Featherman noticed the movement and flew to the edge of the cave, and was surprised when he saw Ye Xi and the puppet big white cat brought three such huge glacial creatures. Under the snow-white eyelashes, a pair of blue and indifferent eyes rarely revealed surprise.

Ye Xi and the puppet big white cat placed the spoils at the foot of the mountain.

The gap left in the big cave can't fit these three big guys.

Ye Xi cut off the sharp-toothed head of the moray eel with a black dagger, dragged the headless body of the moray eel up to the rock, and jumped towards the entrance of the cave.

This moray eel looked like a marbled boa constrictor, as thick as a bucket, with solid flesh, and it was heavy to drag.

"Quack, dinner is ready!"

Ye Xi, who was standing on the edge of the cave, looked at the huge purple-red hairball squatting in the cave, and suddenly remembered the scene of feeding the baby Gaga, and his face was full of smiles.

After being hungry for so many days, the eyes turned green, and it immediately opened its mouth.

Ye Xi, who was standing at the entrance of the cave, tossed the headless moray eel's body vigorously, and the hungry moray almost swallowed it like noodles.

"Are you full?"


Ye Xi jumped into the cave, and touched his stomach worriedly, like an old father worried about his child's hungry stomach, feeling that it was still a bit flat.

Worried that the birds didn't have enough to eat, Ye Xi went back to the foot of the mountain and processed the aquatic dinosaur, breaking it down into a large piece of meat weighing about five catties, and then fed it to the birds until they were eaten up again. A whole aquatic dinosaur burped.

Ye Xi returned to the foot of the mountain again.

The ferocious Deng's fish was dragged to the gap between two snow mountains by the big white puppet cat. The big white puppet cat couldn't help but want to taste the taste of this strange big fish, and buried its head in its belly.

Looking up and seeing Ye Xi looking at Deng Shiyu, his sapphire-like eyes immediately became vigilant.


It yelled unhappily.

I'm afraid that all the big fish that it dragged back with such hard work will also be fed to the ravens.

Yuren had been touching the tooth scales and eyes of Deng's fish just now, and he was also curious about the taste of this fish, so he said to Ye Xi, "Ice hole, prey."

Ye Xi thought about it for a while, but he didn't understand what Yuren meant, so he just left it alone.

Of course, he doesn't plan to feed this Deng's fish to the already stuffed owl. He plans to enjoy it with Yuren and the puppet big white cat.

However, since I have already planned to live here for a while, the food can't be so rough.

He comforted the big white puppet cat, knocked a black snow mountain rock the size of a millstone on the mountain wall, then sat cross-legged in the leeward position, lowered his head and polished it with a black dagger, and made a big rough stone pot out.

The big white puppet cat occasionally looked up at Ye Xi while eating fish.

Yuren also began to enjoy the fish meat of Deng's fish. With a stroke of his long and curved nails, the hard scales of Deng's fish were scratched like thin paper, and with another stroke, the slightly red fish meat was drawn out into the mouth.

The body of Deng's fish was huge. Ye Xi came to the other side and cut off a large piece of fish with a black dagger.

"Try boiled fish?"

Ye Xi picked up the big piece of fish, raised his eyebrows and said to Yuren.

Yuren: "Yeah!"

Ye Xi pulled Yuren and signaled Yuren to go back to the cave with him, so Yuren gave up and continued to eat fish with the puppet big white cat, flapped his wings, and brought Ye Xi back to the cave in a second.

Ye Xi got busy in the cave.

He set up the stove, set up a stone pot, and dug a large piece of polar ice from the mountain wall outside, put it in the pot, let Yuren go to the other side, and said to the bird: "Quack, spray the fire, Melt this piece of ice."

Dawn opened his mouth.

Facing the extremely small stone pot compared to it, it sprayed a white flame that was as weak as a match seedling.

But just a little bit, the temperature in the cave has risen a lot, and the ice in the stone pot has also melted, and it is slightly hot.

Ye Xi put a large piece of fish into the pot.

He looked through the big package and found that there was no flint in the big package,

All the rest of the flint was given to Qiuzi of the Frogman Tribe, and he himself has only one piece left, which is now thrown in the ice cave on the first floor.

"Walking outside, this flint is really in short supply..."

Ye Xi was helpless.

Dwarves can fully understand human speech. They lowered their heads close to the big stone pot, opened their huge beaks, and sprayed a cloud of...transparent hot air towards the stone pot?

The hot air enveloped the large stone pot, and instantly, a jellyfish-shaped white steam rose from the surface of the heated stone pot.

The fish also has a slightly cooked aroma.

Ye Xi's eyes lit up slightly, and he boasted, "Yes, Quack, your control ability is good, let's do it again!"

Dawn simmered for a while, and opened its mouth again to see a cloud of transparent hot air.

This time, the water in the stone pot was bubbling and bubbling, and the aroma of the fish was even stronger, keeping Yuren who was already planning to leave.

The scorpion made persistent efforts and took another sip.

The water in the stone pot boiled.

With a smile, Ye Xi dug out a small jar of spices from the big package. After these spices were soaked in water, the powder inside was all agglomerated. He dried them with magic power, and then shook them violently. Turn them into powder again.

Afraid that Yuren, who are used to eating raw meat, would not be used to heavy seasonings, Ye Xi only put in a little this time.

It still smells great though.

Yuren stared at the tumbling fish in the stone pot for a while, and was about to grab it, but Ye Xi slapped his hand away. Ye Xi took out a large delicate animal tooth spoon from the large package, divided the hot large piece of fish in the stone pot into several pieces, and then scooped up a spoonful of fish soup for Yuren.

"Eat like this!"

Yuren imitated Ye Xi's way of holding the spoon, clumsily holding the spoon, and then swallowed the fish soup in one gulp.


Yuren's eyes lit up, and he hummed heavily.

Ye Xi took the opportunity to teach: "Is this the meaning of delicious? Read after me, delicious!"

Yuren paused, and said awkwardly like a parrot: "This means delicious, right? Read it after me, delicious..."

Ye Xi couldn't help but laugh: "Yes, that's a good point."

"Well, well said..."

Ye Xi pointed to the big stone pot and said, "Stone pot!"

Yuren: "The stone pot..."



Ye Xi gave a thumbs up and smiled: "You learn quickly."

Yuren: "You learn quickly..."

Ye Xi pointed to himself: "I, Ye Xi, Ye Xi."

Yuren also followed up ignorantly: "I, Ye Xi, Ye Xi."

Ye Xi smiled and shook his head, pointing to himself and repeating the word Ye Xi, whenever Yuren said Ye Xi, he would respond, so Yuren finally understood that the word Ye Xi meant him.

"Yes, I'm Ye Xi, you're Yu..." Ye Xi was halfway through speaking, when he suddenly remembered that Yuren didn't have a name. And in fact, the feathered people don't recognize him at all, and his appearance is completely different from ordinary feathered people, like a new species, it is inappropriate to call him feathered people.

Yuren quietly watched Ye Xi who stopped abruptly in the middle of speaking.

A pair of light-colored eyes like glass beads seem to be able to see into the bottom of a person's heart.

"You are... Phil, how are you?"

Ye Xi said with a slight smile, held Yuren's finger and pointed at Yuren himself, and said clearly, "Fei, Er."

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