The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 234 Departure

Seeing the pitiful appearance of the bunny, Ye Xi couldn't bear it, so he persuaded Pingyao: "Forget it, they are all here, let them come up first."

Hearing Ye Xi's words, Pingyao hummed twice, and moved his fingers reluctantly.

**The Rabbit Man immediately regained his energy without the pressure of his fingers. He supported the ground with both hands, and nimbly emerged from the ground. Standing beside him, he shook the broken soil on his body and stroked his long ears with his hands.


Suddenly out of the cave jumped out of a hole rabbit who looked exactly the same.

"Porphy! Porphy! Porphy!..."

In Ye Xi's surprised eyes, he saw five identical petite rabbits jumping up from the cave. All of them were carrying small packages of tattered animal skins, with big dripping eyes and ears pricked up to look left and right.

Then there were 20 Antutu people jumping up from the ground, and many of them had the same appearance and looked like multiple births.

After more than 20 rabbits with small packages on their backs got to the ground, they shook the broken soil on their bodies one after another, causing the mud to splash around.

Pingyao took two steps back in disgust, patted the soil that was thrown on his body and muttered: "These rabbits are weak, but they are very capable of living."

Ye Xi asked curiously, "Do you know how many people they have?"

"At least a few thousand. If each of them is not as weak as a real rabbit, they must be at least a medium-sized tribe."

The headed rabbit man jumped up and down in front of Ye Xi, saluting and thanking him: "My name is Na Yi, thank you very much just now."

The rabbit people are generally petite, and the one in front of him is placed on his waist. Ye Xi looked at his fluffy ears, and had the urge to pick it up and lift it.

He coughed and said, "Don't thank me first, you should go and apologize to the pottery people first."

Na Yi timidly glanced at Pingyao with a dark face, and his watery eyes looked at Ye Xi as if asking for help.

Pingyao held his arms and said fiercely: "It's easy for you to make a hole, do you know that we have to work hard to fill the hole? Otherwise, there will be insects taking the opportunity to get in through the hole at night?"

Na Yi raised his head and looked at Pingyao weakly, shrank his shoulders and hid behind Ye Xi, shivering, and his small hands pitifully grasped the corner of his clothes.

There were more than 20 rabbits behind him... No, the rabbit people also hid behind Ye Xi, all with their ears drooping, their shoulders shrunken and shivering, looking cute and pitiful.

Ye Xi: "..."

I don't know if they're really scared or they're playing cute and miserable, because he saw signs of softening in Pingyao's fierce expression...

Ye Xi took Na Yi out and said with a straight face, "You have to clean up the troubles you have caused yourself. Go and fill up the holes now."

Na said in a low voice, "Yes, my lord!"

After saying that, he obediently walked to the side of the hole and quickly lay down on the soil with his feet, sweeping the soil into the hole. More than 20 rabbits followed obediently to pick up the soil, and the dust flew for a while.

Although these cave rabbits have short hands and feet, they are very efficient at drilling holes and digging soil, and the holes are filled in a short time.

Pingyao's expression turned slightly, and he let them go.

Time passed little by little.

More than a dozen other tribes, including the Barbarian Fang, the Bloodstripe, the Nest, and the Mangku tribe, also arrived one after another.

The Falcon tribe has also arrived. The Uyghurs, their pet falcon, is a little small, with a wingspan of only two meters at most, and cannot carry people. The people of the Falcon tribe can only let the Falcon bird help share some of the goods and walk on their feet, which is more miserable than other tribes with pets.

The stripping tribe was even worse. For some unknown reason, their tribe did not have a pet of war, and even the package was carried on their own back. When the black thorns arrived, their skin was red and they were sweating profusely. Cool down, then sit down and rest in the shade.

The Ganqi tribe was the second last to arrive. The ones riding on the ligers did not carry big bags and small bags like other tribes. Just buy stuff, don't sell stuff.

Now only the herdsmen have not come.

When it was almost noon, the tribesmen tied up their own pet mounts and gathered in the Taolou for dinner.

After a sumptuous lunch, some tribesmen took the time to ask the pottery workers for a stone house to make up for their sleep, while others stayed in the pottery house to hide from the scorching sun and continued to wait for the caravan to set off.

at the foot of the tree.

Ye Xi was sitting on the root of a tree, chatting with the others while waiting for the shepherds.

The shade of the tree cast a cool green on everyone's body. Pingyao said to Ye Xi, "I am not leading the caravan this time, so I won't go there. Be careful on your way. Of course, Boshan also I will take special care of you."

Boshan is the pottery warrior in charge of leading the team this time. He is over forty years old and is also a fourth-level warrior. His strength is stronger than Pingyao.

Ye Xi nodded.

Pingyao sighed and said, "I don't know when you will be able to come back this time. Remember to send a message to Gongtao when you come back."

"Okay, I will." Ye Xi was also made melancholy by Pingyao.

At this time, there was a faint sound of dense hoof stamping in the distance.

Da da da!

Da Da Da Da! Da da!

This familiar voice was... Ye Xi and the others stood up from under the tree and looked at where the voice came from.

The stomping sound of hoofs became louder and louder, as if a beast swarm was coming. The tops of the forest trees in the distance swayed endlessly, and the birds flew up one by one.

The tribal warriors who were resting in the Taolou also heard the movement and ran out one after another.

The sound of the stampede was getting closer and closer, and in the eyes of everyone, there were thousands of gazelles running and jumping fast in the jungle.

Several gazelles were tied with canes, and behind them was a two-wheeled vehicle, on which sat a warrior, the Uku.

This time, the gazelle group may have learned a lesson. When they approached their destination, they automatically slowed down and stopped when they came to them.

Thousands of gazelles were standing in the open space, and the place was packed all of a sudden. However, they were very obedient, they just stood there and looked around, not running around.

Wu Ku jumped off the two-wheeled vehicle smoothly, and trotted to the head of Gongtao to salute respectfully.

"The pastoral tribe Uku has seen the chief."

The chief pottery said with a smile: "Have these antelopes been trained?"

He also heard about the embarrassment that Uku and several herdsmen warriors were thrown from the car by the gazelles when they were in the tree people.

Uku scratched his head embarrassedly: "I made you laugh, now you are very obedient, don't worry, there will be no problem pulling the car."

The pastoral tribe is attached to the Gongtao tribe, so every time the caravan pulls the livestock, it is provided by the pastoral tribe. This time, the herdsmen drove a large number of gazelles from the grassland to help the caravan pull carts.

Chief Gongtao trusted Uku's appearance very much: "Okay, I think these antelopes run quite fast and are agile. They should be better than your wildebeests before."

Uku bowed his head and said respectfully: "Yes, the wildebeest is too big, and it is inconvenient to travel in the forest. An antelope is more suitable. This time I encountered a little trouble on the road, so I came late, please forgive me!"

"It's not time yet, we're not in a hurry." Chief Gongtao beckoned it kindly and said, "It's not easy for you to come from such a far place, drink some water and rest first!"

"Musi, go and call up those other tribesmen who are sleeping in the stone house. Pingyao, you command the tribesmen to help tie the carts to these antelopes. People from other tribes, pack their goods and load them on the carts. ."

The chief pottery gave orders one by one, and everyone got busy in the hot sun.

The warriors were very efficient and seemed to be quite skilled. After a while, thousands of gazelles were tied with canes, and about every twenty gazelles pulled a cart.

The warriors of all tribes put the goods on the cart. Those who have a pet that can be ridden all ride on their pet, and those who don't have it, ask the Gongtao tribe to rent a two-wheeled cart and sit on the two-wheeled cart.

Ye Xi declined the moa loaned to him by Gongtao, and sat in the same car with the Blackthorn Uighur.

Everyone is ready to go.

Beside the caravan, hundreds of pottery workers stood on the open space to watch them.

The scorching sun was blazing, and thousands of gazelles stepped on their hooves impatiently.

Chief Gong Tao smiled: "Okay, let's go."

Boshan: "Yes!"

After saying that, he saluted and jumped onto his moa.

The gazelles ran and jumped, and the wheels were pulled gruntingly. Hundreds of pottery workers waved goodbye to them.

Pingyao waved his hand vigorously and shouted at Ye Xi: "Be careful on the road—"

Ye Xi also turned back and waved at them.

At the same time, he said silently in his heart: "Goodbye! If I can come back safely, I will definitely visit you again."

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