After the test was successful, the base began to put it into large-scale production because the required materials were very common.

And these potions were gradually spread around the base.

They also specially made a condensation technology to hit these potions in the sky and turn them into raindrops, which would save a lot of manpower.

After the base leader made the medicine, he immediately sent people to other military bases to share the medicine and formula.

Feng Yuluan didn't say goodbye to the leader until the vegetation in this urban area returned to normal.

The leader wanted to pick up Tang Zhou in person, but he was busy with the restoration and construction here and couldn't leave, so he sent Zhou Ruixi to lead a team to follow him to the first base.

So Feng Yuluan took Zhou Ruixi and others to the first base.

The first base.

"Damn, look, is that Sister Chen back?" A soldier looked at the car in front and said.

Sister Chen, this time she went out for more than a month before coming back, they thought something happened to her!

"Yes, it's him. I remember this car. Why is there a military truck behind her?" said another soldier.

"What should we do?"

"What do you mean? Open the door. My sister Chen is back. How can we not open the door?" As he said that, the soldier walked into the guardhouse and opened the ramp of the gate.

Feng Yuluan waved to them and drove straight in.

The car drove straight to He Chanrui's mansion.

"Mr. He, Captain Chen is here, and she brought a troop with her." He Chanrui's housekeeper said.

Humph, he was just thinking about looking for her, but she came to the door herself.

"Troops? Where did the troops come from?" He Chanrui said in confusion.

"This... I don't know either." The housekeeper shook his head.

"Let them in." He Chanrui collected his thoughts.

After a while, Feng Yuluan brought them in.

"Mr. He, nice to meet you." Zhou Ruixi smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Hello, may I ask who you are?" He Chanrui looked him up and down to make sure he had never seen this person before.

"I'm General Zhou Ruixi from our city's military base." Zhou Ruixi introduced himself.

"Oh, it turns out to be General Zhou. Nice to meet you!" He Chanrui smiled and stretched out his hand.

"General Zhou, Captain Chen, please take a seat."


After sitting down, He Chanrui asked, "General Zhou, is there anything going on this time?"

They haven't contacted the outside base for five years. He has a bad feeling about the sudden arrival of someone this time.

"It's like this. I came here this time mainly to see Tang Zhou."

"Tang Zhou?" He Chanrui felt more and more uneasy.

"Yes, Mr. He, where is he now? Is it convenient to call him over?"

He Chanrui looked at them with an embarrassed look.

"This." He hesitated and couldn't say a word.

Tang Zhou stopped him on the street yesterday in front of so many people and said something he shouldn't have said. He had already put him in the confinement room.

"Mr. He, what's wrong? Is it inconvenient?" Zhou Ruixi said puzzledly.

"He..." He Chanrui pretended to be embarrassed and said, "General Zhou, Captain Chen, at this point, I have nothing to hide. Tang Zhou is actually the culprit of this pollution accident. I told him not to sell this research, but he insisted on doing so, which led to such consequences. Everyone knows about this. I have no choice but to temporarily put him in the confinement room."

Feng Yuluan had expected this and just smiled disdainfully.

Zhou Ruixi didn't quite believe him either, because before this, Feng Yuluan had already explained all the ins and outs of the matter to them and provided them with various evidences.

"I heard from Captain Chen that Tang Zhou's list, in addition to the potions for restoring these plants, has been submitted to you. Can you show it to me?" Zhou Ruixi said tentatively.

"Everyone was deceived by him. He didn't provide any potions at all. They were all fake." He Chanrui denied that he had taken the potion formula.

What did Zhou Ruixi not understand when he heard this? He clearly wanted to put all the responsibilities on Tang Zhou's head and gain both fame and fortune for himself.

Zhou Ruixi stopped talking nonsense with him and immediately told him that their potion was very successful and they could run around freely outside.

He Chanrui was shocked and incredulous, but he still tried to argue at the last moment.

"Mr. He, you endanger the public security of the country and you are now under arrest." As he said that, two soldiers came in from behind and handcuffed him.

"Why do you arrest me? I am the leader of the First Base and the king of the First Base!" He Chanrui struggled desperately, but still couldn't resist the well-trained soldiers.

"Although this land has experienced vicissitudes, it is still a complete country and no one can be king!" Zhou Ruixi stopped talking nonsense and had someone hold him down.Afterwards, the base broadcast was used to convey the good news that the outside world had returned to normal to all the people, and to clear Tang Zhou's name and reveal the culprit behind it.

From today, their base is fully taken over by the military.

They only need to stay for another week, and after the military sends people to check the safety issues, they can move back to their original place.

The people were all in tears!

After five years, they are finally going to end their lives here!

Those who have been suppressed are already a little impatient.

After Zhou Ruixi dealt with the matter, he went to meet his parents.

Tang Zhou was also released, and the family reunited.

A week later.

Everyone evacuated the base one after another and returned to the previous urban area.

The urban area that had not been inhabited for five years was overgrown with weeds, and many houses were covered with plants. They were no longer violent and man-eating plants, but healthy creepers.

The citizens worked together to remove these obstacles and clean the weeds on the road.

By nightfall, the entire city had been almost cleared.

Feng Yuluan and her family also had dinner at their original home.

During the meal, Feng Yuluan announced the good news that she was pregnant with her second child.

The whole family was very happy!

Especially the two boys, who had already started preparing gifts for their future younger brothers or sisters.

Everything was back on track, and the military shared the next formula with people all over the world and made potions for them.

Two months later, the world returned to peace.

Feng Yuluan was given the title of military general, and Tang Zhou was rated as an excellent biologist. The names of the two were resounding throughout the country.

They became the objects of belief for countless students and people.

Five months later, Feng Yuluan gave birth to a pair of twins, a boy and a girl, and the whole family loved them very much.

Qianqian and Wanwan were already in school, and they always thought about their younger brothers and sisters every time they got out of school.

The old couple Zhou lived next door to their house and often came to visit them to help her take care of the children.

Feng Yuluan finally had some free time.

Fifty years later.

Tang Zhou held Feng Yuluan's hand on the hospital bed and cried.

"Okay, stop crying and smile." Feng Yuluan said with a smile.

Tang Zhou really couldn't laugh and cried even louder.

Feng Yuluan looked at her children and granddaughters beside her, smiled and closed her eyes.

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