The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 991 Hard Fight

“Amazing my hominid ()”

On the outskirts of Xicheng, Man Kuilong quickly couldn't stand it anymore.

Seeing this, Cang Xin yelled immediately: "Change to the second batch! Hurry up! The second batch is on top—!"

A large group of white-haired giant kangaroos poured out from Xicheng.

They lined up, their chest muscles and limb muscles stretched out, and the moment the barbarian dragon withdrew, it collided with the giant beast with a "bang".

The white-haired giant kangaroo is more powerful than the barbarous dragon. Its thick tail is on the ground, and it still has the strength to kick the giant beast with its muscular legs.

Some giant beasts were kicked and fell forward, like a giant mountain collapsed, almost crushing the white-haired kangaroo.

The ground lizard of the Jiuyi tribe breathed hot air from its nostrils, and stood up, holding on tightly behind.

The second batch of soldiers flooded into the battlefield like a flood.

The first batch of soldiers returned to Xicheng covered in blood.

Some soldiers refused to retreat, and were dragged and dragged back to Xicheng by their companions.

The scarred savage dragons also walked wearily, with their heads down, and walked slowly towards the city gate of Xicheng, with bloody footprints at every step. They are really exhausted.

In Xicheng.

The soldiers who retreated were panting heavily, their eyes were covered with redness, the veins on their necks were bursting, and their bodies were covered in blood. They were as ferocious as a ghost who had just climbed up from hell and hadn't calmed down from the bloody battle.

Blood-stained swords and spears were thrown all over the place.

Some knives broke, and some spears broke their points.

Their masters lay sprawled on the ground like corpses.

Duanling was also lying in the crowd.

As soon as he stepped back, the skin all over his body was emitting steam, and his muscles were shaking.

His body still wants to fight to the death with the beast, but his mind understands that he should take a good rest at this moment. If you don't take a good rest to replenish your strength, you won't be able to perform at your best when you play again.

Duan Ling was lying on the cold ground, his bloodshot eyes were wide open, and he stared blankly at the sky.

The sky was yellow and foggy.

The grassland forest outside was trampled into powder by the tide of fierce beasts, the soil was exposed, and after being exposed to the scorching sun, there were herds of beasts running around. The dust was rolled up hundreds of meters high, covering even the sun, and the sky and the earth turned a doomsday-like khaki. Can't see clearly.

He closes his eyes.

A strong shock came from the back.

The image of hundreds of millions of beasts rushing forward suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

"Who lacks a sword and spear! Here's a freshly polished one, come here and get it—!"

Someone was yelling not far away.

Duan Ling opened his eyes and got up from the ground.

One of his bone knives broke off in a fight with a silver hyena and needed to be replaced.

Other warriors also got up in twos and threes, looking for suitable swords and spears.

The witch doctors shuttled through the crowd with their bone staffs in their hands, scanning the surrounding soldiers with their eyes, looking for the seriously injured. In order to save witch power, they can't heal everyone now, only the seriously injured.

"The beast's blood is on my side——!"

"There's beast blood here too, it's hot and just released, come here if you want to drink it!!"

Some people stood at the root of the city wall, and there were several stone vats filled with blood standing beside them. Soldiers who needed it would walk over and pick up the stone vats and drink as much as they wanted.

After receiving the bone knife, Duan Ling came to the base of the city wall, asked someone for a water bag, and filled it with some fresh beast blood.

The water sac could no longer see its original color, and the skin was covered with thick brown blood scabs, which was extremely dirty. But now no one will dislike it, because everyone's body is as dirty as this water bag.

Duan Ling gulped a few mouthfuls of the hot beast's blood, then filled the water bag and tied it around his waist.

"There are healing grass leaves here!!"

"I have healing grass leaves here!! Come and get them if you need them!!"

People from the Wumu tribe carried straw baskets through the crowd.

There were two deep gashes on Duan Ling's arm, and blood was still spitting out like a baby's mouth. He didn't intend to care about it at first, but after thinking about it, he took a ball of healing grass, squeezed out the juice and rubbed it on the wound.

The wound began to heal visibly.

He asked the people of the Wumu tribe for two sleeping herbs, crumpled them into two balls and stuffed them in his nostrils.

The unique fragrance of sleeping grass pours into the nasal cavity, and the drowsiness permeates.

Duan Ling didn't resist the drowsiness, breathed with his mouth open, and found a random place to lie down. Fearing that he would not be able to wake up, he asked the Wumu tribe who distributed the grass leaves to wake him up when the time came.

"OK, no problem!"

The enthusiastic Wumu tribe member readily agreed.

Duan Ling closed his eyes and let himself fall into a deep sleep.

"Wake up, you are going to the battlefield!"

Duanling felt his legs being kicked in a daze.

The consciousness came back from the chaos, and the eyes were not opened yet, and there was a vague and hoarse shout in the ear-"The first batch of fighters go outside and go to the top! The first batch of fighters!!"

Duanling got up from the ground with a jerk.

He opened his eyes wide and was a little confused, and realized that the one who kicked him was the Wumu tribesman who had been entrusted to him before, but at this time, the Wumu warrior was covered in blood, and it seemed that he had retreated from the battlefield just now.

Seeing that Duanling woke up, the Wumu warrior bared his teeth and smiled, his teeth were extraordinarily bright and white on his blood-stained face: "I'm from the third batch, now it's up to you outside, brother!"

Broken Ling nodded.

He raised his head and poured two mouthfuls of cold beast blood, and gnawed another piece of raw meat. His vision changed from misty to firm, and he clenched the bone knife and rushed out.

The number of corpses outside Xicheng continued to increase.

It can be called a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

The thorny vines wrapped around the city wall kept waving.

It accurately rolled up usable beast corpses from the tide of corpses and sent them to Xicheng. The unusable corpses were rolled up and thrown far away, so as not to congest around Xicheng and the soldiers would have no room to fight.

Each thorny vine is as thick as five people's arms, and it can not only roll up heavy beast carcasses, but also slam the fish that slipped through the net into the air.

Bramble vines eat a lot.

Usually, the blood that Xicheng couldn't drink would be handed over to it to deal with, even if ordinary wood rat blood was poured on it for it to drink, it would absorb it without leaking, and it would never be full.

But now, every vine of the thorn vine is full of blood and can't drink any more. It is like a soaked bloody towel, and every time the vine is swung, blood drips out, like a rain of blood.

"The first batch of retreat—!!"

"The second batch is on top!!"

Cang Xin's hoarse shout came from the city wall again.


In this way, everyone fought from day to night, and then from night to day. The sky gradually turned black in the fighting, and another night passed.

third day.

The leader beast still shows no signs of fading.

They seem to have decided that they must kill all humans this time.

The corpses around Xicheng were piled up like a mountain, which was already higher than the city wall. The thorns and vines did not have time to clean up, and the battle line was forced to ten meters away from the city wall, which was broken in several places by the fierce beasts that rushed past the defense line.

Humans and war beasts suffered numerous casualties, as did the leader beasts.

Standing on the broken city wall, Cang Xin looked tired and his eyes were bloodshot. He smiled wryly and whispered, "Before, the tide of ferocious beasts never lasted so long..."

With the last ray of hope in her arms, she looked at Ye Xi: "You said that the leader beast...will retreat today?"

Ye Xi's face was colder than iron: "I'm afraid not."

It is very likely that "Bu Wu" was born in the dry land chapter, and their Bu Wu may have predicted that this is their only chance to win, so they will not retreat even if they die.

Cang Xin closed his eyes, his resolute face climbed up to despair little by little.

She had a hunch that they wouldn't be able to survive today...

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