The rewards were too generous, and everyone was red-eyed. Like Ye Xi, the warriors who had only intended to be on the sidelines could no longer sit still.

Some warriors are very confident, and they think that although the overall strength of their tribe is not comparable to the two big tribes of Qianqi and Gongtao, their personal strength is not weaker than them. Since the tree people only pay attention to individual strength rather than overall strength this time, they definitely have a chance!

Some warriors of medium-sized tribes looked anxious and regretful.

The tribes they belonged to did not plan to participate in this event, so they were just warriors who wanted to trade items, and their strength was mediocre. For example, there are only three people from the Fel Tribe this time, and there are only one third-level and two second-level.

In fact, their tribe has fourth-level warriors! Who knew that the conditions offered by the tree people were so terrifying! Their guts are green with regret now.

Black Thorn couldn't help but took a step and asked Ze Ze loudly: "Dear young patriarch, may I rush back to the tribe now and notify the strong men of the tribe to come to participate in the competition immediately?"

Ze said without emotion: "No, the selection has started now."

As soon as these words came out, not only Black Thorn, but the other tribe warriors who were in the same situation as the Peeling tribe were all remorseful, and even turned pale with remorse.

Alas, I missed such a rare opportunity!

The tribes who originally planned to participate were very fortunate. Fortunately, they decided to participate. Fortunately, the fourth-level soldiers came. As for whether they can win the three places... Many fourth-level fighters are very confident in themselves.

Game start.

Everyone stepped aside, leaving the playing field empty.

The scorching sun scorched the earth, and the scorching sun shone on people's skin.

The first to come out are the aggressive fighters.

This qiqi warrior is about 2.3 meters tall, with a strong back and a strong waist, and his voice is as majestic as Hong Zhong: "I'm calling for punishment! Who dares to fight me!"

The Qianqi tribe has accumulated prestige for a long time, and no one is willing to play for a while.

Xing Yi shouted three times in a row before a fourth-level soldier jumped out and shouted, "I'm the hammer of the Bloodmark Tribe! I'll fight you!"

The blood-striped warrior took off the linen he bought from the Gongtao tribe, revealing a strong and sturdy figure, and strode to Xing.

The two stared at each other with bare hands.

The eyes are fierce.

The people watching around were all staring at the field, especially the bloodstained tribe people, clenching their fists nervously, for fear that their tribe's warriors would fail. The warriors of the Qianqi tribe did not see any nervousness. Most of them leaned against their pets with their arms folded, and chatted with each other easily while watching the field.

After a while, the Bloodstriped Warrior Hammer was the first to attack, and he shouted, "Attention!" Then his left leg sprinted forward, and his right hand punched Xing's head like a heavy hammer.

In order to avoid casualties in this competition, the use of weapons is not allowed. Everyone can only give up the usual weapons and fight with fists.

Xing Xiang retreated to avoid the attack, and with a low shout, he rushed forward, and his fists slammed into the bloodstained warrior's chest like cannonballs.

The Bloodstriped Warrior was taken aback. He didn't expect Xing's offensive to be so crazy and so amazing. His legs quickly retreated, but it was too late! The mountain-like heavy fists smashed into his chest one after another, only to hear the crackling sound of bones, the blood-striped warrior spewed a blood mist, and was seriously injured and fell to the ground.

There was a roar like a beast in Xing's throat, and his right hand grabbed the bloodstriped warrior's trousers like a pincer, raised him with one hand, and then his right arm vigorously threw the man to the bloodstained tribal people onlookers!

The bloodstained tribe's people turned pale in shock, and several soldiers nervously checked his injuries after catching him.

The rest were silent.

They didn't expect that the Ganqi warriors were so strong, and the warriors of the same level were defeated and thrown out in no time!

Shocked by shock, but there are still many people who do not believe in evil.

Next, the barbarian tribal warriors challenged the punishment and failed!

Another warrior of the barbarian tribe challenged the punishment,


The Falcon tribe warrior challenged the punishment and failed!

The warriors of the Manggu tribe challenged the punishment and failed!

Xing Yue fought more and more bravely. Not only did these warriors fail, but they were all seriously injured and completely lost their combat effectiveness.

But then a warrior's nest tribe warrior named Chang Yang successfully challenged the punishment! Xing was not only defeated by Chang Yang, but also had his left calf bone broken. He stared at a pair of bloodshot eyes and reluctantly conceded defeat, limping and dragging his injured leg out of the arena.

After the war, the audience was in an uproar, and they all paid tribute to the dark-skinned and lean warrior of the nest tribe. The people of the nest tribe cheered and cheered, welcoming the warriors of their tribe.

The group of soldiers who were watching by Qian Qi did not look angry. Ju reprimanded the punishment against his head, and let him rest gently. Then he sent a warrior named Li Li to challenge Chang Yang.

The vertical skeleton is obviously much stronger than the punishment, and the battle with Chang Yang was extremely fierce, and he paid the price of a fractured arm, and finally defeated Chang Yang.

After a few games, the current ranking is Gan Qi Zhixi first, Chao Tribe Chang Yang second, and Qian Qi Xing third. If no one continues to challenge, then these three places are theirs.

in the corner of the crowd.

Ye Xi has been watching the game quietly, without the slightest intention to play.

He knows that while it looks like the game is in full swing now, the really good fighters haven't played yet.

The black thorn next to him sighed and sighed: "Qianqi is worthy of being a big tribe, don't look at Xing and Zhishi are very powerful, but in fact they are the two weakest people who came here this time. No, all three places are in the hands of the Qianqi tribe."

Yi Kuang immediately retorted: "How is this possible, there are so many warriors in Gongtao here, at least they can occupy one."

Black Thorn glanced at the warriors who were leaning on the liger, shook his head and said, "It's hard to say, it's hard to say."

Ye Xi listened to their conversation quietly without speaking, took off the water bladder and drank to quench his thirst, and continued to watch the game.

The Qianqi tribe now occupies two of the three places, but they are obviously not satisfied with this, and sent another warrior named Gelin to challenge Changyang.

Ge Lin's strength is stronger than that of the vertical skeleton, so he is confident when he plays.

But what is unbelievable is that Chang Yang of the nest tribe actually defeated him! Obviously Chang Yang had hidden a hand in the previous match! The people of the Qianqi tribe were really shocked this time, and they all looked at the thin and dark Chang Yang in amazement.

All the eyes of everyone present turned to Chang Yang—the warrior of the nest tribe who was usually invisible! At this moment, everyone remembered the name Chang Yang in their hearts!

After a long time, no one was on the stage, and the people from the Gongtao tribe finally couldn't sit still. The first one to play was Pingyao.

Pingyao did not take off his coat, rolled up his sleeves, and directly challenged the first-ranked vertical skeleton.

Although pottery people are obsessed with craftsmanship, their strength has not been lowered. Because there is a rule in the pottery tribe, that is, the higher the strength, the more skills will be taught to the warriors! Therefore, in order to pursue more technology, the people in the tribe are desperately improving their strength!

The vertical skeleton and the flat kiln faced off in the field.

Pingyao's body is relatively slender compared to Zushi, but when the two stand together, it is the tall Zushi with a look of fear on his face.

In contrast, Pingyao still looked like he was smiling. He glanced at the blazing sun above his head, wiped off his sweat exaggeratedly, and said, "It's so hot, let's fight quickly!"

Zhu Li stared at Pingyao with a pair of big copper bells and nodded.

The corners of Pingyao's mouth turned up: "Then I'll start!" After saying that, like a shooting star, he lifted his leg and kicked it up, and swept the vertical body's chin like a whip!


The speed is too fast, and the vertical body can't dodge in time. He was kicked in the chin unexpectedly. He tilted his head and spat out a mouthful of blood. A roar like a beast rolled through his throat, and he clenched his fist and slammed into Pingyao!

Pingyao retreated agilely, dodging his stormy offensive, and then flexibly turned to the back of Zushi, turned his palms into fists, and smashed at Zushi's spine!


Hearing the sound of dislocation of bones, the corpse froze like it was struck by lightning, and fell straight down facing the ground!

The vertical skeleton is against the flat kiln, and the flat kiln wins!

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