Thunder-like torrents are getting closer.

The mud-yellow rapids sandwiched between the cliffs were surging, galloping toward the end of the sky, and the water was full of broken branches and half-floating animal carcasses.

Siguang Yinlu looked down with some fear, and flapped its wings to slow down.

Ye Xi directed it to approach Duanling.

Duanling had pulled the little dinosaur up from the flood in just a short while, and now he was holding its tail with one hand and the cliff with the other, gritting his teeth and struggling to reach it. Climb up.

Despite the thunderous rumbling of the torrent beneath his feet, Duan Ling was still keenly aware of the movement behind him. He looked back quickly, only to find that his own witch was standing on the back of the silky silver heron, looking at him with a dark face.

Duanling was taken aback, his hands loosened, and the two-meter-long little dinosaur fell down immediately.


There was a huge splash of mud.

Ye Xi lifted the man onto the back of the silky silver heron.

Duan Ling grabbed the Yinlu feather, and looked at the little dinosaur that fell into the torrent and was quickly swept away. There was a pity look on his face, and he even looked like he wanted to fish again.

Ye Xi watched the little brat grind his teeth, planning to go back and teach him a lesson later.

The silver heron flapped its wings and flew upwards in the face of the rainstorm.

Suddenly, Duanling pointed to the flood and shouted, "Witch, look there is a person in the water!"

Ye Xi followed his gaze and found that there was really a living person floating in the flood.

The man was holding a floating broken piece of wood in one hand and a giant egg in the other. His eyes were half-squinted, and he was already unconscious.

Ye Xi quickly drove the Siguang Yinlu to go down to save people.

Siguang Yinlu was forced by Ye Xi's arrogance, so he could only flutter his wings and chase after the man. Just this moment, that person has been washed far away by the flood.


The torrent was deafening, and the silver heron ventured across the roaring water. Ye Xi hugged its neck with one hand and leaned out. When he passed the man, he grabbed the man's hand on the driftwood and dragged the man onto the bird's back.

The Siguang Silver Heron was not very big, and with three people sitting on its back at once, it was almost crushed into the flood, and it struggled to flap its wings before flying high again and flying up the cliff.

Back in the cave, Ye Xi immediately put the drowning man on the ground.

This is a burly warrior with a square mouth and a broad nose, and eyebrows like swords. It can be seen that he has some origins. The animal skin clothes he wears and the bone knife hanging on him are not ordinary.

This man must have been floating in the flood for a long time, and even if he was rescued, he was still awake, but one of his hands was still holding the egg tightly, and he didn't mean to relax at all.

Something that could make a comatose person still hug tightly... Ye Xi couldn't help but glance at the egg.

This egg is about the size of an ostrich egg. The eggshell is milky white with fiery red patterns on it.

Ye Xi dragged the man up, carried him face inward on his shoulders, and pressed his shoulders against his abdomen.

After pushing it twice, the man spit out a large pool of muddy water with a wow, and woke up coughing.

Ye Xi put the man on the ground.

The man first glanced at Ye Xi blankly, then looked around anxiously, as if he was looking for something, and finally calmed down when he saw the egg in his hand.

" rescued me?"

Seeing that everyone was fine, Ye Xi smiled a little: "Yes, we found you in the torrent."

The man touched the egg in his arms, exhaled a long breath, and said, "My name is Ao, this time is all thanks to you."

"You're welcome, it's just a matter of course."

Ao glanced at Ye Xi and Duan Ling: "Who are you?"

Ye Xi said casually, "It's just a passerby."

Ao smiled, and the smile was mixed with an indescribable evil spirit. He shrugged and said, "Okay passerby, I'm a little hungry now. First kill a bird and put it on my stomach. Do you want to eat together?"

After he finished speaking, the aura on his body suddenly changed, and the powerful warrior aura permeated,

Pulling out the bone knife, he walked towards the silky silver heron standing at the entrance of the cave.

The silky silver heron was soaked by the rainstorm, and was shaking its feathers non-stop. It saw Ao coming over and screamed sharply. Frightened, it immediately flapped its wings and flew out of the cave.

"Wait!" Ye Xi shouted.

Ao stopped, turned around and asked, "what's the matter?"

"This bird asked you to come up just now."

Ao frowned and glanced at Ye Xi, then suddenly turned around and walked into the cave: "Okay, there's a big one inside, since it's good to eat it like this."

The female silky silver heron was shaken by the sight of Ao, and she spread her wings in fright and made an attacking posture.

"There is still pterosaur meat on the ground, you can eat this." Ye Xi hurriedly said.

Ao stopped in his footsteps, and there was a flicker of evil in his eyes, but when he turned around, his face was calm.

The hay had been burnt, and the pterosaur meat on top was cold and hard.

Ao didn't care, he tore the meat in big gulps, and after a while, he ate all the remaining meat, and Duanling, who was hungry, only had time to catch a little bit.

Ao covered his stomach and sighed contentedly, leaning against the mountain wall, squinting at Ye Xi.

"You guys are quite courageous. You dare to hang out with two people like this. If I read it right, the brat is only a first-level soldier, right? How about you? A fifth-level soldier?"

Ye Xi smiled: "It's only level four."

"Level 4?" Ao smashed his mouth and grinned at Ye Xi, "That's really courageous."

After that, he yawned, put the egg in his arms and hugged his hands, leaned on the mountain wall and closed his eyes: "I'll sleep for a while, don't wake me up."

After speaking, the snoring sounded, very evenly, and it was obvious that he had fallen asleep quickly.

Duanling glanced at Ao indifferently, and picked up the debris on the ground. He didn't like this guy. Not only did he speak so rudely to Wu, but he also robbed him of his meat.

Siguang Yinlu's family was frightened by Ao just now. The couple picked up a few chicks together, stood up from the nest and walked out of the cave - this is to abandon the nest.

Ye Xi stopped them, glanced at Ao lightly, and said softly, "Don't be afraid, don't need to move the nest."

It's not easy for this family to make such a nest on a cliff. Now that it's windy and rainy outside, where can they go to live, not to mention that the chicks are still small.

The silver herons were not only afraid of Ao, but also afraid of Ye Xi. Seeing Ye Xi stopped them, they did not dare to go any further, so they could only retreat into their nests again.

It was getting dark.

Ye Xi and Duan Ling also felt sleepy after listening to Ao's snoring. The weather was a little cold, so they built a fire next to the cave wall and fell asleep beside the warm bonfire.


late at night.

Ao Su, who was sleeping on the mountain wall, suddenly opened his eyes.

At this time, the bonfire has not been burnt out, and a small dim flame is constantly swaying.

Ye Xi and Duan Ling lay beside the flame and slept soundly, breathing evenly. The Siguang Yinlu family also fell asleep, tying their heads in fluffy feathers, and the family cuddled with each other.

After Ao glanced around, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Feeling the body that had regained strength, he carefully placed the egg on the ground, then stood up, stretched, and gently pulled out the bone knife.

Then he dragged the bone knife like this, smiled, and walked towards Ye Xi step by step.

It was still raining heavily outside the cave, and the pattering rain engulfed all the sounds, including the sound of footsteps stepping on the ground and the sound of the tip of a knife slicing across the ground.

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