The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 498 Xiao Hua's Pet

Hearing what Ye Xi said, Qiu Ya still couldn't calm down, and replied awkwardly,

"Yes, my lord."

But thinking of something, Qiu Ya's brows relaxed a little: "Dong Muying and the others are back, the Rongcao tribe and the Xianlin tribe all want to join Xicheng, and they are ready to leave now!"

Ye Xi didn't show any joy when he heard that, nodded, and said flatly: "Okay, remember to send some soldiers to meet them, so don't run into danger on the way."

Qiu Ya: "Yes!"

The two left the sea of ​​red mango flowers and walked along the narrow field ridges while talking.

Bramble Sparrow Feimao followed them step by step at first, but after following them for a while, they lost their temper and flapped their wings to fly to other places to play.

Ye Xi inquired in detail about the specialties, living environment, warrior levels, and types of war beasts of Qiu Ya's tribes.

Qiu Ya answered one by one, telling out everything he knew, and writing down what he couldn't answer in his mind, planning to ask other clansmen immediately after going back, and then tell Ye Xi.

Finally, Ye Xi changed the topic: "Is the stone house of your tribe almost finished?"

Talking about this Qiuya, I was very happy, and said beamingly: "It will be finished in two days. The brothers from the Treant tribe and brothers from other tribes have been helping us!"

The Thorn tribe is very yearning for the new style of stone houses in Xicheng.

Having lived in a dark and damp cave for half of his life, who would not want to live in a spacious, bright, clean and tidy stone house? Although everyone doesn't talk about it, they are actually very hot in their hearts, and they work extra hard.

Now when Qiu Ya thinks that he will be able to live in a spacious stone house in a few days, his heart is flattered, his mouth is cracked when he smiles, and a dimple is exposed on his fair and handsome right cheek.

The field ridge was very narrow, and the two were walking one after the other.

When Ye Xi stopped and looked back at him, Qiu Ya hadn't put away the silly smile on his face, Ye Xi couldn't help but laugh,

"If the animal skins, firewood or candles are not enough, remember to go to the basement to get them. I have already told the guards."

After that, he turned his head back and continued to walk along the field ridge, looking down at his feet from time to time.

There are not a few insects in the fields of Xicheng,

They don't have to worry about spiders crawling on their feet, and they don't have to worry about leech bites. They look fresh, clean and safe.

Qiu Ya grinned behind his back and said, "Your Excellency is so kind to us!"

Ye Xi looked at the ground without turning his head, and said naturally: "It's been hard for you to run around all this time, and besides, you are all my clansmen, so I should treat you well."

After hearing this, Qiu Ya felt warm in his heart. After scratching his head, he said a lot of flattering words again.

Ye Xi didn't stop him, just smiled and listened in front of him.

Qiu Ya's face looks handsome and shrewd, but in fact he is a rough man, this flattery is extremely clumsy, and he is secretly happy when he hears it.

The two came to a piece of Xintian area.

This place has just been reclaimed some time ago, and all the fertile land is planted with melon seeds brought by the Bajiao tribe.

The horned melon grows on the tree. The horned melon tree grows for about two years, and generally can grow more than three meters high. This kind of tree is very magical, with very sparse leaves. The branches are like pitcher plants. small cage.

These small cages will trap small bugs, and finally turn the corpses of the bugs into fertilizer for their own growth. In this way, the horned melon tree and the chrysanthemum willow tree are somewhat similar.

Of course, the horned melon tree is not as powerful as the chrysanthemum willow tree, it can only catch small flying insects, like the chrysanthemum willow tree is not afraid of even silkworm girls, and can catch soldiers to forcefully catch lice.

Horned melon trees bear fruit in midsummer. Their fruits look like durians, with small horns on the skin and golden-yellow flesh inside.

However, they are smaller than durians, and the shape of the pulp distribution is different from durians, and eating more will not cause heat, but it has the effect of relieving heat and improving strength.

The most valuable thing is that the pulp is very filling, and an ordinary person will be full after eating a small piece of melon.

I don't know how many octagonal tribesmen have been fed by one horned melon tree.

Qiu Ya looked at the newly plowed fields, suddenly sucked in his saliva, and murmured: "Fortunately, the Octagonal Tribe was called here, otherwise there would be no horny melons to eat..."

Ye Xi had never eaten horned melon, so he was a little curious to see how hungry he was, and asked, "Is it so delicious? How does horned melon taste like?"

Because the Octagonal Tribe moved very suddenly, they didn't bring a single horned melon with them, all they brought were seeds, and Ye Xi had only heard of them but never eaten them.

When Qiu Ya heard Ye Xi's question, he jumped up exaggeratedly and said excitedly,

"Delicious, very delicious! I like to roast it with the skin on the fire. The pulp inside will melt into a sticky silk, sweet and soft, and it tastes very delicious!"

Ye Xi smacked his mouth, really longing for it.

"There are aphid feces for fattening, and it should be able to grow into fruit this year."

He said.

The horned melon seeds seemed to be adapting well to the fertile soil, and after only a few days, the seedlings were knee-high.

And can't wait to grow a small cage.

The small cage is very similar to the cage of the pitcher plant, with a small cover on it, which looks tender and green, only the size of a thumb, very miniature, and looks delicate and beautiful when hung on the tender green branches.

Now in the field, several Bajiao tribesmen are bending over to feed these small cages with minced meat, and some are holding a water cup to water them.

Seeing Ye Xi, they got up and saluted with smiles.

"I've met Lord Xiwu!"

Ye Xi nodded his head and asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

A man from the Bajiao tribe with rough and dark skin replied: "These small cages haven't grown yet, so they can't catch bugs by themselves. Let's feed some minced meat into them to make them grow faster!"

"Now that it's hot, we have to fill the small cages with water, otherwise they will die."

Another Bajiao tribe member was afraid that Ye Xi would think they were a waste, and added: "Lord Xiwu, don't worry, what we throw away are minced internal organs and blood vessel tendons, which we picked up after everyone threw them away. Yes, nothing wasted."

"Take good care of these small cages, and the horned melon tree will grow stronger, and the fruits will be bigger and more abundant."

Ye Xi waved his hands and said with a smile,

"These small cages can eat as much meat as they are so small. You can feed them vigorously. As long as the horned melons grow better, you won't be afraid to feed them more. I heard that the horned melons are very delicious. I can wait to eat them! You must take good care of them. they."

Seeing that Ye Xi valued their horned melons so much, the Bajiao people were very happy and excited.

"Hey! Master Xiwu, don't worry, we will definitely take good care of them and let you eat the melon meat as soon as possible!"

Ye Xi smiled and nodded, telling them to continue with their own business and leave them alone, then walked around the field with his fangs.

He thinks these horned melon seedlings with small cages are very interesting.

Turning around, he suddenly saw Xiaohua in the field.

I saw Xiaohua planting roots in the field, a stripped antelope carcass tied with a vine, and a vine slowly tore the antelope meat, and then slowly stuffed the meat strips into its mouth.


Sensing that Ye Xi was looking at it, it lazily lifted up the big gorgeous flower plate to say hello, and then continued to bask in the sun and eat meat comfortably.

The little one looked incredibly comfortable.

The last time Xiaohua was seriously injured in the red spider tide to save Ye Xi, Ye Xi felt sorry for it, and gave it an egg-sized Origin Stone for it to absorb.

The power of the origin stone is indeed overbearing. Not only did Xiaohua grow back the broken petals of the vines, but she also had two more vines, and now she has the ability to shrink and stretch like a flaming fern.

Although it looks only one person tall now, in fact, when it is fully grown, the main stem will be six meters long, as thick as a thigh, and taller than a big tree when standing up.

Of course it doesn't stand up straight, but likes to coil up like a snake.

Another change is that it has a tongue in its mouth.

This tongue is thick and long, covered with fine barbs, which can be ejected like a frog lizard to engulf the prey and send it into the mouth.

When Xiaohua hunts with her tongue, her big mouth splits open, and the tongue pops out quickly, revealing two rows of pointed, long and fine teeth. Corrosive mucus flows along the tongue. The tip of the tongue licked the sharp white teeth.

The small appearance is very exciting.

Fortunately, Xiaohua usually doesn't turn into that huge and ferocious appearance, and she doesn't bother to hunt. She always lazily nests in the fields or at the door of Ye Xi's house to bask in the sun, lazily waiting for others to feed her.

You must know that it is now the treasure of everyone in Xicheng.

The Aphid people always give Xiaohua the freshest aphid droppings as flower fertilizer, and other people always feed Xiaohua something to eat, and they are all good things, so as to feed her appetite, and will not eat anything other than beast meat.

Among all the people, Hongdiao loves Xiaohua the most, and the one who feeds him is called a diligent person. Sometimes he is afraid that Xiaohua will be bored, so he often moves a small wooden stool and chats with it naggingly under the sun.

She didn't have the usual cold demeanor of the eldest sister of the crossbow team.

The little flower that is loved by everyone is now raised so that every leaf on its body is shiny and shiny, and every petal is delicate and beautiful, so the days should not be too moist.

At this moment, Xiao Hua slowly finished tearing the meat off the antelope's belly, and began to tear the meat on the neck.

But it didn't like to eat neck meat, so it fed the meat to a horned melon seedling at its feet. The small cage lid of the horned melon seedling opened with a clatter, eagerly welcoming the meat strips.

Qiu Ya hissed, showing a pained expression: "This antelope seems to be a beast, and this horned melon seedling is living too extravagantly."

The horned melon seedling next to the small flower is twice as tall as other horned melons, and there are many small cages, which are densely decorated on the delicate branches like wind chimes. The color of the cages is reddish, which looks very special.

Ye Xi laughed out loud as he watched Xiao Hua slowly tear the antelope meat with a cane, and slowly feed the horned melon seedlings one by one.

Xiaohua is good enough, now I have learned how to keep pets!

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