Since that incident, Ace seemed to recognize that he was Whitebeard's son, and he never assassinated Whitebeard again, and after two months, Whitebeard gathered 16 captains and asked Ace which team he would like to join.

Marko straightened his chest, taking it for granted that Ace would choose his first team, after all, he had 'enlightened' him before.

It's just that Ace looked at it for a week, pointed at Lu Yi and said, "I'm going to join the second team!"

Marko broke down and shouted, "Why, why?"

Ace said seriously, "I don't know, it's just that my intuition tells me to choose the second team!"

Marko flew away immediately, damn instincts!

Riku smiled and gave Ace a hug, "Welcome to the second team!"

Then Lu Yi quietly said to Ace, "Do you know that our second team has its own exclusive ship, Daybreak!"

Immediately Lu Yi smiled and pulled Ace to slowly leave in the envious eyes of many captains, sure enough, what should come will always come, and if it is not yours, it is not yours! For example, Ace only belongs to the second team.


Lu Yi quietly found Saatchi, rubbed his hands, and asked Saatchi, "Saatchi, did you handle the devil fruit on this ship?"

Saatchi touched his chin and said to Lu Yi, "What's wrong, Lu Yi?" Do you still want to eat the Devil Fruit, aren't you a Devil Fruit power?

Lu Yi smiled, "Isn't Gu Yina still not having a devil fruit, I'm not asking her~

" Saatchi showed an expression that I know, "Don't worry, wrap it around me, what kind of devil fruit do you want?" I'll find it for you!"

Lu Yi relied on the memory in his mind and said, "Lilac, shaped like a pineapple, snail spiral pattern!"

Saatchi nodded, "I'll help you keep an eye out!"

After that, Saatchi wanted to leave, but Lu paused and stopped him, "Wait, Saatchi!"

"What's wrong again, Rikuichi?"

Riku pursed his lips, "Watch out for Tichy!"

Saatchi was stunned, "Lu Yi, Saatchi is your team, how can you say such words?" Remember, only this once!"

Blackbeard often goes to Saatchi and asks him for cherry pie, so Saatchi's relationship with Titch is very good!

Lu Yi shook his head, I knew that he said the truth rashly, no one believed it, and he would also beat the grass and startle the snake, if you want to blame, blame Blackbeard for hiding too deeply, if Lu Yi is not a traverser........ I'm afraid I won't be suspicious of the humble Tiki who usually laughs!

Lu Yi muttered, then I'll be vigilant myself!


Although Rikuichi was already extremely vigilant, tragedy still happened, Saatchi fell in a pool of blood, and the first to discover was Marko...

When he found Saatchi, Saatchi still had this breath, and Marko saved his life with the 'flame of the immortal bird'.

After Lu Yi heard this, he quickly found Saatchi, and the two met, but they did not speak...

Rikuichi asked Dao Saatchi, "Did Titch do it?"

Saatchi smiled wryly, "Yes, I found the devil fruit you described, and I happened to meet Saatchi who came to me for cherry pie, and then he saw the devil fruit and showed a look that did not match usual, he was very strong, so strong that his hand penetrated my chest and I didn't have time to react....." Saatchi

said truthfully.

Lu Yi asked rhetorically, "And then?"

Saatchi continued, "Although you only mentioned it that day, I was still a little alert, because you are not the kind of person who comes out of thin air, so I quietly asked Luo to change my heart to the right side... For the sake of secrecy, I didn't say anything to Luo........,"

Lu Yi smiled and patted Saatchi's shoulder, "It's okay, you're okay!"

"Lu Yi, did you already know that Tiqi was not normal!"

Lu Yi shook his head, "I just feel that he is a little weird, and seeing that he likes to find you, I mentioned it, but I didn't expect it to be a word!"

"What kind of fruit is that devil fruit?"

"Nature Department, Dark Fruit!"


After that, Riku left the room, and the rest, he knew, Titch 'killed' Saatchi and fled with the dark fruit, and there was no wind from him for a long time.

Then he did not dare to eat the dark fruit, but jumped into the sea with the fruit, because if he ate the fruit, he would be abandoned by the sea and could not escape.

Lu Yi rubbed his temples with a headache, he was so vigilant........ Do we want to let the tragedy repeat itself again........

That night, Riku found Whitebeard, "Daddy, I'm going to get Tiki back!'"

Whitebeard shook his head, "Forget it, forget it, he is also

my 'son'..." Lu Yi said, "I am the captain of the second team, my team members have done this kind of thing, I can't feel at ease!" Daddy, let me go, even if it's a son, if you do something wrong, you need to be punished!"

Whitebeard was silent, for a long time, he nodded, "Lu Yi, don't kill Tichy.........."

"That daddy, you take care of the Daybreak..." Lu Yi did not answer Whitebeard's question head-on, but said to Whitebeard,

"I'm going too!" Suddenly, a voice came.

Lu Yi hurriedly said, "Ace, I'll just go by myself, what are you going to do?"

Ace said stubbornly, "I'm also a member of the second team!"

"Are you alone in the second team?" Lu Yi choked him.

Ace smiled, "I often drink with Tichy, and I want to ask him in person why he did it!"

Lu Yi still couldn't beat Ace after all, and the two embarked on the route to hunt Tiki.

Ace asked Rikuichi, "Captain, where are we going?"

Lu Yi thought for a moment and said, "Great Route, Magnetic Drum Island!"



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