The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 556: Sugar and Pottery

? Dayan stood in the sugar hall, looking around.

Rows of open small wooden jars are neatly placed on the outermost stone platform of the sugar hall, filled with sticky amber honey, and bees fly here from time to time, lingering around the wooden jars.

On the other side of the stone platform, there are various tree syrups and pieces of sweet gum in wooden jars.

He has seen these great flames before, he is not surprised, he just glanced over them.

Looking inside again, he found many square wooden baskets on the stone shelf by the wall, linen bags were placed inside, and the bags were filled with fine particles as white as snow.

Dayan's eyes lit up: "Is this salt? It's so clean fine salt, it's actually a little bit whiter than the salt from the Jiugong Tribe!"

Shopkeeper: "This is not salt, this is white sugar."

Dayan didn't believe it, he took a few steps forward and grabbed a pinch of white sugar with his rough hands, put it in his mouth and smashed it, and said curiously: "It's really sweet! How do you make such sugar?"

The shop owner smiled and said, "Our master Xiwu invented this a few days ago. As for how to make it... we ordinary people really don't know."

These days, Dayan has a psychological shadow on the words "Master Xiwu". When he hears this, he looks unnatural, and immediately turns his eyes to look at other products.

He saw a lot of dark red things in the wooden basket on another row of stone shelves, and he took one and threw it into his mouth rudely.

"So sweet!"

The shopkeeper smiled and said, "This is a brown sugar cube, and Master Xiwu also invented it."

When Dayan heard these four words suddenly, his body stiffened immediately. He took a light breath, and then looked at the maltose inserted in the crack of the wood.

Shopkeeper: "My lord has good eyesight, this is also Xi..."

"Wait!" Dayan shouted in a very quick response, "Don't tell me, I already know!"

He covered his forehead in pain.

On the other side, Hong Mo paused in front of a stone jar, reached out and picked up a piece of translucent rock sugar inside, stared at it for a long time, and finally put it in his mouth.

"Captain, this is also sugar!"

Surprise flashed in Burning Eyes, and he also took a piece of rock sugar into his mouth: "Why is this sugar like a transparent ore?

Did they find a sugar mine somewhere? "

Hong Mo wondered, "I've heard of salt mines, but will there be sugar mines?"

The shop owner came over and said with a smile: "This is not formed naturally, it is also our Xi..."

"do not talk!"

"shut up!"

"Shut up!"

The three of them yelled in unison with slight expressions.

The shopkeeper stopped talking and said nothing. These three people from the super big tribe could not be offended by the whole city of Xi, so he did not dare to speak out to cause trouble for Xi city.

In fact, this shopkeeper has already performed quite well. People in ordinary tribes are all trembling when they see the Liyang warriors, for fear of offending others, how can they be as humble as him.

It's not that the shopkeeper himself is of high quality, but that Xicheng has cultivated his self-confidence—the self-confidence that he can not show his timidity in front of the super big tribe.

Zhuo consciously lost his composure, scratched his hair irritably and walked out.

Hong Mo looked at Dayan: "Let's go!"

Dayan: "Wait a minute."

He said to the shopkeeper, "I want all the sugar you have here, except the honey and tree syrup that are outside!"

Before waiting for the shopkeeper to answer, Hong Mo looked at Dayan strangely: "You don't like candy, why buy so much candy?"

A loving light flashed in Dayan's eyes, and he explained: "I bought it for the children, and my little granddaughter Zi Bao likes sweets very much, let her have a try."

Although Dayan looks young and middle-aged, he is already in his fifties. It's not that he takes care of himself on purpose, but because he often takes exotic flowers and herbs with various effects, and some exotic flowers and herbs have anti-aging effects by the way. So look younger.

Dayan has more than ten children. The oldest grandson is about the same age as Ye Xi, and the youngest granddaughter, Gong Bao, is only four years old. She is very cute, and Dayan loves her very much.

Hong Mo also has a lot of children, but he has no intention of bringing them candy at all, he looked at Dayan speechlessly and said: "It's okay to bring candy, but we have to stay here for so long, you bought it so early What are you doing? Aren’t you afraid that the sugar will go bad?”

Dayan: "..."

"That's right."

He reluctantly glanced at the candy in the sugar shop, and left here with Hong Mo.

The three of them walked on the tidy slate floor and passed several shops selling fur and animal skin clothes. None of them had the slightest interest in staying. Unbelievably bright light.

Dayan and Hong Mo followed his line of sight and immediately understood the reason.

It was a shop selling pottery, and there were many pottery on the shelves, white pottery vases with two ears filled with flowers, painted pottery jugs with bright patterns, hollow pottery balls, exquisite bamboo hats, inlaid with various colors. A jeweled cup with a handle...

Apart from being keen on strengthening their strength, their captain is also a crazy pottery collector. Every time he goes to the Jiugong Trading Area, he has to spend a lot of money to buy a lot of pottery, and the house is almost full of pottery.

And the pottery of Xicheng is even more exquisite than that of Jiugong tribe.

Jiugong's pottery is slightly rough, brown in color, and has obvious graininess to the touch, but Xicheng's pottery is milky white, looks very delicate, and its shape is very round and smooth.

The sudden shock of so many exquisite pottery made the whole person stunned. After a few seconds, he rushed up like a tiger, and the shopkeeper was startled by the swiftness.

"It's perfect, it's perfect!"

Zhuo picked up a vase inlaid with emerald green gemstones, stroked its round body, and murmured unceasingly.

The Jiugong tribe already had the most superb pottery-making technology in the entire primitive society, but the pottery they produced was kneaded by hand. No matter how careful the kneading was, it was impossible for the pottery made by drawing embryos on a turntable to be perfect in shape like Xicheng.

Zhuo put down the vase and picked up the clay pot again, his eyes were so hot that he seemed to be on fire.

It wasn't until he touched all the pottery in the pottery hall that Zhuo took a deep breath, turned his head and said to the owner with a dignified look: "I want all the pottery here!"

The shopkeeper was taken aback.

But he knew that the person in front of him was from the Liyang tribe, and it was normal for him to be rich and powerful.

Zhuo Jian shopkeeper didn't speak, and impatiently untied his animal skin bag and threw it into his arms: "Look, is there enough animal core here?"

The shop owner was startled awake. After opening the animal skin bag, he felt dizzy when he saw so many large animal cores, but he stabilized himself and took out a barbarian animal core, eight pure blood animal cores, and seven mixed blood beast cores. After the nucleation, the bag was returned to Zhuo.

Zhuo looked at him in disbelief: "Just take this little?"

The eyeballs of Dayan and Hongmo on both sides are also going to be out of frame.

Pottery is undoubtedly a luxury in primitive society, let alone such exquisite and delicate pottery, it is absolutely sky-high! But the shopkeeper took so many beast cores?

The shopkeeper smiled honestly, took out six light red egg-shaped gemstones in his animal skin bag, and handed them to Zhuo.

"I still have to find your six red egg stones!"

Red egg stones are a popular trading currency in Xicheng. Ten red egg stones are equal to one hybrid beast core.

Zhuo silently looked at the red egg stone handed to him, his burly body trembling slightly.

Instead of picking up the few red egg stones, he took out two king-breed beast cores from his animal skin bag and forcefully stuffed them into the shopkeeper's hand: "Take it!"

Zhuo really couldn't accept that such a perfect pottery was so cheap.

What he didn't know was that the cost of making pottery was very low because the bottom of the dozen or so mountains next to Xicheng was filled with kaolinite clay. Moreover, many potters have mastered the method of making pottery proficiently, and they can easily make pottery, which is much easier than making stone tools.

Although the stone tools are rough, they need to be chiseled with great effort and polished carefully, and they are durable.

Many Xicheng people think that exquisite pottery is not as useful as stone tools, and would rather buy stone tools than pottery. Therefore, Xicheng has a characteristic that all tribes do not have, that is, pottery is not much more expensive than stone tools.

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