The cheating boy plays around in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 711: Comprehending the Initial Stage of Shrinking the Earth into an Inch

Feeling the severe pain in his left leg and neck, and his life in danger, Qilinzi surrendered immediately: "I only found one luck bead, and now I'll give it to you!" Qilinzi then took out a luck bead with his left hand, which was immediately taken away by Yuanxiao.

Then Yuanxiao let go of Qilinzi's wrist, and then with a wave of his hand, Xiaojin and Xiaohuang also let go of Qilinzi and retreated to Yuanxiao's side.

"My name is Qilinzi, may I ask what your name is?"


"Yuanxiao, that golden mace is of great importance to me. It is a legacy given to me by my master. Can you give it back to me?" Qilinzi had to be humble because the initiative was not in his hands.

Yuanxiao thought for a moment and responded: "Yes, but there are conditions. If you don't attack the five of us before the end of the luck battle, I will return the golden mace to you then."

"But what if your people attack me? Can't I fight back to protect myself?" Qilinzi questioned.

"As long as you don't go to the pillar of luck of the demon clan, I guarantee that no one will attack you!" Yuanxiao gave a guarantee.

Qilinzi was a little hesitant. On one side was the inherited golden mace given by his master, his favorite weapon; on the other side was the interests of the demon clan, and he wanted to compete for luck with the demon clan.

"Qilinzi, I will only remind you once that the luck beads belong to everyone. Whether the demon clan gets two more or two less, it will not have any big impact on you, at least not directly; but the golden mace is really your own thing. If you say you don't have it, you'll lose it. You have to think clearly!" Yuanxiao began to persuade again.

Qilinzi struggled for a moment, and finally said: "Yuanxiao, I believe you once, I hope you keep your word and return the golden mace to me before you go out."

"No problem, but it may be given before you go out, or it may be given after you go out, because if we fight hard later, I may not have a chance to give it to you in the secret realm. It depends on the actual situation at that time, but at the latest, I will return it to you immediately after you go out of the portal." Yuanxiao told the truth.

Hearing Yuanxiao say this, Qilinzi was relieved. Because this shows that Yuanxiao really wants to return the golden mace, only a big liar would agree to it.

Qilinzi decided not to go near the pillar of luck of the demon clan before the holy land of luck is closed. But the luck bead still needs to be found. If it is found, it will be handed over to the companions when they meet. Anyway, he will not go to the pillar of luck of the demon clan.

Yuanxiao was overjoyed when he saw Qilinzi's back gradually going away. After this battle, it is equivalent to removing Qilinzi, a powerful opponent, and there are only 4 people left on the other side who can fight. Even if the 4 people return to the pillar of luck of the demon clan together, there is a road and 4 people guarding there, and they can't take advantage of it.

"Xiaojin, continue the hide-and-seek game!" Yuanxiao got on Xiaohuang and started his journey to find the luck bead again.

So far, Xiaojin has found 6 luck beads, plus the one he snatched from Qilinzi, Yuanxiao currently has a total of 7 luck beads, but this is definitely not the final result.

Xiao Jin is indeed a treasure hunter. He soon found another luck bead, but this luck bead was more alert and flew away in an instant. Yuan Xiao immediately used the flash escape and chased after it, getting closer and closer.

Suddenly, Yuan Xiao fell into that magical state again. In his eyes, the distance between the luck bead and himself was instantly reduced to less than one-tenth of the original, as if the space was distorted. Yuan Xiao was overjoyed and jumped over. In an instant, he came to the luck bead and grabbed it.

The luck bead was like a spirit. It was instantly scared silly and did not move in Yuan Xiao's hand. Finally, Yuan Xiao took it into his pocket.

Yuan Xiao was puzzled by the magical state of space distortion and distance shortening just now. Because it works sometimes and not sometimes, he occasionally enters this state, but it is not absolutely controllable, and he cannot decide when to enter. It means that Yuan Xiao has only touched this threshold, but has not fully understood it, so it is a bit out of control.

Yuan Xiao stopped where he was and began to think about this state, trying to find some clues.

First, this state always appears when I move quickly and use the Flash Escape continuously, which means that this state is related to the Flash Escape and the high-speed movement of the fluid.

Secondly, this state always appears when Yuan Xiao has a clear goal. Previously, it was the end stone platform during the selection test, and just now it was the Qiyunzhu flying in the air.

Could it be that as long as you immerse yourself in the state of controlling the fluid, have a clear goal, and use the super body skill of the Flash Escape continuously, you can trigger this magical state? Yuan Xiao decided to try it.

Yuan Xiao chose a big tree in the distance, then immersed himself in the state of controlling the fluid, then used the Flash Escape to flash over instantly, and then flashed back. This time, only after the third flash, Yuan Xiao entered that magical state again, feeling that the big tree was right in front of him, and he really jumped to the bottom of the big tree. Looking back at Xiao Jin and Xiao Huang, they seemed to be right in front of him, and he jumped to the front of the two beasts with a light jump.

Xiao Jin was stunned: What's going on, little master? How come he suddenly became like a ghost while dancing, coming and going as he pleased, more than ten times faster than before!

Xiao Huang was even more confused: Mom, what kind of fairy trick is this? Did you secretly become a fairy? Why didn't you tell us in advance so that we could be mentally prepared. Mom, you are the eternal god in my heart!

Yuanxiao struck while the iron was hot and spent a cup of tea to practice intensively. Finally, he found the trick to enter the magical state. Basically, he could enter the state in the second move, and sometimes he could enter it directly in the first move. It turned out that practice makes perfect.

Yuan Xiao put away her thoughts. Although she still had doubts in her heart, she thought that Tian Yuanzi was outside. She would just ask Tian Yuanzi for advice when she went out. The main task now is to continue looking for the luck beads.

With Xiaojin around, the luck beads are like stars in the night sky, with nowhere to hide. Xiao Jin relied on his treasure hunting talent and fast flying speed to find the Luck Beads again and again.

Yuanxiao relied on the Shining Escape Technique and magical status to make it impossible for the luck beads to escape. Although they moved very fast, they were not as good as Yuanxiao. Therefore, in only half a day, Yuanxiao had 13 luck beads in his hand.

As the number of luck beads left in the secret realm gradually decreased, it became less easy to encounter the luck beads. It was not until night fell that Yuanxiao got the 15th luck bead.

After that, Xiao Jin searched for the whole night but did not find any new luck beads. So Yuanxiao guessed that the remaining five luck beads were most likely captured by the five demon clan members.

However, this is just a guess after all. The five demon clan members do not have treasure hunting experts like Xiao Jin to help them, and it is also very difficult to find the luck beads. Therefore, there is another possibility, maybe they only found part of the remaining 5, and there are still some luck beads wandering in the secret realm of the Holy Land of Luck.

Yuan Xiao suddenly remembered that the Qi Luck Pearl exuded an aura that was somewhat similar to the original power of the small world of humans, monsters and demons that Yuan Xiao had used to extract from the Apocalypse Pearl before. Could this be a breakthrough?

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