilization and a world.

Just like the Jade Emperor World before.

It looks powerful.

However, all resources are basically plundered.

Even Lingmai is because of Wang Musheng's power.

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