The next day.

Feng Yuluan got up, and there was no one around her.

The sun had already shone in through the window, and the room was full of warmth.

The next second Feng Yuluan seemed to smell the aroma of cooking.

Then she took the Twin Pill, got up, put on her nightgown and walked out of the room.

Tang Zhou was humming in the kitchen, busy making lunch. Seeing Feng Yuluan coming, he smiled and said, "Yuluan, go wash up first! You can have lunch in a while."

"Okay." Feng Yuluan turned around and went to wash up.

Tang Zhou served the porridge, and saw that all the food was on the table. After doing all this, he stood aside patiently, waiting for Feng Yuluan to wash up and eat together.

Tang Zhou looked at the large table of food he made by himself, and his heart was full of pride and satisfaction.

He imagined that Feng Yuluan would be surprised and happy to see this table of rich food.

Recalling the past days, he was always busy with work and rarely had time to cook for Feng Yuluan.

Today, he got up early, picked the freshest ingredients in the refrigerator, and spent a whole morning preparing this table of food.

"Wow! You made all these!" Feng Yuluan asked in surprise when she saw a table of delicious food.

"Hmm." Tang Zhou nodded proudly.

He looked like he was asking for praise.

"Baby, you're awesome!" Feng Yuluan said, kissing Tang Zhou on the face.

Tang Zhou's handsome face instantly turned red, and after coughing awkwardly twice, he asked her to sit down and eat quickly.

I don't know when this matter will end, and whether I will have the opportunity to make these delicious foods for her in the future.

I don't know if there will be a power outage or water outage here. If it does, it will be a big trouble.

I still need to find something to store some water resources today.

I simply shook my head and stopped thinking about it.

He called Feng Yuluan to eat.

The two of them ate and laughed, chatting happily.

After dinner, Tang Zhou washed the dishes and the two chatted for a few more words, then went about their own business.

Feng Yuluan returned to her room to practice, while Tang Zhou went to the study to continue to review previous research reports, trying to find out the cause of plant mutation.


He Chanrui was quickly packing up the medicine in his hand.

As time went on, things became more and more uncontrollable!

These plants were too aggressive, and they were of different sizes, so it was sometimes difficult to find small mutant plants.

They would bleed if they bit lightly.

It was no longer safe here, and he had to pack up and leave immediately!

His laboratory was filled with all kinds of precious medicines and experimental equipment, and he could only choose the most important things to take away.

He carefully put them in the safe.

Not long ago, when He Chanrui's team was researching a new plant growth medicine, they mixed a deadly chemical into it. He named this medicine "plant mutagen". He thought that this medicine would only promote plant growth, but the facts proved that he was wrong.

When the plants came into contact with the drug, they began to mutate at an alarming rate.

Their roots became extremely strong and could easily break through the ground, and their branches and leaves became hard and sharp enough to hurt people.

What's more terrifying is that these plants began to have an appetite for humans. They regarded humans as food and began to attack humans frantically.

There was a huge panic all over the world. People didn't dare to go out. They hid at home, hoping to escape the disaster.

But the plants didn't intend to let them go. They kept attacking human homes, trapping humans inside, and then feasting on their flesh and blood.

He Chanrui realized his mistake, but it was too late.

Regret not listening to the team and selling the drug so quickly.

It caused a worldwide disaster!

He couldn't bear the consequences, so he could only discuss with his assistant how to avoid the disaster.

"We must leave here as soon as possible and go to the base to hide." He Chanrui said. "There is enough food and water there, and we can survive there for a while."

"But what about the plants outside?" asked the assistant. "It's not easy for us to break out!"

He Chanrui was silent for a moment, then said: "Let's drive over!"

The two packed their luggage and left their laboratory.

The scene outside frightened them. Plants had occupied the entire city. They shuttled through the streets, looking for traces of humans.

He Chanrui and his assistant crossed the street carefully. They did not dare to make a sound, for fear of attracting the attention of the plants.

Just as they were about to reach the base, a huge plant suddenly appeared.In front of them.

Its body is tens of meters high, and its branches and leaves are like sharp swords, which can easily kill people.

He Chanrui and his assistant looked at the plant in horror, and they didn't know how to deal with it.

"Run!" He Chanrui shouted. The two turned around and fled, but the plant had caught up. Its roots entangled He Chanrui's feet.

At the critical moment, He Chanrui grabbed the assistant's hand, pulled him down, and threw him behind.

The assistant was thrown in front of the plant, and the plant immediately retracted the vines that grabbed him and grabbed the assistant, who was entangled by the plant.

Swallowed by the plant, his screams echoed in the air.

He Chanrui witnessed all this with his own eyes, and his heart was pounding with fear.

He knew that he had to leave here as soon as possible, otherwise he would be eaten by this plant.

He Chanrui took a step and ran wildly in the direction of the base. His heart was full of fear and despair, but he knew that he had to hold on, only in this way could he survive!

Finally, He Chanrui arrived at the gate of the base.

He knocked hard on the door, hoping that someone could hear him.

After a while, the door slowly opened and a soldier appeared at the door. "Boss! It's you!" the soldier said in surprise. "How did you get here?"

He Chanrui didn't have time to answer his question. He pulled the soldier in and closed the door. "The plants have mutated and they are starting to eat people!" He Chanrui said with a heavy breath.

The soldier turned pale after hearing his words. "This is terrible! We must take measures as soon as possible!" the soldier said. "We have enough food and water to stay here for a while."

He Chanrui nodded, and he knew that he was finally safe.

But there was a trace of sadness and guilt in his heart. He knew that his mistakes had led to the deaths of countless people.

But he could do nothing about this ending.

"Boss, go in quickly." The soldier said respectfully, pointing to the road ahead.

"Okay." He Chanrui strode in with the safe.

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