The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 57 Weird Stone Pile

two months later.

With a bow and arrow on his back, Ye Xi rode Xiaoyi, who was more than four meters tall, running in the jungle.

Jiaojiao's body is now as thick as a stone basin, and the huge black python body is swimming fast, following them.

And the same tall Xiaote was adorned behind him, stopped after two steps, and looked around.

Because of Xiaoyi and Xiaote and Jiaojiao, Ye Xi dared to go a little further away. In order to find fruits and vegetables that can be planted, he often took them around in the past few days.

Of course, it will not be too far from Tushan, after all, there are too many dangerous places in this world.

Ye Xi, who was riding on Xiao Yi's back, felt that the terrifying beast was quite suitable as a mount. Because there is a concave arc at the connection between their necks and their bodies, people can sit quite stably and don't have to worry about falling off when running.

The three beasts ran away from the tribe for more than ten miles and arrived at a place Ye Xi had never seen before.

This is an unfamiliar orchard.

Ye Xi's eyes lit up, and he ordered Xiaoyi to stop and look at the fruit forest.

These fruit trees are tall, with leaves a bit like mimosa plants, with pale pink flowers and sparse purple fruits hanging from the bottom.

Ye Xi glanced at the mottled trunks of these fruit trees, and knew that this fruit forest had also been ruined by insects, otherwise the fruit would not be so sparse.

Ye Xi looked up at the canopy covering his head, climbed onto Xiao Yi's head, then jumped to pick a fruit from the tree, and jumped back to Xiao Yi's back.

The fruit in the palm of the hand is about the size of a baby's fist, and it exudes an attractive fruity aroma. The skin is smooth and looks very juicy.

Ye Xi didn't dare to eat it rashly, and planned to catch some small animal to test it.

So Ye Xi drove Xiaoyi forward.

This fruit forest was not big, and Ye Xi couldn't find a suitable animal for the experiment, so Xiaoyi carried Ye Xi to the end of the fruit forest.

A strange pile of rocks suddenly appeared in front of him.

Ye Xi looked at the pile of stones strangely.

The vegetation here is prosperous, how could there be a barren, barren rock pile.

But there are too many strange places in this world, and Ye Xi is not a scholar, so he has to get to the bottom of it.

Stone is a very important raw material, and good stone can be made into useful tools or sharp weapons.

Ye Xi jumped off Xiaoyi and wanted to dig some rocks to see how the rocks were.

This stone pile is not high, about seven or eight meters, and the surface is very smooth, unlike most stone walls with many edges and corners.

Ye Xi pulled out the weapon hanging from his waist.

This weapon is not the three-edged army thorn made of thunder beast bones before, but a dagger made of the beak of that pure-blooded beast.

At that time, Ye Xi planned to take only the ominous beast core of the ominous bird and leave the rest to Putai, but after Putai used its beak to make a weapon, seeing that there was still material left, he made a dagger and gave it to Ye Xi. .

Daggers made from the beaks of pure-blooded beasts are naturally extremely sharp. Even if Ye Xi used the hardest wood he could find to make a scabbard, the scabbard was often broken because the dagger was too sharp.

Ye Xi touched the stone wall. The stone wall was gray and a little icy, so he couldn't figure out the material.

Pulling out the dagger, Ye Xi slashed at random on the stone pile.

Sting, the stone wall made a harsh sound.

This knife went down the stone wall, leaving only a shallow white mark.


Ye Xi raised his eyebrows in surprise, but he didn't even cut off a single fragment?

Ye Xi's gaze at Shi Dui suddenly became hot.

Since he got this dagger, cutting anything is like cutting melons and vegetables. This rock pile is so hard, it is definitely a good material for weapons!

Ye Xi held the dagger in both hands, and luck slashed at the stone wall again.


Fire splashes.

A small, paper-thin fragment was chopped off.

Ye Xi bent down and picked up the sheet, which was really shocking. What kind of material is this rock pile? It's too hard!

Ye Xi put away the dagger and walked around the small pile of stones.

If the materials on this pile of stones were all so hard, they would not be able to be chopped off at all! It is impossible for him to carry the whole pile of stones back.

He walked slowly along the foot of the mountain, and looked up and down the stone wall carefully to see its texture. If there was a suitable texture, it would be easier to chop off a stone.

This small stone pile is really strange. Its stone walls are too smooth, as if a craftsman had deliberately polished it, and there are no edges and corners at all.

Wait, what is this? !

Ye Xi suddenly widened his eyes.

I saw a small hole in the stone wall two or three meters above my head, and a dark brown thing solidified near here.

Ye Xi climbed onto Xiao Yi, leaned closer to see the crack, then rubbed the dark brown with his fingers and put it under his nose to smell it.

It's the smell of blood.

This it flowing from the stone wall? Ye Xi's eyes widened in shock.

The gap was about five centimeters long, and Ye Xi aimed his dagger at it and stabbed it hard.


The dagger sank into the mountain wall smoothly, it felt as if it was inserted into the flesh.

An abnormally thick dark brown blood leaked slightly from the dagger.

Ye Xi stared at the place where the blood was dripping in horror, pulled out the dagger, then put his finger in and touched it.

This... is actually the feeling of touching flesh and blood!

Ye Xi drove Xiao Yi to retreat a little, and re-examined the small pile of rocks from a distance.

Is it...

A thought passed by, and this absurd thought made his scalp tingle in an instant, and his heart beat faster.

Could this pile of rocks be an unknown creature?

Ye Xi had the urge to turn around and leave.

Such a strange creature, he doesn't want to deal with it at all, who knows how powerful it is.

But after Ye Xi calmed down, he knew that he was thinking too much.

This blood is thick and a little coagulated, and it is still black. Even if it is very powerful, it is probably dead now.

With this thought, Ye Xi, who was staring at the stone pile, thought it was possible.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Xi jumped off Xiaoyi and pulled the dagger from his waist.

Whether it is dead or not, you will know with a few more stabs!

The stone wall was too hard to pierce, so Ye Xi held the dagger and stabbed it along the crack.

The stone pile was unresponsive, motionless, silent as if it were a real pile of stones.

Ye Xi felt that this strange creature was very extraordinary, and wanted to gouge out some flesh and blood and bring it back to the tribe to invite Wu to see.

But when he pulled the dagger to the side, he felt a strong resistance, and the dagger couldn't cut it.

Ye Xi secretly said, it seems that the flesh and blood tissue inside is also very tough, and only at this crack, the resistance is less.

Ye Xi had no choice but to cut inward along the crack.

The dagger kept cutting inwards, and the sticky, slightly coagulated blood flowed out along the fracture. Because the flesh and blood beside the fracture was too tough, Ye Xi did not cut much flesh from the fracture, only the thick finger-like flesh. Two down.

When reaching arm's depth, Ye Xi felt that he was about to stop, but he felt that the dagger seemed to pierce something, and there was something very hard blocking the other end of the dagger.

Ye Xi raised her eyebrows, and the dagger tried to pry it, as if she had grabbed something.

This dagger is made of a beak, which naturally has an arc like a hook. Ye Xi used the dagger to hook the thing out bit by bit.

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