The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 964 Prepare for the worst

“Amazing my hominid ()”

Gun Haizi, who was lying on the ground, covered his face in pain, and spoke intermittently in a hoarse voice.

"Suddenly, a lot of people and war beasts were parasitized by the head larvae, attacking people around wildly...It was so sudden, we were unprepared, and the territory quickly fell into chaos...Then the leader beast led a wave of fierce beasts to attack, they came too fast and too Hurry up, the scale is unprecedented, and you can tell at a glance that you can't resist it..."

"The Great Yuan Wu told us to evacuate, we, we came from the bottom of the sea."

Gun Haizi's words were confusing and brief, but Ye Xi was a person who had seen the tide of ferocious beasts with his own eyes, so he could still get a glimpse of how thrilling it was at that time through these few words.

Ye Xi gripped the ancestral witch's staff tightly, and asked the key point: "You said that you were in chaos because of the parasitism of the cephalic larvae? But there should be a process of being parasitized by the cephalic larvae, didn't you find it before?"

Speaking of this, Gun Haizi also showed confusion in his eyes: "This time is very strange, it is a sign of being parasitized suddenly. A moment ago, the person who was talking well suddenly fell into madness, his eyes turned gray, and he only knew to attack other people .”

Ye Xi had more and more doubts in his heart, and he frowned deeply: "Hasn't the Territory of Daizai already been wiped out? How could so many people have been recruited? Didn't you use worm-killing powder?"

Gun Haizi's face became paler and he was powerless to sigh.

"I have no idea……"

The Gun clan didn't have worm powder, so it was useless. Maybe other clans used it, but it was too chaotic at the time, and the Gun clan was on the edge of the territory, far away from other clans' territories, so he didn't pay attention.

A soldier from Xicheng came over and reported cautiously: "Master Huiyuan Wu, we have used worm-killing powder, but it didn't work."

Ye Xi's eyes sank.

The world-weary insect powder is actually ineffective against the cercariae?

He paused for a moment, then suddenly said to the Xicheng warrior in front of him, "Stretch out your hand."

The Xicheng soldier hastily stretched out his hands.

Ye Xi held one of his hands, and emerald witch power surged into his body, flowing along his limbs and bones around his body.

Wu Li was like Ye Xi's other pair of eyes. Every bone in this Xicheng soldier's body, the flow of every drop of blood, and the appearance of internal organs were all clearly reflected in his mind.

In the end, he confirmed that this Xicheng soldier was very healthy, and he was not parasitized by a cercariae in his body, nor did he carry a single worm egg.

Ye Xi withdrew his hand and checked Gun Haizi again.

Gun Haizi's body is also very clean, and there is no phenomenon of parasitic cercariae.

Ye Xi breathed a sigh of relief, decided to put the matter aside, and asked an equally urgent question: "Have all the twelve clans evacuated? How is the Da Yuan Wu?"

Gun Haizi's body shook instantly.

"The twelve clans have withdrawn, I don't know about the Great Yuan Wu... The Cang clan should have left with the Great Yuan Wu..." It was extremely difficult for him to say this.

Ye Xi took a deep breath: "How many people escaped, do you know?"

Gun Haizi: "At that time, the Great Yuan Witch temporarily blocked the tide of beasts. Apart from the parasites and those killed by the parasites, most of them should have escaped."

"How many are parasitized, 30% or 40%?"

Gun Haizi's face was frighteningly pale, his lips trembled and he couldn't speak.

Seeing Gun Haizi's state, Ye Xi chose not to ask him, and looked around himself.

Gun people are everywhere on the green Feather Grassland, and it is a dark patch. Based on rough statistics, he estimated that at least 80% of the Gun people had fled back.

Gun Haizi apparently also found out.

He suddenly lay up, his hands were clawed, and he was pulling his wet hair in pain. Regret flooded the sky, tears poured down his face, and he roared hoarsely, "The Great Primordial Witch is dead! I can feel it!!"

"We abandoned him and fled. He withstood the beast tide for us, and then died there!"

"We, we..."

Gun Haizi choked up and couldn't speak, but his eyes were red and he hammered the ground crazily, as if to vent. Suddenly, as if he was drained of energy: "What would have happened if we had stayed..."

At that time, the territory was in chaos due to unprecedented changes,

They saw the horde of fierce beasts on an unprecedented scale, and they immediately retreated.

But looking back now, maybe, maybe they stayed and resisted together, and there was a slight possibility that they could hold on...

What would have happened if I stayed...

He left the Great Yuan Wu behind, and the Great Yuan Wu was dead!

Ye Xi ignored Gun Haizi, who was in pain and remorse, he frowned, paced back and forth, thinking quickly, the expression on his face changed again and again.

The Great Primordial Witch is dead, the bridge to the mainland is broken, and the leader beast should have come to the Eastern Continent. Maybe we have passed the desert, arrived at Dashixu, or went north to the extreme north, time is running out.

He must prepare for the worst.

Ye Xi hurriedly said: "You stay here and don't move, I will let the Wu of Xicheng check your body to make sure that there are no signs of parasites in your body, and then go to the city to settle down."

As he spoke, he stomped the ground.

The root of the whipworm broke through the ground and lifted him up, and then carried him away quickly.

Ye Xi didn't go to the main city, nor did he immediately summon the remaining high-level officials of Xicheng to announce the earth-shattering change to them, but came to the trading area.

Today's trading area is not deserted, and the clan children who do not lack beast cores support the prosperity of the trading area. People from large and medium-sized tribes also showed up here with their families, not for trade, but only to dissipate the overflowing Origin Stone energy in Xixi City.

Although the super tribe focuses on the sea of ​​beasts, people often come here to trade.

"Master Yuan Wu!"

"I've met Lord Xiwu!"

Ye Xi's arrival shocked the trading area.

"Stay where you are."

He raised his hand to prevent everyone from coming to salute, and his calm and resonant voice spread throughout the trading area. The people in the trading area were still restless, but they all stayed where they were, looking at him with twinkling eyes.

Ye Xi looked around at the surrounding shops and stalls.

The trading area is becoming more and more mature and standardized. The totems of their respective tribes are painted on the stone slabs on the top of the shop, and the totem patterns of their own tribes are also supported by linen or animal skins on the stalls.

Ye Xi selected things one by one according to the totems, without missing a single totem, and without repeating a single totem, he quickly picked out some bits and pieces that the onlookers didn't quite understand.

Beside the stall of Wumu Tribe, Ye Xi put away the last leaf and said to the stall owner, "I don't have a beast core with me, someone will come and pay for it later."

The stall owner was a little flattered, and quickly waved his hands: "No need for Mr. Yuanwu, it's just a leaf, just treat it as..."

Ye Xi shook his head, didn't finish listening to him, and left in a hurry with his things.

Emerald Stone House.

Ye Xi swept all the things on the stone platform down with a wave of his hand, and then placed all the things he bought on it in a row.

There are many things, including spar, stone flakes, leaves, and even ham slices.

Ye Xi's gaze was as steady as water.

He knew that the chief beast hated humans, and would never let any tribe it saw after coming to the Eastern Continent. It is useless to escape, he must gather all his fighting power together.

Nine out of ten people from the fleeing clans would come to Xicheng, but not necessarily from the Eight Great Tribes.

They might run away or hide after receiving the news. He had to contact them to let them know that running away was useless, and then invite them to come to Xicheng to resist together.

Xicheng is located on the southeast coast of the Eastern Continent. The leader beast came from the northwest, and the distance between the two sides is the farthest.

Time is running out now, sending people to the super tribe road is too time-consuming, maybe the letter has not been delivered, but the leader beast has already been killed.

The only way is witchcraft communication.

And witchcraft communication is like making a guiding spar, it needs source guidance.

The odds and ends he collected in the trading area are the necessary sources.

Ye Xi picked up a leaf, held it in his palm, and then closed his eyes.

White smoke slowly drifted out from between the fingers.

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