The red moon hangs high.

The dark river was slightly glowing red.

The Jiuyi tribesmen, who were full of food and sweat, came to the river together, and jumped into the dark, ink-like river like dumplings, taking a bath in crowded places, which was very lively.

The clear and cool river water took away the gray stains, blood stains and sweat stains on the body after a busy day.

Every Jiuyi person is a good swimmer, swimming and playing in the not shallow river, and there are unrestrained men and women directly lingering in the water under the cover of night.

After washing, everyone left Dahe and returned to the Jiuyi tribe in groups. Some people held torches and walked briskly while singing the lively ditties they made up.

There are also many strong women dancing around the torch. The dancing posture is naturally not graceful, but it has a primitive and unique free and easy atmosphere, which has a special charm.

At this time, some women complained that they lacked a string of rattling animal teeth chains.

Walking among the lively crowd, Ye Xi had a slight smile on his face.

After only one day, he already fell in love with the Jiuyi tribe, which is a strong, tough, lively tribe full of vitality.

Go back to Lu's stone house.

His slave had already brought the fresh fragrant tree. Ye Xi spent a little time frying some tea leaves with his own hands in a stone pot. The seasonings and spices brought by the city were poured in.

After learning that Lu's slaves would keep vigil, Ye Xi asked the slaves who were on vigil that night to watch the fire before it went out, and then went back to the stone house.

The Jiuyi tribe doesn't care much about living conditions, and the natural sleeping environment is not as good as Xicheng.

There is not even a stone bed in the room, and the sleeping place is just a large polished stone slab, with high-quality animal skin blankets placed messily on it.

Lu didn't like animal skin blankets. After kicking the blankets away, he lay sprawled on the stone slab, tilted his head, and fell asleep in two seconds.

The snoring was earth-shattering.

Ye Xi shook his head, not wanting to abuse himself, so after laying out the animal skin blanket neatly, he also lay down on it to sleep peacefully.

A night without dreams.


The next day was still dark, and before the dawn broke out from the sky, Ye Xi was woken up by the loud noises outside the house.

As the person woke up, a strong, familiar scent of tea eggs also penetrated into the nostrils.

"The tea eggs are cooked!"

Ye Xi's eyes lit up, he lifted the animal skin blanket and stood up.

He found that Lu's snoring beside him had stopped, and the corner of his mouth was drooling, and he opened his mouth vaguely, and woke up vaguely. As soon as he woke up, Lu's eyes widened like copper bells, his nose sucked wildly, and he was extremely awake.

"What's going on? What's so fragrant!"

He didn't even notice Ye Xi who was at the side, jumped up and ran outside the house as fast as a whirlwind.

Ye Xi was afraid that Lu would eat all the tea eggs if he was too late, so he didn't dare to delay, shook his head and laughed, and walked out quickly.

The scene outside is quite spectacular.

At the very center of the contradiction is a simple and crude stove.

There was a small fire burning at the bottom of the stove, and an inconspicuous small stone pot was placed on it. There was an indescribable wonderful aroma that wafted out continuously along the bubbling soup.

Anyone who knows tea eggs knows that some tea eggs are delicious, some are not, some are delicious, and some are choking, but without exception, the aroma they emit is extremely attractive!

The flames burn.

The aroma of tea eggs flows continuously along the cracks and penetrates into the surrounding stone and wooden houses.

The Jiuyi tribesmen who were still sleeping, like zombies smelling blood, were hooked up in a daze, and then walked here like sleepwalking, and then walked faster and faster, and their eyes widened The bigger it gets, the bigger it gets.

At this time, there were already many Jiuyi soldiers surrounded in darkness, all of them stared at the pot of tea eggs with wolfish eyes.

Lu's slaves surrounded Xiaozao with swords and spears as if they were facing an enemy.

Lu's war beast, that huge frivolous lizard dragon stretched all its umbrella-like membranes, and the black pupils in the golden pupils shrank into a line, staring at the people surrounding it in warning.

You know, grabbing food and stealing food is a very normal thing in the Jiuyi tribe. The reason why Lu sent slaves to watch the night was to prevent his food from being secretly stolen while he was sleeping.

"Aiyo, aiyo..."

Not far away were a few soldiers lying down, clutching their backs and screaming for pain. It seemed that their bones were broken and they couldn't stand up. They looked quite pitiful.

They were hit hard by the frilled lizard's tail.

But no one cast a sympathetic glance, because Jiuyi people know Jiuyi people best, even if a Jiuyi person breaks an arm, he won't cry out in pain. These guys just want to win sympathy and see if there is a chance to get a tea egg to eat.

After Lu rushed out of the house, he first blocked the small stove very protectively, and roared fiercely at the soldiers who were coveting the tea eggs: "This is my thing, you all get out of here!!"

The low-level fighters retreated a little in fright.

But this time the warriors who came here were level seven, he was not at all afraid, staring straight at the tea eggs, and murmured: "Those who see it have a share, right..."

Lu Tongling stared wide-eyed, ready to get angry.

The soldier had already moved his body and started to strike. The other fighters also acted in a flash of excitement. The smell of tea eggs made them lose their minds, and faced the risk of being skinned by Lu and the others, they rushed over while drinking.


Lu smashed one person into the air with one punch.

Ye Xi stopped the seventh-level fighter.

The frilled lizard dragon knocked down a group of low-level fighters with one tail, and the low-level fighters fell down like ears of wheat, with the sound of cracking bones.

The soldiers and slaves held their own swords and spears, roared, and slashed at their waists mercilessly, vowing to keep their master's tea eggs to the death.

The scene became chaotic.

At the moment of gourmet food, every Jiuyi fighter went all out. For the extremely tempting tea eggs, the fighting posture was very fierce, and the quiet morning suddenly became extremely noisy.

People farther away were awakened by the sound of fighting, and then rushed over, and then attracted by the aroma of tea eggs, they also joined the battle.


There was a muffled bang.

The pot of tea eggs on the small stove was knocked over by someone, the sauce-colored soup spilled all over the floor, and a few round tea eggs rolled out.

The people next to him froze.

Lu reacted very quickly, and roared like a thunderstorm, making the ears of the people around him numb. Then, before the others recovered their senses, they picked up the small stone pot and jumped on the Lizard Dragon.

The frilled lizard dragon was as quiet as a rock, moving like a gust of wind. Regardless of the stampede, it rushed out of the crowd crazily and ran away like flying again.


The soldiers present didn't bother to bring their war beasts. After chasing for a long time with two legs, they couldn't catch up.

The witty Jiuyi warriors had discovered a few tea eggs rolled out of the ground a long time ago. Although they were stained with soil and turned into marl eggs, they still didn't dislike them, lying on the ground like a beggar among the heavy legs to pick them up Then go into hiding.

Someone found out, and it was another big fight.

Ye Xi jumped onto the stone roof, looked at the chaotic crowd below, and squatted down, with a hint of resentment in his eyes.

He boiled tea eggs outside the house, mainly because he was afraid that the house would not be ventilated, and the house would be poisoned by carbon monoxide if the firewood was burned overnight, but he did not expect that a pot of tea eggs would make such a big commotion.

Then you can't eat a single tea egg.

He really wants to eat...

But he didn't want to chase Lu, and he hated the tea eggs rolled on the ground, so he swallowed his saliva to comfort himself that he could eat them again later.

This movement woke up half of the Jiuyi tribe.

They smelled the fragrance left in the air, and they were very dissatisfied with their desires.

But the tea eggs are gone, and even the pot has been taken away, so what should I do? They could only stare at the ground where the tea and egg soup was splashed, ready to move, as if they wanted to grab a piece of mud and lick it.

Then someone suddenly said that the tea eggs were made by Ye Xi on the roof.

This was terrible, all the Jiuyi warriors raised their heads in unison, their eyes were bright, they stared at Ye Xi like a meaty jackal, they were almost on fire.


It was dawn, and the morning wind with red sand was blowing.

There was a sudden silence all around.

Ye Xi's scalp went numb.

Set a small goal first, such as 1 second to remember: Shukeju

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