The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 249 The Xia Tribe Meets the Witch!

Zu Wu's voodoo blessing was recited twice in total.

The second time Xia Cang looked straight ahead, those soft and kind eyes seemed to be in time and space, and looked at Ye Xi ten thousand years later.

There was a dazzling light on the bone staff, and every character in the curse blessing suddenly turned into a green light witch pattern visible to the naked eye. Every mysterious witch pattern had supreme power, like falling from the sky. The meteors smashed into the nearby space one by one.

Under such a huge force, the space violently trembled and hummed, and then gradually distorted.

Ye Xi couldn't hear anything, he could only see these green light witch patterns flying towards him, and then like snowflakes falling on the water, they disappeared as soon as they touched his body. Gradually, as more and more witch patterns were incorporated, his sea of ​​consciousness was like cosmic dust condensed into a planet, condensing a complicated totem imprint.

This mark is not the Xia tribe totem that Ye Xi saw in his memory just now, but a brand new totem born after combining with Tu Shan's totem.

This totem has the mountains that represent the wild, the people chasing the sun, and the light that represents hope. It is more complicated and mysterious than any totem that Ye Xi has seen, and it attracts attention.

It glowed slightly, spinning in the sea of ​​Ye Xi's consciousness.

The surrounding picture is like a crumpled canvas, twisting and shrinking gradually.

And Ye Xi clearly saw that after the witch Xia Cangzu finished chanting the spell, the sand instantly turned into dust, and the originally radiant bone staff also dimmed, standing alone in the underground cave.


All the pictures disappeared suddenly.

Ye Xi returned to the cold underground cave.

The wind stopped, and the thousands of withered bones behind them still kept their kneeling postures, as if repenting and praying.

Everything seemed like a dream, and Ye Xi stood there for a while.

Then he let go of the bone staff, which had already disappeared, took two steps back, knelt with Qiangu withered bones, and kowtowed respectfully in the direction of the bone staff.

At this moment, his emotions were extremely surging and fluctuating, but in the end, a thousand words were condensed into one sentence: "...I have come."

Don't worry, your wish has always been mine,

Thank you for everything you have done for the human race.

Ye Xi stood up, stepped over the dead bones on the ground, held the bone stick again, and then pulled the bone stick out of the ground with all his strength.

At this moment, the bone staff has returned to its simple and unpretentious appearance, but Ye Xi knows that its power is terrifyingly powerful. Ancestral Witch sealed a portion of his magical power in this bone staff for his heirs to use in times of trouble.

Ye Xi picked up the top jade that had fallen on the ground, and bowed to the skeletons all over the place before walking out of the cave.

The flame-patterned ferns around were still shining brightly, and the lava-like lines seemed to flow out of fire. The fern leaves that had stretched at the entrance suddenly shrank into the hole, and circled around Ye Xi like a snake. The leaves danced without wind. rustling.

The topaz in Ye Xi's hand had already fallen to the ground at some point, but these flame-patterned ferns had no intention of attacking him at all, and he couldn't even feel the heat.

Even Ye Xi had a feeling that he was very excited and wanted to stick the leaves on him too.

Ye Xi knew that this flame-patterned fern was accidentally rescued from the worm's mouth by Xia Cangzu Wu, who had a heart of sympathy on the way to find his fellow clan. Before leaving, he put his hands into the clear water pond and instructed it to protect it well.

Nearly 10,000 years later, is this flaming fern still the same one? If so, did it spend nearly 10,000 years of loneliness in this small cave?

It is so excited now. Did he feel the familiar breath of Xia Cangzu Wu?

Xia Cangzu witch... Ye Xi sighed in his heart, yearning for this peerless figure ten thousand years ago.

Along the way, Yanwen Fern automatically gathered up the ferns spread on the ground to make way for Ye Xi. They gathered around Ye Xi not far or near, looking like a half-enclosed hollow ball from a distance.

"Master Ye—! How are you, Master Ye, are you still alive?!"

"grown ups--!!"

The worried cry of the Xia tribesmen could be heard in the distance.

They saw that Ye Xi didn't come up for a long time, and then the wind blew in the cave again, and now they also saw that all the ferns were suddenly drilled into the entrance of the cave. I couldn't help but ran to the entrance of the cave, looked down at the entrance and shouted.

Ye Xi paused, turned to Yanwen Fern behind him and said, "Send me up."

As soon as he finished speaking, the huge flame-patterned fern immediately wrapped up like a wicker, wrapping Ye Xi around. Today's flaming fern leaves can no longer hurt Ye Xi. He was so entangled that he couldn't even feel the slightest heat.

The flame-patterned ferns rolled around Ye Xi like flowing water, wrapped him into a ball, and then accelerated abruptly. In less than half a breath, the person was sent from a distance of a few hundred meters to the bottom of the cave, and then burst out like a fountain. ground.

The Xia tribesmen suddenly saw the flame fern pattern rushing up, and took a few big steps back in panic, but later found that there was no heat at all, so they barely stopped.

The tangled flaming ferns spread out one by one, revealing Ye Xi who was holding a bone staff inside with a soft expression.

The Xia tribesman looked at him in shock and was speechless.

Why is there no heat in the fern? Why did it send Ye Xi up, what happened underground just now, why is there a strong wind? And why does he have a bone staff in his hand, what happened just now underground?

Chief Adolf was the chief of the Xia tribe. He knew what this bone staff represented. He took a deep breath and stared blankly at the bone staff. For a while, his whole body trembled violently like a pendulum.

With a thud, the chief rouge knelt down firmly, pointed his head in Ye Xi's direction, and slammed down heavily, and when he lifted it up again, tears filled his dim old eyes, and he was so excited that he couldn't say anything.

"Ji...Ji, bye, see a witch!"

Ye Xi quickly helped him up.

Thinking of what the last warrior of the Xia tribe said in the underground cave just now, Ye Xi felt guilty for this old man. He knew that he had wronged the chief rouge before.

He looked down on the old man who flattered the beast and crawls under the beast's feet. But in fact, this old man just didn't want the Xia tribe to die out! This old man's ability is limited, so he can only use this method to keep the Xia tribe surviving with difficulty for more than fifty years.

And the chief rouge begged Ye Xi in every possible way to go to the cave to get dominoes, and wanted to go to Tushan with Ye Xi, but he just thought that this was the most likely way to save the Xia tribe people.

While they lived with difficulty, they waited for hope.

Fortunately, they really waited.

The rest of the Xia tribesmen froze in place, not knowing what happened, the chief scolded them while wiping tears: "Hurry up and see the witch!"

Seeing the rest of the Xia tribe standing in a daze, the chief rouge beat them with hatred: "Master Ye has inherited the inheritance of our ancestral witch, he is the witch of our Xia tribe! Our witch!!"

"The witch of the Xia tribe...?"

"We Xia tribe have witches again?!"

Several Xia tribesmen stayed for a while, their eyes became more and more red, and then knelt down tremblingly, and said one by one with a cry.

"Xia tribe Ling..."

"Wan Lun..."

"Mu Qing..."

Then they shouted hoarsely in unison: "Meet the witch!!!"

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