On the third night, a bonfire was lit, and Ace and Luffy also arrived at this mountain, and his crew was scattered all over Wano Country, which was difficult to assemble in a short time.

However, what Lu Yi didn't expect was that Solon actually followed Luffy and them.

Solon yawned, his gaze sweeping over everyone with disdain, and when his gaze swept over Rikuichi and Gu Yina, Solon was stunned for a moment.

Immediately wiped his eyes, "Lu Yi! Guina!"

Luffy looked at this scene and smiled, "Solon, you know each other!"

Lu Yi beckoned to them, "Long time no see!"

Solon directly pulled out three knives and said to Guina, "Guina, I will defeat you this time!"

Gu Yina patted her forehead helplessly, and Lu Yi quickly laughed, "Forget it, Solon, now is not the time for you to fight, wait for the matter here to be over, let's have a good duel!"

Solon nodded and said to Guina, "Guina, this time, I will definitely defeat you!"

Gu Yina patted the knife on her waist, "Hmph, I won't lose!"

Rikuichi glanced at the knife on Solon's waist and asked, "This red knife is..." Solon

revealed a hint of memory, "My snow walk and 'Ichimo' destroyed when fighting with an ability to 'rust'..."

This one is 'Autumn Water', and the other one, I picked it up at sea, and later learned that it was called 'Crimson Chopper'!"

Solon said to Lu Yi.


On the ghost island in the distance, suddenly, Ember found Kaido in a little panic, "Lord Governor, it's not good!"

Kaido slammed the table, "What's going on again!"

Ember said helplessly, "Quinn's idiot, provoked bigmum!"

Kaido was stunned, "What would Kui provoke that old woman!"

Ember said, "I don't know, bigmum beat Quinn to death, and now he is drinking red bean soup in Quinn's prison!"

"Hmph! Find death!"

Kaido slammed the sturdy table in front of him into pieces, and instantly turned into a dragon that broke through the roof and disappeared into the air.

Ember looked at the broken roof and sighed helplessly... One or two, don't worry ....


"Sister Shinobi, are you really a 'charming' female ninja"?

Ayu asked Ayu with a look of envy.

Shinobu twisted his fat butt and said to Ayu, "Of course, I was a charming female ninja when I was young!"

Ayu looked envious, "I also want to become a charming female ninja wow!"

Ah Ren smiled and touched Ayu's forehead, "Hahahaha, don't worry, when you grow up, it will be!"

Jinweimon glanced at Ah Nin with a playful look, "You Yan didn't see it, and Ninjutsu didn't see it..."


Just as a few people were joking, a blue flame flashed in the sky, and Lu Yi's eyes flashed red, and then beckoned, "Hey, Marko, here!"

The blue flame paused, and the next moment, it appeared in front of Lu Yi, turning into the appearance of Marko, and Marko said to Lu Yi, "I'm exhausted!"

"Marko, hard work on you!" Rikuichi said to Marko.

Marco waved his hand, "No, what you want."

After that, Marko handed Lu Yi a box wrapped in a black cloth around his waist.

Lu Yi moved the drink behind him and said to Marko, "Marko, are you hungry?"

Marco gave Lu a blank look, "Nonsense, I've been flying for days in a row!" Just arrived in the country of Wano! You said I'm not hungry!'"

Lu Yi put his head to Marko's ear, "I'm hungry too, let's go, let's go grab something to eat!"

Marko: "Good guy, you have to grab food yourself!" This can..... It's so much fun!"

Immediately, one of them turned into blue light and the other turned into golden light and disappeared, and in less than two hours, Lu Yi slowly climbed the mountain with a huge boat.

The countless Gengjin Qi behind Lu Yi turned into two huge hands, holding the huge ship in the palm of his hand...

Ace asked, "Where did you grab this?"

"Guanyuan Village!"


With a burst of firelight, time slowly passed, and two days had passed in the blink of an eye, on this day, Lu Yi said that he wanted to retreat, and before he came out, everyone, could not disturb himself!

If he doesn't come out for ten days, let Marko inform Whitebeard....

In a cave where the mountain is relatively hidden, the walls of the cave are very smooth, which is dissolved by Shinobu using the ability of ripe fruit.

In the cave, there was a small box next to Riku Yi, and he was in the cave with Hancock.

Hancock looked at Lu Yi with a worried expression, "Lu Yi..... Do you really want to do this?

Lu Yi hugged Han Cook, "In life, there are always things that are greater than life, although I know that there are great risks... However, if it succeeds, it will be the fastest way to improve your strength!"

"But, you..."

Rikuichi interrupted Hancock, smiled, and said to Hancock, "Trust me!"


After Lu Yi sent Hancock out of the cave, with a wave of his palm, the golden air flow collapsed the rock at the mouth of the cave, and at this time, there was no longer a trace of light in the cave!

Lu Yi's eyes stood up, and he opened the small box, and a strange fruit came into view.

Lu Yi carefully picked up the devil fruit, and there was a feverish look in his eyes....

This is known as the most vicious devil fruit in history, the Dark Fruit!

Lu Yi knew that someone died after eating the second devil fruit, and the devil fruit was incompatible, this is common knowledge in this world!

However, in Lu Yi's view, the human body is nothing more than a body and an inexplicable 'soul'!

And his own body, after the awakening of the White Tiger Fruit, is already at the top, and he is a 'otherworldly soul' compatible with the original 'Lu Yi's soul, even the soul, is double the strength, what reason can't it be compatible with two demon fruits?

In addition, what Blackbeard can do, I can also do Rikuichi!

A crazy color flashed in Lu Yi's eyes, and he decisively picked up this purple devil fruit and took a big bite!



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