The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 414: World will

If, King Kong, Xuan Min, Miao Fa, etc. incarnate outside the body of the five elements.

If you cannot completely control the elemental world in a short time, this battle may even develop into a protracted war of attrition.

It may even be dragged to death, Jade Emperor Realm.

You know, the power of the elemental world is not weaker than that of the Jade Emperor World, if those elements in the elemental world can unite together.

That power may even be dozens of times that of Jade Emperor Realm, or even dozens of times.

If you count it, the elemental life is immortal, almost infinite power.

Wang Musheng felt that even if the elemental world was destroyed, the entire Supreme Profound Realm would not be a problem.

It can be said that it is extremely irrational to rashly declare war on such an existence.

However, once you control the Jade Emperor Realm, the benefits you can get are quite tempting.

Of course, if not, these elemental beings do not absorb this characteristic of hatred.

No matter how attractive, Wang Musheng wouldn't do it.

Once these guys are irritated and entangled in the Jade Emperor Realm, then the game is really over.

It is precisely because, with such a big battle going to happen, the Northern Territory battlefield has naturally become a tasteless one.

Become an existence that needs to be abandoned.

The war is terrible.

The scope is large enough.

The monks used were several times as many as before going to the Northern Territory.

There are even a large number of Jade Emperor elves and spirit veins.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the two are a lot weaker, but their absorption of power has just become the nemesis of these elemental lives, but they can play an unexpected role in the battle.

The fighting lasted long enough, more than twelve years.

However, in comparison, there were not many monks who died and were forced to turn into ghosts in this battle of the elements.

This is all because the elemental life does not absorb hatred, and there is no feeling of hatred.

For them, the fight is just a joke.

Play when you are happy.

If you're unhappy, you will just flash people.

Basic injuries will not occur, and there will be no end to death.

Sometimes, like some, with healing properties, water elementary life, or wood elemental life.

Out of curiosity, some human monks will be treated.

This should be the case. Although the intensity and scale of this war are more terrifying, the death toll is not many.

In contrast, those demons in the Northern Territory are different.

Each holding a heart of death, launched a deadly charge.

The kind that never dies.

Either you die or I die.

This kind of battlefield is basically one, meat grinder, and death is happening every moment.

More importantly, it is because of Wang Musheng's existence.

With the opening of the spell and constant use, the spiritual wisdom of each element has been awakened.

As a result, he joined Wang Musheng's battle group, and the result of this was that over time.

The strength of Wang Musheng's side will become even stronger.

In particular, Wang Musheng deliberately gave priority to those elemental beings with healing abilities.

At the same time, with Wang Musheng's incarnation of the five major elements, the more elemental support he received.

The five body incarnations have an increasing influence on this world, and they can even gather some aspects to help those monks from the Jade Emperor Realm.

For example, faster recovery speed.

The power of offensive spells has become more powerful.

and many more!

It is precisely because of these various reasons that the current situation is caused.

A war that lasted for twelve years.

The war in the elemental world has not stopped.

However, the combatants are already slowly being reduced.

This attrition is not death.

But it's just that with the five body incarnations, more and more elemental lives are controlled.

Now they can control these, elemental lives, and the remaining elemental lives, they want to fight.

Therefore, in addition to some necessary monks, other monks have already left this ghost place.

Yes, the environment of the elemental world is really not a beautiful existence for normal life.

There is no earth here.

There is no sky.

Although there are many element creations.

However, it is more like a dumped dump, scattered randomly in this world.

More chaotic, rich elements.

The elements here are very different from ordinary elements.

They have their own will and give birth to their own spirituality.

It is not absorbed.

Even if it is absorbed, the will of the element itself will conflict.

Minor injuries, lie down for a few years.

If it got heavy, the veins were destroyed, and the body exploded and died.

It's even more because of the chaotic element, maybe you are still hot and uncomfortable in the first moment, and the next moment will be frozen into ice sculptures.

And, from time to time, there will be a baptism of thunderstorms.

Just ask you if it is uncomfortable!

On the other side, Wang Musheng's work was finally over.

It was not that Wang Musheng had already controlled the elemental world, all elemental beings.

That is simply impossible.

Although Wang Musheng has been very diligent over the past twelve years, he has never wasted every second.

Continuously cast, opening the spirit spell.

However, the elemental life possessed by one elemental world is terrifying.

Let alone twelve years, even one hundred and twenty years, one thousand and two hundred years.

It is impossible for Wang Mushengye to control the elemental world and all elemental lives in this way.

But fortunately, among the elemental beings, they have the characteristics of mutual, assimilation, and fusion.

The elemental life that Wang Musheng used to enlighten the spirit curse was a seed-like existence.

Let them continue to assimilate and integrate other elemental lives.

So as to control more elemental life.

So Musheng's role is a seed, just the beginning.

If you want to completely occupy the entire world of elements, you still need to incarnate the five elements and work **** your own.

This is not a short-term project.

The time he needs may be millions of years or even longer.

Of course, for those monks who have been in retreat for tens or hundreds of years.

Thousands of years are not a long time.

And the second thing is about those powerful monks in the Jade Emperor Realm.

The improvement of cultivation base was originally a good thing.

However, when this cultivation level reached a certain level, the problem appeared.

Once they leave the Jade Emperor Realm, their bodies will show inexplicable suction, dragging them into the unknown place.

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