The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 608 Tung Blossom

The bird flew north with Ye Xi on it.

They flew over the vast tropical rainforest, over the super-large lake as vast as the ocean, and over the rolling hills.

In more than a month, Ye Xi efficiently found more than ten small meteorites and more than twenty small and medium-sized tribes on the way.

For these tribes, Ye Xi sent invitations to all of them, inviting them to join Xicheng.

With the fall of the meteorite rain, there are more and more mutated beasts and insects on the barren land. The small and medium-sized tribes are weak and unable to resist them. Surprised.

Most of the tribal chiefs were very vigilant, and felt that Ye Xi's invitation was weird. They felt that there was no such good thing in the world. No big tribe would be so sympathetic to provide them with shelter. Moreover, Xicheng's reputation was not obvious, so they didn't even listen to it. So I didn't agree right away at first.

But later, Ye Xi won their trust with his strength, fine wine, bronze wares, and sketches that were miraculous in their eyes. They felt that they would die if they stayed where they were, so they simply believed Ye Xi once, and accepted the invitation. .

These twenty or so small and medium-sized tribes have a combined population of more than 40,000. However, the road is dangerous and various giant insects and beasts are infested. It is hard to say how many of them will successfully reach Xicheng. Maybe 30,000, maybe 20,000, maybe one Ten thousand, maybe only a few thousand...

The bird spread its wings and soared slowly in the sky.

The hot wind blows, blowing Ye Xi's hair.

He sat cross-legged in the center of the bird's back, closed his eyes, held a few stalks of yarrow, and moved his fingers nimbly among the yarrow.

After a while, several yarrow roots ignited spontaneously without fire, and all of them were reduced to ashes, and were blown away without a trace by the wind.

Ye Xi opened his eyes,

"Quack, let's go down."

He is now a great witch. Although he is a wishing witch, he also has a little bit of divination. He can use yarrow to calculate the traces of the surrounding tribes and origin stones.

But the time is not right, half depends on luck, just now he used yarrow to divination that there seemed to be a tribe nearby, so he planned to look for it, and eat to fill his stomach.

The bird chirped crisply, aimed at a small river on the ground, and slowly descended there.

Ye Xi jumped off the bird's back.

There are many tung trees growing around here. At this time, the tung trees are in flowering period. There are many delicate white flowers with bright red stamens among the leaves. The tung flowers on the river bank are particularly lush, and there are more flowers than leaves. Continuously forming a beautiful sea of ​​flowers.

Dawn stands in the creek, drinking the river water with its head bowed.

The small river beside the Tung Blossom Sea is wide and shallow, and the ostrich standing in the middle of the river, the water only submerges to the base of its paws.

Ye Xi walked to the river, and found that there were many small cherry-red fruits growing in the clear river water, and these small fruits seemed to grow from some kind of aquatic plants.

These aquatic plants look a bit like hornwort, emerald green, swaying with the waves in the clear water, and the whole river is dyed emerald green by them.

Ye Xi fished it casually in the river, and he picked up a handful of cherry red aquatic plants and fruits.

He threw one in his mouth.

This cherry-like aquatic plant fruit juice is very juicy, sweet in the mouth, but slightly astringent.

“The taste is not bad!”

He took off his leather boots and walked into the river, preparing to catch more aquatic plants and fruits.

The water grass is too lush,

Stepping on the river was like stepping on a soft carpet, the river was gurgling, and the swaying water plants gently brushed against Ye Xi's calf, making him itchy.

The clear green river, the fragrant sea of ​​flowers, and the delicate and delicious small fruits all put Ye Xi in a good mood, and even relieved his slightly swollen head after divination.


The bird was also in a good mood, and raised its head and tweeted softly.

But it was not interested in the fruits in the river, so it flapped its wings and decided to hunt some prey elsewhere to fill its stomach. When it took off, its wings swept across the river, and the clear water droplets fell on Ye Xi.

Ye Xi smiled, instead of wiping the water drops, he plunged his head into the river water, letting the cool water wash away the dirt and heat.

Then he found that although the small river had many aquatic plants and fruits, it had no fish.

"Is this aquatic plant poisonous?"

Ye Xi grabbed a waterweed, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed.

"It's a fishy aquatic plant, but... isn't it poisonous? Why aren't there any fish here?"

He half-swimmed and half-walked along the shallow river, looked around, and finally found the reason in the upper reaches of the river.

A large net woven with rattan rope is blocked in the shallow and narrow part of the river, and it is this net that stops the fish and water animals in the upper reaches.

Ye Xi was pleasantly surprised when he saw it, "Sure enough, there are tribes here!"

"This net should be used to prevent fish and aquatic animals from eating aquatic plants and fruits. With this rattan net, the tribe who made the net can easily catch the clogged fish on the other side of the net. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone."

Thinking of this, he turned his head and looked around,

"This tribe has set up this big net, but why is there no one there? Someone should be guarding it here. Otherwise, what if the rattan net is bitten by a water beast?"

"Forget it, let's find someone later."

Ye Xi caught a few fat fish, went ashore, lit a fire, roasted and ate them, and then took out a small stone pot from the animal skin bag.

This little jar is exactly that jar of misanthropy.

He opened the jar and pulled out the misanthrope.

The world-weary insect lay on Ye Xi's palm, arched its body like an inchworm, and flicked towards the woods. It immediately bounced ten meters away, and then flicked again, this time it hit the branch of the tung tree.

It stared at a hungry bird dragon.

Ornithosaurus is a small feathered dinosaur that can only glide. It usually feeds on insects on the tung tree. Now when it sees the world-weary insects in front of it, its brown eyeballs turn slightly. Lightning pecked the past.

Unfortunately, before it could grab the misanthrope, a stone slammed through the air and pierced its head, killing it.

The world-weary insect hunched over for a while, and then began to slowly devour the body of the little bird dragon.

When the world-weary insects swallowed the whole body of the bird and the dragon and bulged into a fat ball like a puffer fish, Ye Xi appeared and grabbed it, put it into a slightly larger stone jar, and then closed the lid Wait quietly.

After a while, like popping popcorn, there was a popping sound from the stone jar.

Ye Xi opened the lid with a smile, picked up the sluggish world-weary insect that hadn't fully woken up with two fingers, peeled off the tumor-filled objects on its body, and stuffed it back into the small stone jar.

"Bang! Bang!"

He patted the big stone jar.

The goose-yellow powder stuck to the tank wall rustled and fell down.

Ye Xi carefully poured most of the powder into a small bottle made of spar, leaving only a small part of the powder in the big stone jar.

Then he poured some river water into it, watched the water contaminated by the goose-yellow powder turn into an orange-yellow mucus, and threw many small insects into it.


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