The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 561 Iced Sake

? Ye Xi suffered from congenital heart disease in his previous life. In order to prevent the burden on his heart from being aggravated, he was ordered not to drink alcohol. But he was very curious about the taste of fine wine, and wanted to know why some people were so addicted to alcohol, so he secretly tasted it.

Maybe it's because the more forbidden things are the more desirable, whenever the spicy or sweet wine spreads in the mouth, densely stimulating the taste buds, Ye Xi feels an indescribable pleasure.

Of course, he still cherishes his own life. Most of the wines are tasted and then spit out, but some wines are so delicious that he can't help swallowing them, one mouthful after another. As a result, one time he fell ill and was sent to the hospital First aid, and being reprimanded by the doctor after getting out of danger...

Ye Xi touched the beating heart in his chest.



This heart is normal, without defects, even stronger than anyone's heart in the previous life, no matter how much alcohol you drink, you won't get sick again!

Ye Xi grinned.

He knows how to make wine for drinking. He has never tried it, but he knows a little about the relevant information, and wine is nothing more than a product of fermentation. Monkeys can accidentally make monkey wine. Bring out the good wine!

Ye Xi was eager to act.

In order to prevent spoiling good things, he first tried brewing with ordinary well water and ordinary rice. After many failures, he finally figured out the most reliable recipe for brewing.

First, soak the rice for more than three hours, drain it, put it into a steaming tool for fumigation, fumigate halfway, pour water and continue steaming, wait until the water is almost evaporated, then pour water, and then steam.

Then stir up the soft rice that has formed agglomerates, and after it cools down, add the pre-made Xiaoqu into it, put them all into the water tank, pour warm water, soak the wine tank for a period of time, and then dig into the unstrained spirits tank for fermentation .

The last step, of course, is to distill and purify the liquor.

What is produced through this process is not rice wine, but rice-flavored liquor, with a degree of more than 35 degrees.

Ye Xi tasted it, the wine has an elegant rice fragrance, soft honey fragrance, soft and sweet in the mouth, and a long aftertaste. Probably because of the relationship between water quality and rice quality, the taste of the produced baijiu is much better than that produced industrially in the previous life, and it can satisfy the most discerning taste buds.

After the success of ordinary baijiu, Ye Xi then used different planted rice and different spring water, which is now named as cold spring water, to brew higher quality baijiu.

During the brewing process,

On a whim, Ye Xi added a blue flower that can enhance strength, and mushroom water secreted by the big white mushroom when it is frightened, into the wine to make people happy.

The resulting baijiu is amazing.



The people involved in the brewing formed a circle, staring straight at the clear and flawless liquor flowing out of the still, swallowing their saliva one after another.

The aroma of this wine is really amazing, rich and tangy, extremely mellow, but this mellow wine aroma is mixed with elegant rice fragrance, and elegant rice fragrance is mixed with intoxicating floral fragrance, and all the aromas are mixed with a faint chill , that is the cold air belonging to the cold spring...


The last drop of wine dripped into the stone basin.

The watermark gradually calmed down.

I saw that the wine in the stone basin was clear and flawless. Looking closely, it was a very light ice blue, and it was still slightly chilly.

Although the people around were extremely greedy, they still backed away one after another.

A bony hand picked up the large stone basin and took a sip.

The cold and slightly cold liquid entered the mouth, slipped over the tip of the tongue and slid directly into the throat like a fish swimming, and then the soft and dark aroma of the wine floated in the mouth, and the cold liquid in the stomach suddenly burned, turning into A fire made my stomach warm.

Ye Xi took another sip, another sip, and another sip...

Ye Xi narrowed his eyes intoxicated.

The taste of this wine was wonderful, it didn't even feel spicy when he first drank it, but it had a lot of stamina, his face flushed before he knew it, and he was a little tipsy.

I don't know if it's the wine or the mushroom water, but Ye Xi forgot all his sorrows and troubles at this moment, he seemed to be floating on the clouds, he was so happy, so he raised his neck and gulped down like drinking water.

The liquor in the giant stone basin dwindled rapidly.

After drinking the last drop, Ye Xi, who was completely drunk, suddenly realized that the wine in the stone basin had bottomed out, so he frowned in confusion.

It was rare for people to see Ye Xi frowning, so Chief Zhong asked cautiously: "Lord Xiwu? Is there something wrong with this wine?"

Ye Xi was actually drunk, but the wine tasted good and he didn't lose his composure, so everyone didn't notice.

Of course, his brain was running a little slowly due to the effect of alcohol, and he paused for a while before speaking at a very slow speed: "No, this wine is very good, you should try it too, the next bowl of distilled wine you can drink Divide up."

"Oh, right!"

"I have to give this wine a name, let's call it, let's call it, let's call it..." Ye Xi paused for a long time, shook his head and found that he couldn't think of a name, and in a fit of rage, he crushed the stone basin into powder with a loud click .

Everyone's eyes almost popped out.

But Ye Xi figured it out, and instantly loosened his brows, showing a bright smile and said briskly: "It's called ice sake!"

"Yes! Iced sake is delicious!"

Ye Xi shook, and happily stretched out his bear paw to pat the rock platform.


The poor rock platform couldn't stand his powerless palm, it fell apart in an instant, and the rubble shot out to the surroundings like bullets.

The weaker ones were smashed to the ground, and the stronger ones were splashed with lime.

The embarrassed people looked at Ye Xi dumbfounded, but found that Ye Xi, who usually loves his tribe and keeps calm and self-possessed, didn't even glance at them, but instead looked at the alembic next to him...


The little old man, the chief, finally realized that Ye Xi was drunk, and suddenly reacted strangely and rushed forward, hugging Ye Xi's feet tightly, preventing him from walking past.

"Master Xiwu, we spent a lot of genius to create this still, you must not destroy it!!!"

The drunk Ye Xi lowered his eyes innocently.

The chief raised his head, looked at him pitifully with wide-eyed eyes, and said aggrievedly: "If you really want to take a picture, why don't you...take me, the old man?"

"I've been photographed! Really!"

Ye Xi blinked his eyelashes slowly, as if trying to digest his words.

After a while: "...forget it, I'm going somewhere else, quack, where is quack?"

The bird that was resting on the red sycamore tree sensed Ye Xi's call, and immediately spread its wings and flew over. Ye Xi bent his knees and jumped onto its head.

"Quack...go, go to the beach..."

The drunkenness got deeper and deeper, and Ye Xi felt that his tongue was a little big.

He also sensed that something was wrong with Ye Xi's state, but he spread his wings obediently and flew towards the sea. The speed of the bird is extremely fast, and the ordinary flying pets need to fly for a few days. It only took half a day to fly there.

The bird did not stop on the coast, but landed on a giant reef offshore.

The sea is still so blue and deep, but the sea is calm at this time, and the waves gently roll over the black reef layer by layer, bringing rhythmic swishing sounds.

Ye Xi was still under the control of alcohol at this moment.

One must know that he drank a pot of baijiu as big as a sink for a whole day, and the baijiu was made from different plants and has been repeatedly purified. The alcohol content must exceed 40 degrees, and it is not impossible to exceed 50 degrees.

He stood on the reef and looked into the sea with blurred eyes. Feeling extremely happy at the moment, he burst into a dizzy smile and suddenly jumped into the sea.

The bird behind him knew that Ye Xi's state was not right at this time, and immediately carried him back to the rock.

Ye Xi opened his eyes wide in confusion, jumped again, picked up the bird again, jumped again, picked up the bird again, jumped again, picked it up again... Finally Ye Xi gave up, he turned around , condemned and stared at it sadly, and said: "Quack, I'm your father, right?!"

Dian Zhi tilted his head in bewilderment: "...Yo?"

What's the meaning?

But it didn't get an answer to this question, because after Ye Xi finished speaking, he sat down on the reef with a smile on his buttocks, stared blankly at the ocean for a while, and then soon fell asleep, with his limbs spread out on the reef. Big sleep.

There is still a carefree smile on his lips, like a real eighteen-year-old boy.

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