The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 582: Ignorance

? Blood arrows shot out.

Huishi clutched his shoulders and howled miserably.

More and more people gathered around. Seeing that the young woman's cheeks were red and swollen, her mouth was covered with blood, and she still had a piece of meat in her mouth, everyone was so shocked that they couldn't speak.

Those who originally had thoughts about young girls are really withered now.


The young girl spat out the meat in her mouth.

Wiping the blood from her face, she said to Huishi, who was prostrate at her feet and clutching her shoulders, howling, "This meat belongs to you. I don't want to eat it. You can taste it yourself."

There are many mushrooms and ferns in Jushan, but few animals, so the meat is very precious, and someone else might really swallow it.

Huishi howled miserably, cursing Qingnv crazily with the most vicious language, Qingnv listened quietly for a while, found it boring, turned around and left just those few words over and over again.

Two days later, Qingnv heard that Ohno, who had been stabbed in the butt by her, was about to die. After thinking about it, she went to Ohno's underground cave.

The underground cave is very dark, with only a ray of light coming in from the ground.

Ohno lay on the pile of dead leaves with his ass pouted, ouching in a low voice, he was very excited when he saw the young girl coming, and desperately wanted to stand up and beat her, but after trying several times, he finally fell on the ground powerlessly.

The young woman sat cross-legged next to him.

Ono was lying on the ground, uttering vicious curses continuously, staring at Qingnv with resentment.

The young girl looked at his butt unhurriedly.

His wound was stuffed with mud mixed with black ash, and the wound was festered and dripping mucus, which looked extremely disgusting.

"Go to the doctor for medicine?"

The young girl understood.

The elder doctors in the clan like to give people mud. No matter what kind of trauma, the elder doctors will give lumps of mud down to let the injured paste the wound.

But basically the wound cannot be cured, and it will have the opposite effect. For example, there was a small wound on the arm, and the whole arm festered after applying mud.

It ended up having to be amputated.

But the old doctor said that it was everyone's dishonesty, not the mud he gave. If there was no magic medicine he gave, he might die even faster.

The young girl scoffed at this.

If she was injured, she would never ask the doctor for help.

Ohno didn't answer the young girl's words at all, turned his head, and still cursed her with the most vicious language.

Although Qingnv couldn't hear at all, she had been watching Ohno's mouth shape very seriously, and when he was exhausted from cursing, she lay on the ground panting for breath, and then said,

"You said it was comfortable, why blame me?"

Ohno was so angry at her innocent look that he almost vomited blood.

Seeing that Ohno still had a look of resentment in his eyes, the young girl thought about it for a while and said, "How about I raise a child for you?"

Ohno has three children, one of them was just born, and was held in the arms of a famous woman not far away.

This woman is usually considered aggressive among women, but she didn't dare to be aggressive in front of the young girl, and hid in the corner silently.

Ono's face was sallow, he stared at the young girl viciously, and cursed: "Get lost..."

All kinds of ugly words.

The young girl picked out her ears, and decided to sit here until he finished cursing.

Gradually, Ono's face began to turn blue, his eyes were protruding, and it became difficult to speak.

He stared at her intently, gasping for breath, his lips twitching slightly, trying to say something.

But the young girl couldn't hear. She sat next to Ohno, stared patiently at Ohno's mouth, and told him to open his mouth wider.

Ohno's eyes widened and widened... and then he was so angry that he died.

The young girl was stunned.

Finally, he patted the soil stains on his buttocks and left.

This incident shocked the men around the young girl to a considerable extent, they did not dare to slap her butt easily, nor did they dare to say that they wanted her to give birth to themselves.

Another three days passed.

Qingnv heard that Huishi had also died.

His wound was bleeding profusely, and the old doctor also gave mud and black ash. After the limestone was applied to the wound, although the bleeding stopped, the area around the wound rotted. After that, Huishi developed a high fever. wake up.

The human life in Jushan Mountain is extremely fragile.

However, there is plenty of food here, and the safety is extremely high. Everyone has given birth to one after another, so they don't feel much about the death of their clansmen.

Of course, the relatives of the deceased are different.

Huishi's brother Yuanshi came to look for Qingnv, and put down his words to her viciously: "I have already asked the patriarch, and the patriarch said, you will belong to me when you are sixteen years old, just wait, I will kill you you!!!"

"I want you to have ten children, and all the children born will be sacrificed to the Outer Gods!"

The young girl was silent.

Although she was stronger and more ruthless than ordinary women, she thought that if several men grabbed her hands and feet, she would not be able to resist.

The young girl looked at the sky.

She wants to get out, she doesn't want to have kids.

This is her obsession.

When she was six years old, she watched her mother give birth with her own eyes. She watched her bulging with a tall belly, lying on the grass with sweat on her face, and constantly wailing.

She saw a white, purple, bloody little foot coming out from between Eminem's legs.

This is the thing that never comes out and makes her Eminem miserable, she thought.

So she grabbed the little foot and tried to pull it out, but the more she pulled, the more embarrassing Eminem screamed.

Gradually, Eminem's face became more and more pale, and the wailing turned into gasps, and he lay on the ground weakly closing his eyes.

Qingnv loved her Ah Mu very much, and she didn't want to see her die in pain. At that time, Qingnv still believed in the old doctor in the clan, so she boldly asked the old doctor in the clan to treat Ah Mu.

As a result, when the doctor came, he just gave her mother a condescending look, gave her a pinch of black ash contained in leaves, asked her mother to take it, and left.

The young girl stuffed the ashes into Eminem's mouth as if she had found a treasure.

But it didn't work, her Eminem died anyway.

When he died, he looked very miserable, with a bulging belly, staring eyes, hands and feet spread out, like a big frog with a bulging belly.

Her body was wet with sweat, and the rough nails were filled with mud.

That scene was so terrifying that the young girl had a nightmare for a month.

But her clansmen took Eminem's body away, sprinkled the seeds of Chihua in the flesh and blood, and let Eminem's body nourish the flower...

Since then, she has had little affection for her "clan" and is terrified of giving birth to a child.

She hasn't lived enough, she doesn't want to die like a frog with her belly bulging, she thinks it's not worth it at all.

But there is no way, the patriarch has decided to give her to Yuanshi, and Yuanshi even said that he would sacrifice her child to the Outer God...

The Outer God is an unknown creature that appeared a hundred years ago.

They will make an unusually loud and strange roar that is beyond their imagination, making them tremble next to them, kneeling on the ground and begging them not to break in and hurt them.

Later, the patriarch announced that the outsiders were the outer gods, and they would be fine as long as they sacrificed their children.

So every year, through a small hole in the rock wall, everyone stuffs the newly born and cleaned baby outside, and all the people, led by the patriarch and the old doctor, bow down to the hole until the roar disappears. .

Qingnv blinked awkwardly.

She didn't want to risk her life to give birth to Yuanshi, and she didn't want her own child to be sacrificed to the "Outer God", but she seemed to be desperate...

No, maybe... there is another way.

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