The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 512 Hot Pot

The next morning the snow stopped, and the sky was rarely cleared.

Ye Xi pushed open the heavy bluestone door, and the cold and fresh air rushed in immediately.

At a glance, the outside is a vast expanse of whiteness, the ground is covered by soft snow, and the two suns in the sky look vague, bright but not glaring.

Ye Xi wanted to go out to get some fresh air, but just as he took a step, something fell from the top of his head. He took a step back in a very quick reaction, and the thing slid past the tip of his nose and fell to the ground with a crackling sound.

He looked down and saw that the icicles hanging from the eaves had fallen.

Xianniaohebao, who was guarding the gate, was taken aback, and immediately knelt down in panic and blamed himself to plead guilty.

It was their dereliction of duty to startle Wu.

Duan Ling in the room heard the movement and walked out quickly, and frowned when he saw the smashed ice on the ground, "Wu, you didn't get hit?"

Yesterday the chiefs of the Duanling Cult were taught to read and write very late, and they slept in Ye Xi's room.

Ye Xi helped the guilt-ridden Xianniao Hebao up, smiled and said to Duan Ling and the three of them: "Why are you making such a fuss, my head is not as fragile as other fighters, even if it hits it, nothing will happen."

Xianniao still blamed himself, and said regretfully, "Lord Xiwu, the two of us will clean up all the ice on the eaves!

Ye Xi waved his hand: "No need, I'll do the knocking myself. It's time to do some exercise after staying in the room for a long time."

The three of them didn't dare to dissuade Ye Xi, so they could only watch helplessly as he went back to the house to fetch a small stone hammer, then bent his knees and jumped onto the roof lightly.

The roof slope is not too big, and it is not impossible to stand.

It's just that it was covered with a thick layer of snow. As soon as Ye Xi stood up, a lot of soft and white snow immediately fell down like an avalanche, crashing to the ground.


A childish eagle cry came from behind.

Ye Xi turned his head and saw a pomelo-sized hawk chick on the eaves of the roof, staring at him without blinking a pair of round eagle eyes.

"Good morning, Kuroba!"

Ye Xi greeted with a smile.

This broken feather eagle chick is exactly the broken feather war beast,

It has dark brown fluffy feathers, sometimes mixed with white fluff that has not faded. The whole young eagle looks round and round, a bit like a squatting owl.


Hei Yu opened its bright yellow beak, and responded with a delicate voice.

Half a year ago, Duan Ling took out an egg of a Duan Ling eagle from an unknown cliff, hatched it by himself, and made a bond with it, fulfilling his long-cherished wish for many years.

This little eagle is very independent, it doesn't stick to the broken feathers at all, and it flies around before its wings are fully grown. Sometimes it flies to the back mountain to catch the wood mouse, and sometimes it flies to the chicken mountain to fight the huge velvet chicken.

When it was three months old, it pecked a Rongrong chicken to death with its own strength.

At that time, it was smaller than it is now, and it couldn't fly while holding a 100-pound velvet chicken carcass. As a result, it grabbed the velvet chicken's ankle forcibly, and half-dragged it from the back mountain with its small body. When Hou Shan brought it back, he shocked countless people's eyes along the way.

Last night, this fluffy young eagle refused to enter the house to avoid the cold. Drenched in snow and braving the cold winter wind, it stood on the roof all night, as if it was on sentry for everyone. It was very sensible.

When Ye Xi saw it, he couldn't help but think of Quack.

At that time, Quack was still wearing the animal skin jacket that he sewed for him, nestled in his arms all day long, and the milk smell on his body didn't fade away, so he knew that he was clinging to people and acting like a baby. Such a comparison, really...

Ye Xi smiled and shook his head, squatted down by the eaves, held up a small stone hammer, and began to knock off the row of icicles hanging on the edge with a clanging sound.

The tops of these icicles are very sharp, and the longest one is 20 centimeters. It would be fine if it hit the warrior's head, but the consequences would be disastrous if it hit the heads of other witches.

After a while, Duanling also jumped up with a stone hammer, squatting on another row of eaves to knock on the ice.

Big chunks of ice fell to the ground, smashing into pieces.

The people of Xicheng knew that Ye Xi and the others walked out of the house wrapped in thick animal skins after knocking the icicles, and everyone happily knocked the icicles on their eaves.

Some people hang themselves in the air with one hand on the eaves to knock the ice, some people are not too cold to break it with bare hands, some people can't stand still, and slide down from the slippery roof from time to time, falling into the thick ice with a bang. in the snow.


The sound of children playing in the distance can be heard.

Today is a fine weather, and there are groups of children running to the frozen lake to play.

These children are all from the six newly joined tribes this year. They don't know about skates, they just skate on the ice for fun, but all of them are not bored. full of the lake.

Ye Xi looked up at them from time to time, infected by their happiness, with a warm smile on his face.

However, when he thought of the Xicheng child who died this spring, the exterminated Sang Canling, and Azhi who curled up in a white cocoon, his smile faded again.

He stood up with his eyes downcast, took two steps along the slippery eaves, squatted down in another place, and continued to bury his head in crackling the ice with a stone hammer.

Knocking, knocking, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Looking up, he was stunned.

On the snow-capped ground, I don't know when a huge monster covered with black scales was lying silently, and Cangwu, dressed in ice blue silk, was sitting slantingly on its head, looking at it with a smile. look at yourself.

Cangwu was looking at Ye Xi, but all the people in Xicheng outside were looking at Cangwu.

She is as beautiful as an unreal picture scroll, like misty clouds and mists shrouding mountain streams, like fluttering petals falling on clear water and clear springs, it is difficult to describe in words, like a miracle, giving people a strong look at a young girl The feeling at a glance.

So at this moment, even the children playing around on the ice lake looked at her stupidly, and the whole city of Xi was extremely quiet, which made Ye Xi feel that something was wrong.

Cang Wu blinked her long eyelashes at Ye Xi, a suffocating smile appeared on her snow-white face,

"I'm hungry, is there anything to eat?"


The bright red soup was bubbling and bubbling, and the rich aroma of food permeated the air.

Under the stone pot, a dozen short candles were burning with orange flames, scorching the bottom of the pot together. Next to the stone pot, there are plates of side dishes of different colors, including mutton, mushrooms, bean curds, beef, bird eggs, lettuce leaves, cabbage leaves, vermicelli...

That's right, what Ye Xi entertained Cang Wu was hot pot.

In this cold winter, what food can compare to a hot pot?

Ye Xi cooked the hot pot base by himself, using spicy flavor, Cang Wu used the chopsticks unskillfully, his nose was red from the heat, his eyes were watery, he looked very cute.

Ye Xi has already eaten, so he has been helping Cang Wu to boil the vegetables, and he didn't say much.

He helped Cangwu fill a bowl with cooked vermicelli, put two pieces of blanched vegetable leaves and meatballs in it, and put it in front of her.

The vermicelli is made from the powder ground from the fruit of aspartate. After being boiled, it is tough and transparent, and it tastes very chewy. Vegetable leaves and meatballs were sent by Red Eagle and the others. In fact, there are not many fresh vegetable leaves left this season. Most of the staple food is meat. Meatballs are a way of eating that Xicheng Qiaofu developed by herself in her spare time. .

Cangwu finished eating the vermicelli that Ye Xi brought over, and swept away the side dishes on the entire table, until her delicate lips turned bright red, then she put down her chopsticks and narrowed her eyes in satisfaction.

Cang Wu sighed faintly: "Every time I see new things and taste new food at your place."

Ye Xi handed her a glass of cold honey water and smiled softly: "Then come more."

Cang Wu looked at him with burning eyes, without saying a word.

Ye Xi was delighted by Cang Wu's gaze but felt a little nervous, he couldn't figure out what she was thinking, when he was about to ask, there was a muffled roar from outside the door, Cang Wu raised his brows, stood up and faced him. Said: "You have a friend who came to see you."

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