The CEO Is Cold During The Day, And Wants Kisses At Night!

Chapter 300 Wen Qing almost fell into his arms

Wen Qing and Shang Ke, as the guests of the show, are going to sit on the same boat.

In addition to the boatman, there is also a photographer at the bow.

There is also a photographer on the other boat, who is mainly responsible for taking distant shots. Xu Jinyi and Aman are also on that boat.

Wen Qing had been on a yacht before, and the speed of the yacht on the sea made her feel no fear, and even enjoyed it. This was the first experience of slowly paddling in a boat. The closer she got to the center of the lake, the more nervous she became, because she was so close to the lake surface that the tentacles could shake the lake water, which made her truly experience the fear of the deep lake.

Shang Ke saw her nervousness: "Are you afraid?"

The two sat facing each other, and Shang Ke had a panoramic view of all Wen Qing's reactions.

Wen Qing, who was going to be strong all her life, of course shook her head firmly: "You are the one who is afraid! I am not afraid!"

Shang Ke: "Are you really not afraid?"

Wen Qing still had a firm tone: "Not afraid."

Shang Ke smiled, nodded slowly and seriously: "You are not afraid, and I am not afraid either." Then he adjusted his sitting posture.

Following his adjustment, the boat that had been paddling steadily shook slightly a few times.

Wen Qing's face froze, the instinctive reaction of the body was to maintain balance at the first moment, and he didn't dare to move.

Shang Ke then adjusted his sitting posture again, and the hull continued to shake.

Wen Qing panicked: "Don't move! Don't move!!"

His tone became anxious.

Shang Ke paused when he adjusted his posture, and looked at Wen Qing with a puzzled expression: "Aren't you afraid just now?"

"Shang Ke!" Wen Qing gritted his teeth.

Knowing that he did it on purpose, she clenched her fists again and again, and finally closed her eyes, thinking: Forget it! The camera is recording! If it wasn't for the camera, she would have given him a big contest!

After Wen Qing closed her eyes, the fear of the deep lake decreased a lot.

After a few minutes, Shang Ke called her: "Wen Qing, Wen Qing, look."

Wen Qing heard it, but didn't open her eyes, and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Shang Ke: "There are many flowers on the lake, take a look."

Wen Qing didn't believe it at all, she raised her hand and rested her chin, her eyes never opened: "I'm cheated every day, it's different, I believe you're the only one to blame."

Seeing that she didn't believe her, Shang Ke simply moved over.

Wen Qing felt the ship shaking, and the next second, Shang Ke came to her side and sat beside her, Wen Qing opened his eyes in a panic: "Hey, hey, what are you doing here?"

Shang Ke's expression looked a bit grim: "Didn't someone just swear that he wasn't afraid?"

Wen Qing: "..."

! !

Some people are inherently flat, not without reason.

The photographer at the bow tried his best to capture every frame of the interaction between the two guests, and found that it was so beautiful, every frame was like a painting.

Especially the female guest in the first episode is so beautiful. If this episode is broadcast, her appearance will be able to make the show more popular.

Shang Ke pointed to the lake over there for Wen Qing: "Look, there are many flowers."

Wen Qing didn't believe it at first, but since Shang Ke mentioned it several times, she should take a look.

Turning around, she saw many small white flowers on the lake surface that Shang Ke was pointing in that direction.

Wen Qing opened her eyes wide in surprise, pointed to the small white flower on the screen and asked, "What kind of flower is that?"

Shang Ke: "Sexy."

Wen Qing turned back slowly, and glanced at Shang Ke: "?"

Shang Ke looked innocent and asked, "Did I say something wrong?"

Wen Qing just ignored him.

There is still a distance of about fifty meters from the shore.

Ontata village is in sight.

Wen Qing found that the closer to the shore, the more small flowers on the lake surface, one by one, and some even grow under the water. She was sure she wasn't submerged, but really grew at the bottom of the water.

She asked the boatman what kind of flower it was.

Said the boatman: "Spiritual behavior."

Wen Qing's expression was shocked: "It's really called that name?"

The boatman smiled and nodded: "Yes, because the flower is very beautiful and it grows under the water."

Wen Qing: "..."

Shang Ke poked his head over: "I was still wondering why you showed that expression just now, so you didn't believe what I said."

Wen Qing touched her cheek with the tip of her tongue, turned her face away: "I thought you were scolding me."

Shang Ke chuckled: "I scolded you when I was recording the show, am I sick?!"

Wen Qing pursed her lips tightly and told herself not to talk to her, the camera was staring at her, and she had to maintain a beautiful appearance.

on another boat.

Aman put his hands on his knees and looked away: "Teacher Xu, look, my brother and sister Wen Qing do not get along with each other in private, but on the surface it is fine, the interaction is very loving."

Xu Jinyi also looked away, and couldn't help but laugh: "Every time I feel that the two of them can never communicate with each other, the next second they can talk calmly again."

In order to maintain the relationship between the two artists under him, Xu Jinyi was like an old woman, worrying about it.

Seeing that the two got along on the surface and interacted under the camera regardless of past suspicions, Xu Jinyi, an old mother, felt much more at ease.

"Well, I hope this recording goes well." Xu Jinyi said.

Aman echoed: "It will definitely go well."


The boat slowly approached the shore.

The photographer boarded the boat first, and when Wen Qing stood up, she felt that the boat was shaking and felt insecure.

He stretched his hand forward to stabilize his center of gravity, but Shang Ke's voice came from behind him: "If you don't mind, I'll go up first and then pull you."

Wen Qing didn't try to force himself this time, he turned his body slightly to get out of the way: "Then you go up first."

The protagonists are her and Shang Ke. Others, including the photographer, are not allowed to join hands casually, unless it is an emergency.

When Shang Ke went ashore, he stepped on the plank of the boat, and the moment the boat shook, he regretted it, and when he looked back, Wen Qing had already sat down.

Shang Ke coughed lightly: "Sorry."

Wen Qing waved his hand: "You go up first."

"Okay, just wait for me."

Shang Ke went ashore directly, then reached out to Wenqing: "Give me your hand."

Wen Qing got up slowly, tentatively passed his hand over slowly, Shang Ke grabbed Wen Qing's hand: "Come on, lend me the strength in my hand."

Wen Qing didn't have any ink marks, borrowed the strength of Shang Ke's hand, and went ashore quickly.

Shang Ke took half a step back, and Wen Qing almost fell into his arms.

Fortunately, it is stable.

"Thank you." Wen Qing pulled his hand back.

Shang Ke looked at his hands, and replied coolly, "You're welcome."

The road to the village was not long, after walking for about a few minutes, Wen Qing saw Wengtata Village.

A primitive Wa village appeared in front of my eyes. Because there was no special scene where the village chief officially introduced the village, Wen Qing's understanding of the village was entirely based on Xu Jinyi's explanation.

"This village has a very long history. There are people living in each of these thatched cottages. Look—" Xu Jinyi pointed to them: "There is a little girl."

Turning his head, Xu Jinyi found that Shang Ke was looking at Wen Qing, and shouted: "Shang Ke, don't keep looking at Wen Qing, look over here."

Shang Ke: "..." Why did you say it so loudly!

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