The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 538: Treasure

? "Xi..."

Chief Aphid was talking, when his skin itched slightly, a white aphid the size of a palm suddenly crawled out from his clothes.

I saw that it was round and round, and its carapace was whiter than white jade. It looked like a delicate jade carving. After crawling out, it lay quietly on the shoulder of Chief Emei, staring at it with two black bean eyes. With Ye Xi.

Chief Emei's eyes showed affection, and the tower-like tough guy lowered his head and coaxed it softly: "Good baby, don't come out."

As he spoke, he picked it up carefully and stuffed it into his clothes. The white jade aphid didn't struggle, and only exposed two black bean eyes, staring at Ye Xi with piercing eyes.

It looked like it was monitoring him and preventing him from speaking ill of it.

This little wit...

Ye Xi smiled: "The little guy seems to have become prettier again."

If it was other praises for Chief Emei, he might still be modest, but when it came to aphids, Chief Emei immediately accepted it readily, and said with a smile: "It looks a lot better."

Ye Xi wasn't trying to make the aphids happy, the aphids of the Emei tribe were indeed more delicate and beautiful.

When the Aphid warriors used Origin Stones to nourish their bodies, their aphids usually followed them. Over time, the aphids of the Aphid tribe all changed. Not only did they become more beautiful, but their feces and aphids also had stronger functions.

Let’s talk about aphid droppings first. Today’s aphid droppings are much more effective than before. It can be called a super fertilizer. As long as it is sprinkled, the plants will crazily climb up at a speed visible to the naked eye, changing every day.

If aphid feces can be supplied in sufficient quantities, the crops in the farmland may be harvested four times a year, and trees such as Chinese toon trees, chestnut trees, and rubber trees may have grown into towering trees.

You should know that the eucalyptus saplings planted by the Ye tribe when the city was built, because the aphid feces were given priority, are now more than nine meters high, thick enough for a person to hug, and they are growing surprisingly fast.

Let's talk about aphids.

Now the taste of the leaf tribe's aphids has not changed, but the efficacy has become stronger.

It can help people grow taller. The aphid warriors who have already passed the developmental period, under the effect of the aphid, have grown a lot taller, and they all look like giants.

It is also very hungry. Although eating can not increase strength, it is very suitable for warriors who have to travel far and have no time to hunt and grill food. As long as they bring a bag full of aphids, they can easily solve the food problem.

In fact, the above two are nothing, and the most obvious effect of aphids is to gain weight!

Only five aphids are needed to make a person gain a full jin of fat. The effect is excellent and immediate.

Because of the heavy hunting and training activities, the soldiers have turned their fat into muscles. They don't look obese, they can only be said to be extremely strong, but the women are not good. His fat body trembled as he walked.

But the Emei women didn't think they were ugly at all, and they were happy at first, because they used to be frightened by hunger, and being fat means they are more able to withstand hunger and more blessed.

However, not long after they were happy, they found that their stomachs were extraordinarily large when they were pregnant, and the fetus was developing so well that they couldn't give birth at all. If it weren't for the medicine witch sitting in charge, they would definitely die in childbirth.

The Emei women who suffered a lot had no choice but to give up Aphid, and then went to the Colosseum to sweat profusely—this is definitely the first batch of people to lose weight in primitive society, and there is no such scene in the super large tribes. It was a spectacle for a while.

Of course, the fat-enhancing effect of aphid is still very popular among other tribes.

Everyone likes to exchange aphids with fresh meat, fur or other things.

After all, it was only this year that the people of Xicheng lived better. No primitive people had ever endured hunger and cold before, and many people died of starvation. They were too late to be happy if they could gain weight. Parents like to buy a few aphids for their children, so that the children will grow tall and fat.

Therefore, although the aphids left the Black Ridge Mountains, they were unable to attract anteaters at the level of bloody beasts during the mating period, allowing the Aphids to obtain the beast cores, but now through the aphids, the aphids still bring wealth to the Aphids. Yu Ai people's love for them.

Unfortunately, the aphid population did not improve much.

The aphids of the Aphid tribe are not as strong in reproduction as ordinary aphids. They can only lay two eggs a year, and they are often unwilling to mate. Therefore, the number of aphids is only 30 to 40% higher than before. It is impossible to solve the huge problem of Xicheng. need.

Ye Xi withdrew his thoughts, and suddenly said to Chief Emei,

"Some time ago, Chief Ye came to me and hoped that I would draw a mountain in the back mountain for them. They wanted to plant interesting plants they had collected."

Chief Emei knew about this and hurriedly asked, "Do you agree?"

Ye Xi smiled and nodded: "Of course, the back mountain will expand again this year, I plan to include more than 20 mountains in the safe range... I thought that one mountain might not be enough, so I finally decided to distribute three mountains to the Ye Tribe! "

Chief Emei was overjoyed: "Thank you, Mr. Xiwu!"

The relationship between the Ye tribe and the Emei tribe is very good. Chief Ye had discussed this matter with Chief Emei a long time ago, and told him that if they were assigned to the mountains, as long as the leaves did not go bald, the plants planted by the Ye tribe would be free. Aphid babies eat.

How could Chief Aphid be unhappy.

"Master Xiwu!"

Suddenly, a clear and pleasant female voice came from beside the two of them.

The two of them followed the prestige, only to see Mao trotting all the way in a green leaf-vein skirt, her eyes were still bright and full of joy, which was unbelievable for the always light-faced Yao.

In the surprised eyes of the two, Xie came to the front.

After standing still, Mao gasped and bowed to Ye Xi first, then nodded to Chief Emei, and after breathing steadily, he slowly stretched out his hand and unfolded the things in his hands for the two to see.

Ye Xi took a look: "Isn't this the flower of that strange tree?"

Xie stared at the flower in his palm with fiery eyes: "That's right, this is the flower with different tree knots, you don't know how precious it is!"

Ye Xi: "How to say?"

Xie: "To find out its efficacy yesterday, I fed a few flower petals to a brood of stem borers and a brood of dung beetles, and found that all the females have laid eggs today! And the number of eggs is much more than before! "

Ye Xi's eyes lit up when he heard this, and when he thought of something, he murmured excitedly: "No wonder, no wonder there is a large nest of king-species beasts guarding around that strange tree!"

It turns out that the different flowers of this different tree can improve fertility!

What an important function this is!

If it is true, it can be said that all the exotic flowers and plants in Xicheng are not as important as it.

Even if the different tree petals can only increase the fertility of insects, at least the population of aphids and stingers, two extremely useful insects, will explode exponentially.

It may not take several years, but only one year, the army of pinworms will be formed, and the problem of aphid droppings will be completely solved.

By the time……

Ye Xi calmed down his excitement, and solemnly said to Mao: "We need to do more experiments to confirm its efficacy. You can try feeding the petals to wood mice and velvet chickens. Don't begrudge the petals."

Xie: "Yes!"

She also knew that it was too careless and reckless to just run here like this, but she was so pleasantly surprised and couldn't wait to tell Ye Xi.

The chief Emei next to him was confused, looked at Ye Xi and then at Mao, and said in a daze, "What's the use of these petals to make borers and dung-pushing insects lay more eggs? Why are you so happy?"

Ye Xi laughed loudly, patted his shoulder and said.

"If there are no accidents, you have to hurry up and help Ye tribe plant trees in the back mountain!"

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