The cheating boy plays around in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 28 Spiritual Medicine Garden and Crazy Uncle

"Let's go to the elixir garden to hand over the hand first, Junior Brother Yuan, stand up!" Mo Fei waved his hand and threw a flying sword. The flying sword immediately enlarged to two feet long and stopped one foot above the ground. Mo Fei took the lead and left. Go up and stand at the back, and signal Yuanxiao to stand in the front.

As soon as Yuan Xiao stood firm, Mo Fei held down his shoulders from behind, and the flying sword immediately tilted slightly upward and soared into the air. With the whistling wind blowing by my ears and the panoramic view of the surrounding scenery, Yuan Xiao couldn't help but feel envious.

"Senior Brother Mo, how far can you practice to fly with a sword like you?"

"At the sixth level of Qi refining, you can fly with a sword for a long time. If you reach the foundation stage, you can fly with a sword for a long time, with faster speed and more flexible dodging and turning. The former still belongs to the category of controlling objects, and the latter It already belongs to the category of controlling Qi.”

"As for the more mysterious teleportation, it is an ability that only Yuanying old monster can master. Senior brother has seen very little of the world, and he has never seen Yuanying perform it with his own eyes!" Senior Brother Mo said and laughed at himself.

On the way, they flew over a large lake. There was a small island in the middle of the lake. Mo Fei pointed at it and said, "I usually live on this small island. If you encounter something urgent, you can come and find me!"

"Not far ahead is the courtyard of the Spirit Beast Garden. In order not to disturb the mother and daughter who are guests, let's go around it!" As he said this, Mo Fei controlled the flying sword to make a large arc, avoiding the spirit beasts at a distance. The area corresponding to the top of the garden.

Not far behind the Spiritual Beast Garden is the Spiritual Medicine Garden. The garden is not big, surrounded by fences and covered with vines, like a green wall, which looks pleasing to the eye.

A stream winding down from the mountain just flows through a corner of the elixir garden, which not only facilitates daily water collection, but also facilitates irrigation of the elixir garden.

Yuanxiao and Mo Fei jumped off the flying sword and landed just at the door of the yard.

"Liu San!" Mo Fei shouted.

At this time, a young man ran out of a house at the corner of the garden and shouted as he ran, "Senior Brother Mo, he's here!"

"This is our sect's new inner disciple, Junior Brother Yuanxiao, who is also the one who performed best in this selection test. Aren't you complaining here every day? It just so happened that today Junior Brother Yuan invited himself to manage this elixir garden. What do you do? Hand it over in a moment, I’ll find another job for you later.”

"Junior Brother Yuan, you settle down first. If you encounter any problems with your practice, go directly to the small island in the middle of the lake to find me. I have no intention of practicing recently and just want to find someone to chat with, so don't be afraid to disturb me!" After that, Senior Brother Mo Edgeworth leaves.

Liu San was happy at this time, finally looking forward to someone taking over. To say that managing this elixir garden is actually not difficult, because the area is not large, and the quantity and quality of elixirs that must be handed over to the sect every quarter are based on old rules, so it is not difficult to complete.

It’s not the sect that’s difficult to deal with, but a crazy old man, Uncle Crazy Master!

He doesn't pay attention to food, drink, or image, but he is picky and picky about the elixirs Liu San nourishes!

Every time the alchemy failed, Liu San would come over and complain, either because the herbs here were not spiritual enough, or because the age was not enough, or because there was insufficient water and light, or even there were insect holes on the leaves. How can little Liu San solve these problems? !

What's even more irritating is that the crazy master uncle directly built a garden within a garden in the elixir garden, openly claiming that all the elixirs in the small garden belong to him!

Liu San handed Yuan Xiao a list of elixirs that the sect needed to hand in every quarter, with types and quantities listed on it. In addition, he gave Yuanxiao an illustrated book of elixirs, which corresponded to the existing elixirs in the garden. He briefly talked about their names and uses, and then walked around a few small houses in the yard. The handover was completed.

Before Liu San left, he specifically pointed out the piece of land that Uncle Crazy Master believed belonged to him!

Yuan Xiao took a closer look at the land. There were several more types of elixirs in it, but the growth was not optimistic. Obviously, this crazy uncle was not a good at growing elixirs.

Yuanxiao chose a house on the far side, tidied it up, and settled down. After staying up all night in the mine last night, I could finally take a good rest, so I fetched a basin of water from the stream in the corner of the medicine garden and prepared to wash myself.

Yuan Xiao had an estimate in his mind that except for the crazy master uncle, there should be very few other disciples coming to this spiritual medicine garden. The place is vast and sparsely populated, and each disciple is in charge of his own stall. It is indeed a very quiet place. Of course, the two houses on the cliff in the mine should be cleaner. If you want to practice with peace of mind in the future, you can go there!

Yuanxiao suddenly remembered the three low-grade spiritual stones she received today, so she closed the door and took out the spiritual stones and the Apocalypse Pearl, preparing for a purification upgrade. After one stick of incense, the three low-grade spiritual stones turned into green medium-grade spiritual stones, and the small house immediately became full of spiritual energy.

The spiritual energy smoke emitted by the Apocalypse Pearl is more obvious than before. Apart from meditating and cultivating next to it for the body to absorb, how can we use this scattered spiritual energy?

Yuan Xiao suddenly thought that the heavy autumn fog in the countryside was actually just a lot of small water droplets floating in the air. The white smoke that comes out when boiling water for cooking is also small vaporized water droplets.

Clouds, small droplets, water!

Yun Xiao suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his head and threw the Apocalypse Pearl into the basin.

The Apocalypse Pearl was submerged by the freshly drawn stream water, and no spiritual energy clouds could emerge anymore. It seemed to have been intercepted or dissolved in the water. The clear water in the basin gradually gained color and began to turn a little gray.

After an incense stick of time, the entire stream water in the basin turned gray and white, and a strong spiritual breath wafted out, and the breath was relatively pure.

A basin of liquid containing spiritual energy! Of course, it is not pure spiritual liquid, because there is a lot of water in the basin, it can only be regarded as diluted spiritual liquid.

From the grayish-white color and the strength of the breath, Yuanxiao judged that this basin of spiritual liquid was much better than the spiritual energy of the mixed spiritual stone, but slightly worse than the inferior spiritual stone, and the spiritual energy quality was between the mixed spiritual stone and the inferior spiritual stone.

It is a pity that it cannot be used for cultivation, but what makes Yuanxiao happy is that if it is only used to irrigate the spiritual medicine garden, it is more than enough to cultivate those spiritual herbs and medicines, and it may even have miraculous effects.

These herbs are currently only planted in ordinary soil, where have they experienced such a luxurious treatment of being filled with spiritual liquid! Even if the quality of this spiritual liquid is not very high, it is undoubtedly a great tonic for them!

Yuanxiao put away the Apocalypse Pearl, opened the door, and brought this basin of inferior spiritual liquid to the territory of the crazy uncle in the medicine garden. He chose a spiritual medicine with dry leaves and bent head, sprinkled some spiritual liquid on the branches and leaves, and poured the rest into the soil at the root of the spiritual medicine.

As for whether these spiritual medicines will change as a result, we will see the results in a few days!

Yuanxiao decided to enter the mine tomorrow. Then he arranged the order according to the location of the cave entrances on the square. Every time he went there, he would sweep one or two mines to collect miscellaneous spiritual stones. The rest of the time he would seriously practice the Qi Refining Formula given by the sect.

Yuanxiao took out the booklet that recorded the Qi Refining Formula 1 to 3 levels, read it carefully, and began his first practice.

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